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Pay per Play Napster-like for anime ($1 per episode)

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Joined: 02 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:53 pm Reply with quote
as you all may know, Napster name right was bought for $5 million and was turned into a 'pay per play' program where each mp3 song cost you $1 and an album cost you $10. The first week of service, there was 600,000 downloads or $600,000 for the company. The new napster is not the only service availble with this kind of service. Others like Rhapsody and the more popular one "ITunes" by Apples which already sold I believe 20 millions song.

My question is this: If there is a pay per play Napster-like for anime where each episode cost you $1, would you buy it?

Of course, if there is a Napster-like for anime, there will be no more fansub because all the rights will be bought or licensed around the the world (not just in America). You have two choice to watch anime either this Napster-like or DVD. One set back is that there will be no dub, but on the other hand all subtiles will in the major languages (English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Korean...etc) with professional translators.

You could even watch anime before it comes out in Japan if the studio release it. Of course, for every episode bought for $1, the anime studio get about $0.90 back (the other $0.10 goes to hiring people to work the program, marketing, bandwidth, stuff like that). So you know that each $1 you spend on an episode, 90 cents will go directly to the anime studio which fund them with $$$ to make better anime.

A way to look at it is that this will legalize the 'fansubbing' by turning it into a 'paysubbing' where the studio will get 90% back instead of 0% as right now beside DVD sales. In addition, there will be a lot more anime from the past that will be release that we don't know about. Beside the one that are/were licensed, everything else that is not will be place in this pay per play napster-like anime. Each studio will get $0.90 for every $1-purchased anime that they created.

I myself personally, will buy it. $1 per episode.

If all the anime studio get together, they can fund and create something like this with 100% of the profits doing directly to them.

I thought of this because I don't believe fansub is legal (but I use it anyway). I would purchase anime on DVD but I am too broke. (I can't afford $180 for a 26-episodes series). However, with $1 an episode, I can afford it. And a lot of people will too.

So what do you people think? Will you buy it? $1 per episode and yours forever as long as your computer last?

p.s. why don't this already exist? Why don't all the anime studio in Japan think of this and work together to create a Napster for anime? If 100,000 people download 1 episode per day, that is $100,000 or about $36.5 millions a year. (the statistic at this one fansub site which I won't mention shows that 50,000 episodes are downloaded via bitTorrents every day).
So $36.5 millions is a very low estimate.

Anyone has any idea why this hasn't been done before?

If you have the money and the computer know-how, you can get rich by creating such a program, and licensed all the anime that DVD companies like ADV do not want, thus in affect, destroying all the fansubs, forcing the people using fansub to buy DVD or buy your $1 an episode. Who know, for every $1, you could get $0.30 and the anime studio get $0.70.

so what do you people think?

If there is such a thing, would it work?
Why would it work? or why won't it work?

If all the anime, except the one that was already bought by the DVD companies, were to be licensed would this force the fansub communities to go extinct since every single anime now is licensed?

Would you buy/download it? What if you don't have a fast internet connect, would you still download it at a pace of 10 hours per episode?

Would this benifit the anime studio?

p.s. I believe that 20 years from now with bigger and faster computer, there will be no more blockbuster or video store because you can digitally download movies, music into your house for a price that is much cheaper than today's value because they are no CD, DVD disk,no retail sales, thus reducing about 50% of the cost. Anime can be the front runner of this right after music, which has been done by Napster, Rhapsody, and Itunes.

p.s. have anyone thought of this before?
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 1:14 am Reply with quote
if there are 50,000 bit torrent downloads per day, which cost $0 each, why would there be twice as many downloads for something that costs money?
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Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 1:23 am Reply with quote
This is one of the worst ideas i've heard in a while. Come on dude a dollar an episode, that's twenty-six dollars for a season long show. Right now places like suncoast charge twenty-six dollars for a four episode dvd. The anime studios wouldn't be able to fund any of there shows, because everyone is not going to buy every single show released, and even if they start a show they may not be able to, or want to finish that show.

Also many people wouldn't necessarilly have access to high speed internet, or high speed internet that would make downloading high quality episodes of a series not a hassle. For the money challenged anime fan, this would be great, but it would put dvd distributors out of buisness, and put a lot of studios out of buisness, if there new series didn't take off.

