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REVIEW: Neon Genesis Evangelion DVD 3

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El Oso

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:33 pm Reply with quote
have never felt that any significant meaning was lost, however, and some of the little extra touches (such as Asuka’s German invectives) give the dub a more complete and well-rounded feel than the subs do.

That was one of the few things I liked about the dub. Too bad I didn't care much for Tiffany Grant.
The former is done by Tiffany Grant and husband Brian Granveldt

Hummmm... for some reason I thought she was married to Matt Greenfield. Oh well, shows how much I know. Laughing
The sound is distinctly better (although a good stereo system is required to fully appreciate it)

I can vouche for that!
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:58 pm Reply with quote
"One of the greatest highlights of the series is its English dub, which I have long considered to be the pinnacle of achievement in English voice work on an anime title. If there is a finer dub of any anime title out there, I have not heard it."
Oh Yes, especially the voice of the German born Japanese girl who just happens to have a Texan accent. Without a doubt the best ever. Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:15 pm Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:
Oh Yes, especially the voice of the German born Japanese girl who just happens to have a Texan accent. Without a doubt the best ever. Wink

You think it's that obvious? I never notice it. There are a couple of supporting actors with much more distinctive Texas drawls, though.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:21 pm Reply with quote
El Oso wrote:
The former is done by Tiffany Grant and husband Brian Granveldt

Hummmm... for some reason I thought she was married to Matt Greenfield. Oh well, shows how much I know. Laughing

Brian Granveldt and Matt Greenfield are the same person. Key provided links to both names in the review. Wink

I thought Tiffany Grant's performance as Asuka was one of the best dub performances of any anime character that I've heard in the years that I've watch anime. It also helps that Ms. Grant speaks fluent German; it brings more life to this lively and energetic character.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:24 pm Reply with quote
El Oso wrote:
have never felt that any significant meaning was lost, however, and some of the little extra touches (such as Asuka’s German invectives) give the dub a more complete and well-rounded feel than the subs do.

That was one of the few things I liked about the dub. Too bad I didn't care much for Tiffany Grant.
I've never been a big fan of the Eva dub myself. To each their own I suppose.

The former is done by Tiffany Grant and husband Brian Granveldt

Hummmm... for some reason I thought she was married to Matt Greenfield. Oh well, shows how much I know. Laughing
She is.
Granveldt is the psuedonym he uses when doing the voice work.

The sound is distinctly better (although a good stereo system is required to fully appreciate it)

I can vouche for that!
And I appreciate every bit of it.

hrm... looks like Biliano beat me to the Greenfield comment.

Last edited by Godaistudios on Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Renaisance Otaku

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:27 pm Reply with quote
I completely disagree on Tiffany Grant "embodying" Asuka. As much as I've like her in other things, she ruins Asuka when I hear her. Miyamura Yuko brought a uniqueness to the character. Even when she was being stubborn, you heard that sadness, that depth that makes the character so great. Grant's voice just makes her sound like a total brat. She's one of my favorites in the sub, and I practically hate her in the dub.

Evangelion is still my favorite sub cast. Every character has such a distinct sound and quality to their voice that fits the multidimensionality of the characters. Most of the seiyuu are among my favorites. I was introduced to watching Eva by owning the first dub tape, but the sub is one of the few that changed my preference to subs. I really can't stand most of the Evangelion dubbing anymore(having Asuka, an American who's only lived a bit in Germany constently saying "dumbkoff" was always streatching things for me, and the changing of several voices throughout bugs me). The Cowboy Bebop or FLCL dubs are much better in my book. I regard every member of the dub cast for different characters. Though I admit, at times it's better than the travesty of some dubs(like ADV's own misguided Nadesico dub). Still, I'm never popping my two dub tapes in my VCR again. After seeing the sub, the dub is outclassed in every way.Wink

Personally, I still pass on the remaster. I alreasdy own this series, and have no intrest in these commentaries. To each their own I suppose.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:52 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Mohawk52 wrote:
Oh Yes, especially the voice of the German born Japanese girl who just happens to have a Texan accent. Without a doubt the best ever. Wink

You think it's that obvious? I never notice it. There are a couple of supporting actors with much more distinctive Texas drawls, though.
To a "foreign" ear like mine that hasn't been educated in a mid-western US school it's blaringly obvious. I've been to Germany a few times on me hols and believe me I've never heard any German speak like they were educated in Dallas. If it is true that Ms Grant can speak fluent German I can not see why she could not have at least tried the put a German accent to her character. It's a good example how nepotism can ruin an otherwise good production. BTW, you obviously didn't think much of the dub for Cowboy Bebop then?
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Glory Questor

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:06 pm Reply with quote
First, good review, Key.

Actually, I think that the "Grenveldt" / Grant commentary on this DVD is the best one of them. It seems like they really had a lot of fun doing the commentary for this one, and the other commentary on Volume 4 as well.

(Volume 6 features them again, but with Sean McCoy, the "Evangelion Lecturer". I just didn't enjoy that one as much as the two mentioned above, though. Maybe because they commented on the original version of Episode 22 and not the more insightful Director's Cut version...

btw, OT, Mr. McCoy must have the most attractive job for animation fans: "Seeking lecturer of animation called Future City Evangelion / Neon Genesis Evangelion -- talk at conventions, travel all over the country, pays very well. Extensive knowledge of philosophy, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Bible a must." Now, what Eva fan wouldn't take a job offer like that? Wink )
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Joined: 08 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:44 pm Reply with quote
I'm surprised how many people think highly of the Eva dub. I enjoy lots of good dubs like Bebop, KareKano, etc, but from the beginning I thought the Eva dub was cringe-inducing, with the characters all sounding very miscast (some sounded too old or young for their characters, I thought). The only character I thought was right on was Rei. I recall my brother and I rented the last or second-to-last volume of Eva (since we knew that dub casts often got better with time), but it still had parts that were laughably bad. Oh well, all matter of opinion.. but geez, with the way people carry on about how much the FMA dub sucks (which sounds pretty good to me), I think this is far far worse and is a good example of how much dubs have gotten better in recent times.(As in... Eva is the past, look how far we've come.. I can't word things well right now.. -_-)
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:39 pm Reply with quote
Jadress wrote:
I'm surprised how many people think highly of the Eva dub.

