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REVIEW: Midori Days DVD 1

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Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:03 pm Reply with quote
THis is an excellent review and totally in line with my impression of the series (I was english translation editor for one of the higher quality fansubbing groups when this was fansubbed exactly 1 year ago) that I got from working on and watching this series last year.

I will also say that though many will be able to predict what will happen in the end of this series (which skips ALOT of the manga sidestory material and adventures (we don't see ANY of the american foreign exchange student, or the girl who's obsessed about midori, or the mad scientist bent on disecting midori), but does so in quite a decent way and avoids the rushed feeling found in many manga->anime adaptions), it ends in a way that leaves you feeling all warm inside and quite satisfied (like you feel after having a very delicious and filling dinner, with a glass of your favorite beer....mmmmm, nap time).

Very worth any anime fan's attention. I'm hoping to see this on the buy shelf in the next edition of "Shelf Life".
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:16 pm Reply with quote
Review wrote:
Although Midori Days has a good amount of violence, none of it is bloody and a lot of it is on the cartoonish level.

Rating wrote:
Rated: Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)
Erm, is this a generic rating? I find it confusing. Question
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:32 pm Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:
Review wrote:
Although Midori Days has a good amount of violence, none of it is bloody and a lot of it is on the cartoonish level.

Rating wrote:
Rated: Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)
Erm, is this a generic rating? I find it confusing. Question

Yep, it's a generic rating, as I've seen some "may contain" stuff listed on animes where it is not present in the encyclopedia before.

Can anyone tell me why the DVD is sideways, or what the benefit of doing that is?
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Joined: 29 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:42 pm Reply with quote
Necros Antiquor wrote:
Can anyone tell me why the DVD is sideways, or what the benefit of doing that is?

I think because it's eye-catching. You don't see other anime like that, so it's probably so it will stand out. It did catch your attention, didn't it?
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 6:12 pm Reply with quote
Wow, midori's day has one of the worst dub ever. The person palying midori sounds like a grown women that's trying to sound like a little girl. My ear bleeds everytime I watch this dub.
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 6:38 pm Reply with quote
Even though there are dubs that are extremely well done (Cowboy Bebop, GiTS, Wolf's Rain), I only watch the anime subtitled, and won't watch it dubbed unless I'm with other people.

So, your best bet is to ignore the dub and watch it subtitled.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 6:41 pm Reply with quote
Well, it seems Key hesitates to be critical of dubs in the majority of reviews he's done. While I find the reviews well written otherwise, I tend to gloss over that portion of the review due the lack of objectivity that I find in them. - Just my opinion, YMMV.

I try to go for a more balanced view when it comes to dub vs sub anymore these days. I see the necessity and arguments on both sides and try to keep an open mind for any and all series out there. My take? I used to sit on the fence - then I tore down the fence where I was sitting and decided to build a house on top of the line instead. Wink

Even so, it's better (IMO) to at least recognize any portions of the dub that are decently done. I haven't seen enough of this dub to pass judgement one way or the other.
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 7:08 pm Reply with quote
I have to admit. The dub outtakes on the extras, while probably forced, at least gave me a chuckle or two (acctually, a pretty good one in the diary scene).

I also like how in the dub, Seji's gym teacher sounds like Satan (and it sounds ridiculiously hilarious if your DVD player can control sound levels and intonation keys. Anime hyper)

But really. I feel the review was pretty good, and I love the series quite much. =P
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 10:12 pm Reply with quote
kusanagi-sama wrote:
Even though there are dubs that are extremely well done (Cowboy Bebop, GiTS, Wolf's Rain), I only watch the anime subtitled, and won't watch it dubbed unless I'm with other people.

So, your best bet is to ignore the dub and watch it subtitled.

Well I'm a reasonable guy and not totally bias like most sub fan, so I will watch it in both language. Most DVD I buy or rent, I will watch the dub first though. If the dub is horrible or out of place, then I watch it subtitle. If not then i'll watch it subtitle the second time aroud.

Even though Elfen lied had stale dub acting, it was tolerable..., sadly I was really turn off and annoyyed by Midori and Seiji's voice and could not get past the first episode.
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 10:51 pm Reply with quote
Guess we'll have to disagree on this dub, then, darkhunter. I like the performances of the leads quite a bit and thought both well-suited the characters. (And really, "one of the worst dubs ever?" I could name at least a half-dozen titles off the top of my head that are far, far worse than this one.)

And to reply to Godaistudio's comments: yes, my basic reviewing philosophy puts the dub at an even rating with the sub unless I have a compelling reason to rate it down - which I do sometimes do. I don't go into a review automatically assuming that the dub is inferior just because it's not the original performance, however.

Besides, I've never made my bias on this point a secret. Just look at my staff profile. Smile
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 11:56 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
And to reply to Godaistudio's comments: yes, my basic reviewing philosophy puts the dub at an even rating with the sub unless I have a compelling reason to rate it down - which I do sometimes do. I don't go into a review automatically assuming that the dub is inferior just because it's not the original performance, however. There's enough other people around here who do that, so I feel a certain commitment towards providing an alternate viewpoint.

Besides, I've never made my bias on this point a secret. Just look at my staff profile. Smile

See, I put more thought into it than that for some reason. I can't assume both ratings will be the same from the get-go because the performances are different.

Acting, cast ensemble, script, and direction all have meaning to me and are important in my reaching my judgement of the performance. Since it's originally in Japanese, I do keep artistic integrety in mind as well. This does not mean one is inherently better than the other, but it does mean comparing the two.

