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The Slayers anime.

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Joined: 18 Mar 2012
Posts: 2
PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:00 pm Reply with quote
This post is for all the Slayers fans and people who are serious about the story line and history of the Slayers (anime, manga and GN's). Here is my problem with the anime. In the world of the Slayers, there are four Lords: Chaotic Blue, Dark Star (Armace's world), Ruby Eye Shabranigdu (Lina's world), and Death Fog. And Shabranigdu had subordinates: Deep-Sea Dolphin, Dynast Grauscherra, Greater Beast Zelas-Metallium, Chaos Dragon Gaav, and Hellmaster Fibrizo. If the world of the Slayers revolved around Ruby Eye's plane, why hasn't Zelas-Metallium, Deep-Sea Dolphin and Dynast Grauscherra made an appearance in the anime at all? (Yes Xellos is the right hand man to Zelas-Metallium but why hasn't she shown herself yet). My other question is since Lina and the others dealt with Dark Star, what is happening with Chaotic Blue and Death Fog. It just doesn't make any sense that the first season, Slayers Revolution, and Evolution-R was all about the resurrection of Shabranigdu. Revolution and Evolution R has to be counted together and the over all story was the same idea as the first season (resurrecting Shabranigdu). Why cant there be seasons of the slayers that talks about the other Dark lords or even Deep-Sea Dolphin, Dynast Grauscherra, and Greater Beast Zelas-Metallium. It just doesn't make sense on how five important figures in the slayers are all left out of the anime. Any thoughts about this issue?

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Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:17 pm Reply with quote
Them not appearing may have to do with the fact that the Slayers world doesn't revolve around Lina Inverse (at least, not all the time).

Dynast and Dolphin appear later in the novels.

Lina and the others haven't dealt with Dark Star. That whole season is made up and hasn't happened as far as Kanzaka's continuity is concerned. Other dark lords stick to their worlds, of course. What would they want with Lina's world, anyway? Revolution and E-R are largely filler as well.

And it actually makes perfect sense that other dark lords stay in their worlds and high-ranked demons stay out of the picture. As I've said, the world does not revolve around Lina (not all the time, at least).

Anyway, bottom line: my thoughts on the issue are that it isn't an issue at all.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:54 pm Reply with quote
You have a point and i like it. The other lords/high ranked demons does not need to bother with Lina. Regarding the other subordinates of Ruby Eyes they should have stepped in at one point. The whole reason for the higher ranked demons is to resurrect Ruby Eyes (unless they went astray ie Gaav and Hellmaster). So they should try and do something in Lina's world since Ruby Eyes is there. The other Dark lords how about they do something like Lost Universe (Granted that lost universe may or may not have been part of the Slayers story as a whole, I never saw it). Meaning make an anime focusing on there worlds or something without Lina since she's not at their worlds. Its just too much untold storylines in the Slayers (anime at least) that I want known.
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Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:11 pm Reply with quote
The other subordinates of Shabranigdu are indeed doing something, like searching for other pieces of Ruby Eye's soul and trying to unseal them. As Lina doesn't have one hanging around her, there's no reason for them to bother with her. They are active, just not at the same time and place as Lina. And as I've said, they do appear in the later novels. And I don't get why J.C. Staff made another season of half-fillers (some parts of the story are actually present in the novels so it's not completely made up) instead of adapting the further novels. As it is, I just hope they return to those at some point before Hayashibara Megumi resigns.
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