I was surprised too. I always hear bad things. Shocked And even when I watched a few minutes of it, I cringed too. I don't like the actors at all. =/ But I'm also very attached to the original cast.

I second Renaisance Otaku's comments about Asuka. Asuka is one of my favorite characters ever... when in the manga or voiced by Ms. Miyamura. Anime smile; No offense to Ms. Grant, however.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:44 pm Reply with quote
I don't like the Eva dub. Or to be more honest, I think it's a piece of crap. I can't even bear listening to it, the voices are extremely annoying.
Oh well, rating it higher than the Japanese original is kinda ridiculous, but I guess everyone has their own opinion. If the English dub floats the reviewer's boat, it's his/her problem. Rolling Eyes

Last edited by AlDim on Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:02 pm Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:
To a "foreign" ear like mine that hasn't been educated in a mid-western US school it's blaringly obvious. I've been to Germany a few times on me hols and believe me I've never heard any German speak like they were educated in Dallas. If it is true that Ms Grant can speak fluent German I can not see why she could not have at least tried the put a German accent to her character. It's a good example how nepotism can ruin an otherwise good production. BTW, you obviously didn't think much of the dub for Cowboy Bebop then?

Hmmm, well, it's possible I don't notice it for that reason, since I am Midwestern born and bred and have never spent more than a few days outside of the Midwest.

Oh, I like the Cowboy Bebop dub a lot; I'd rank it at least amongst the Top 10 English dubs I've heard, maybe even the top 5. For me, though, the NGE dub still outclasses it.

I figured I'd get a lot of comments with such bold statements about the dub, but I stand by them. To my ear, there hasn't been a better English dub made for any anime title. This observation is based on my experience with the dubs for somewhere over 130 different titles. (And no, I'm not trying to be elitist or start a silly who-can-top-who argument here. I'm just trying to point out that I am not some newbie basing this on limited experience.) Others will, of course, have dissenting opinions, and you're welcome to them. (But really, "laughably bad," Jadress? Are you sure we're talking about the same series?)

I know what I like and what I see as quality. If you disagree, then state what you think is the best - and comments like "all dubs suck" or "I don't ever watch dubs" will be disregarded. This is a challenge for those who do watch dubs regularly.
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:12 pm Reply with quote
Jadress wrote:
I'm surprised how many people think highly of the Eva dub. I enjoy lots of good dubs like Bebop, KareKano, etc, but from the beginning I thought the Eva dub was cringe-inducing, with the characters all sounding very miscast (some sounded too old or young for their characters, I thought). The only character I thought was right on was Rei. I recall my brother and I rented the last or second-to-last volume of Eva (since we knew that dub casts often got better with time), but it still had parts that were laughably bad. Oh well, all matter of opinion.. but geez, with the way people carry on about how much the FMA dub sucks (which sounds pretty good to me), I think this is far far worse and is a good example of how much dubs have gotten better in recent times.(As in... Eva is the past, look how far we've come.. I can't word things well right now.. -_-)

I agree that the Eva dub wasn't that good. A few minor characters came of well, in addition to Rei's voice actor, but most of the voices sounded just okay. I'm not saying the dub was bad, it just wasn't good, sounding like they were in-between "cartoonizing" the voices like in American cartoons and doing a serious dub with realistic talking. (I do, however, love Asuka's German accent when she speaks German.) I watch plenty of dubs since most of my anime comes off TV (since I can't buy every single DVD I want), and the Eva dub doesn't come anywhere close to the Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Witch Hunter Robin, and Big O dubs that I thought were very well done. But of course, that's just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
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Joined: 08 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:18 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
(But really, "laughably bad," Jadress? Are you sure we're talking about the same series?)

Well, I am thinking of one scene in particular that has stuck with me. Now granted I saw the dub when the series was originally released on VHS however long ago that was, so it's been a while, but I remember one scene near the end of the series (please bear with me now, because I haven't rewatched Eva in YEARS as well) spoiler[where Ritsuko is in a dark room breaking down in front of Gendou, and in the dub she screams out "...EVEN WHEN YOU MAKE LOVE TO ME!!!" ] I never even remembered a line like that from the sub when I watched this and it came out as so melodramatic or just.. bad.. that my brother, a friend who was present, and myself just started cracking up. I dunno, this is just what I remember. Differing opinions.. ^^;[/spoiler]
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Joined: 19 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:49 pm Reply with quote
I suppose, for me, that I enjoy the dub simply because I am attatched to the cast (Allison Keith is my favorite dub actress EVER!). I enjoy the dub very much, but to say it's so wonderful really is stretching it. There really are parts when the dialogue just sounds wrong and I think to myself "why did they say it that way instead of going with the original??" NGE was dubbed back in a time when dubs were not all that good I think, they had different standards. So compared w/ a lot of excellent dubs today, it really falls short in a lot of areas. I still enjoy the dub much more than the sub though.
Jadress, that very same scene made me and my friend crack up laughing. Haha Laughing
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