If a performance is stale on one side compared to another, I think the rating should reflect that. There several dubs that I think are equal or better than the original Japanese. I appreciate experimentation, and love it when studios try to take a different approach to do things better.

I enjoy the performing arts and am going back to school for it. It may be for personal reasons, but I care more about the effort that goes into judging how well a dub is done. Somehow, putting things at an even rating in order to "equalize" what the dub bashers do somehow cheapens the efforts of all the actors and crew involved, regardless of the language and performance.

When it comes to the rest of your review process, especially with regard to the content, I find it to be thoughtful and well written. I generally find no reason, other than what I've stated above, to complain about your reviews.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. - that's my take on the subject.
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 3:02 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Guess we'll have to disagree on this dub, then, darkhunter. I like the performances of the leads quite a bit and thought both well-suited the characters. (And really, "one of the worst dubs ever?" I could name at least a half-dozen titles off the top of my head that are far, far worse than this one.)

Okay i was over exaggerating on one of the worst dub ever. I was caught up in the moment at that time when I was watching it and I wasn't judging your review either. Actually I didn't even read your review, I just put down what I felt and this thread happen to discuss Midori's DVD. Now that I read your review and watch more of the dub, I would have given the dub a C.

Sieji's voice sound ....weird, it that bad though but just sound kind of out of character. I just can't stand Midori's voice acting though. I also remember watching ROD TV's dub and the kid's voice (during flashback) got on my nerve big time. Anyone else feel the same way? It just doesn't sound like a kid, but like Stuey from MadTV. FMA has great dub, because the kid actually sounds like a kid.
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:54 am Reply with quote
Shiki MSHTS wrote:
The dub outtakes on the extras, while probably forced, at least gave me a chuckle or two (acctually, a pretty good one in the diary scene).

I kinda thought that the outtakes were a bit on the overkill side and wern't needed.
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:55 pm Reply with quote
Godaistudios wrote:
See, I put more thought into it than that for some reason. I can't assume both ratings will be the same from the get-go because the performances are different.

Acting, cast ensemble, script, and direction all have meaning to me and are important in my reaching my judgement of the performance. Since it's originally in Japanese, I do keep artistic integrety in mind as well. This does not mean one is inherently better than the other, but it does mean comparing the two.

If a performance is stale on one side compared to another, I think the rating should reflect that. There several dubs that I think are equal or better than the original Japanese. I appreciate experimentation, and love it when studios try to take a different approach to do things better.

I enjoy the performing arts and am going back to school for it. It may be for personal reasons, but I care more about the effort that goes into judging how well a dub is done. Somehow, putting things at an even rating in order to "equalize" what the dub bashers do somehow cheapens the efforts of all the actors and crew involved, regardless of the language and performance.

Apparently I didn't explain myself as well as I had intended. My primary intent isn't to "equalize" ratings; I just assume that the dub is starting on the same footing and rate it up or down from there. I do look at the scripting and performance qualities when I rate English dubs as well as how well the dub represents the original Japanese performances. Most of the time in more recent titles, at least in my experience, there isn't a substantial enough difference in quality to warrant a variance in rating. (I also do not judge that some variance on the scripting automatically warrants a lower rating. It depends entirely on the context of the variance and how close the rewrite stays to the spirit of the original script.)

And I fully agree that some dubs are improvements on the originals. Unfortunately there's some people that absolutely refuse to acknowledge that such a thing is even possible. Sad
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 6:06 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Godaistudios wrote:
See, I put more thought into it than that for some reason. I can't assume both ratings will be the same from the get-go because the performances are different.

Acting, cast ensemble, script, and direction all have meaning to me and are important in my reaching my judgement of the performance. Since it's originally in Japanese, I do keep artistic integrety in mind as well. This does not mean one is inherently better than the other, but it does mean comparing the two.

If a performance is stale on one side compared to another, I think the rating should reflect that. There several dubs that I think are equal or better than the original Japanese. I appreciate experimentation, and love it when studios try to take a different approach to do things better.

I enjoy the performing arts and am going back to school for it. It may be for personal reasons, but I care more about the effort that goes into judging how well a dub is done. Somehow, putting things at an even rating in order to "equalize" what the dub bashers do somehow cheapens the efforts of all the actors and crew involved, regardless of the language and performance.

Apparently I didn't explain myself as well as I had intended. My primary intent isn't to "equalize" ratings; I just assume that the dub is starting on the same footing and rate it up or down from there.
That's one area where I just disagree a little bit. I don't go in assuming anything about the performances. I think it's more honest that way. Besides, due to the nature of perfoming arts, there should be an expectation of differences.
I do look at the scripting and performance qualities when I rate English dubs as well as how well the dub represents the original Japanese performances. Most of the time in more recent titles, at least in my experience, there isn't a substantial enough difference in quality to warrant a variance in rating. (I also do not judge that some variance on the scripting automatically warrants a lower rating. It depends entirely on the context of the variance and how close the rewrite stays to the spirit of the original script.)
Due to the necessity that lip flaps create, it would be stupid to not take this into account. If it goes off into left field and wanders, then there is a problem.

And I fully agree that some dubs are improvements on the originals. Unfortunately there's some people around here that absolutely refuse to acknowledge that such a thing is even possible. Sad

I have a small list of dubs that I think work better than the orignals. Like I said, there is more than one category I consider when looking at the dub product.

My thoughts in the end? If you find the acting was flat in one vs another, don't forget that the +/- sign has a purpose. Wink
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