Also the medium this is on would turn off a lot of people, I for one prefer watching anime on my big screen tv, rather than on my computer monitor. Although we may one day get the internet on tv's, most people still use it on their computer, making their computer the only place to watch the anime they download.

I also don't see how this eliminates fan-subs. Fansubbers would now just be able to download a show and put it on their site for free, your Itunes-esque(sp) service would just make their lives easier. Bootleggers would also just be able to take the anime and put it on their dvds. They could then sell the dvds for cheap, and many people who wouldn't normally go near a bootleg would buy them so they could watch their anime somewhere other than a computer.

This is purely speculation but I would be inclined to believe that the anime studios would make much more money liscensing their products to a distro company than putting their anime on the internet for one dollar.

If somehow you made this program, which I hope you don't, the only way to get the anime companies to bite would be to put the episode cost higher, to a few bucks lower than if you were to buy the episodes on a dvd. This would turn off most people, who might as well buy a dvd, then download something.

The downloading part also rubs me the wrong way, because there are so many things that could go wrong with a download causing you to lose the episode and your money, which you wouldn't necessarilly get back because customer service isn't perfect.

You also shouldn't have the program be the same as the music programs that are coming out now. You keep making it seem like it will be something like Itunes, but that's just silly, a single episode of an anime is about 25 minutes long with color video (except for some of the really old shows) but a song like you might buy on Itunes is a few minutes and only has audio. There's just no way this type of service for anime could work the way you say it would....I'm sorry for the rant...
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 1:30 am Reply with quote
i say up it to about 5.00, unless they're lreally old shows.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 3:06 am Reply with quote
FirstExile wrote:

So what do you people think? Will you buy it? $1 per episode and yours forever as long as your computer last?

Not to be contrary, but it sounds like your trying to advertise something that doesn't even exist! Yes, I can very easily picture that in the not-too-distant future anyone will be able to legally download movies, TV shows, and anime for a reasonable fee. However, it will be more than $1 per episode. ITunes charges $10 for an album, in the store that album would cost what $13? That's a savings of 23%. So, for a DVD that would cost $25 in a store you might be able to download it for something like $19. Not bad, but way more than you're thinking of.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 5:07 am Reply with quote
Video Napster will never exists likt that. The buzz word here is streaming video. YOu don't download anything, just stream the episodes. The $1-%4 charge just gives you the right to stream the file to yourself for some period of time. The music industry looks like it is going to do this too.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 2:48 pm Reply with quote
FirstExile wrote:
p.s. have anyone thought of this before?

Bandai and Microsoft are way ahead of you.

It will only be streaming downloads though, at $1 per episode they'd be losing money by letting you keep them. I could see perminent downloads being more worth while at $3-4, that's about what an episode is worth minus the solid stuff like DVDs, DVD cases, inserts and extras.

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Joined: 24 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 3:18 pm Reply with quote
I would not go for downloading episodes, if its $1 or more. I hate downloading, even if I have a fast connection speed, which I don't. I like to have hard copies. That is why I opt for DVDs, instead of downloading Anime.

I, too, hate watching Anime on my computer screen, and would rather have it on my TV.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 3:41 pm Reply with quote
umm, it said "PAY PER PLAY" as in, you pay $1 each time you watch it. wich of course, someone will find a way to pirate, so everyone is still right Razz ... it IS an interesting idea, but would have to be VERY widely used for said distributor to make any profit
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space clam

Joined: 11 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:24 pm Reply with quote
Streaming video maybe, but only for those who don't have cable TV, or can't otherwise obtain anime. It would also be a near-requirement to have *at least* broadband internet. I operate off of a 28.8K dial-up, therefore I have no use of such technology. In order to be cost effective, each downloadable episode would be about $6.54. (Take Trigun, a $200 box set, 26-ep series, costing about $170 by this method.) Unless this method proves to be more cost-effective for the consumer, I can't see the average person using this idea AND TV/DVD.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 10:13 pm Reply with quote
Most people don't bother with paying legally when they can just get it off of kazaa and they really have nothing too worry about because no one really enforces the laws on these things, they get a few people who are behind it and all the thousands if not more get away with it. The video game market has a problem with things like kazaa now because of emulators that you can play just about any game on. My main point is why are people gonna pay for it off of something like napster when they can just get it off of kazaa anyway. Myself and a few friends all have optimum online and all of them but myself download so many games and one of them downloaded so many Naruto episodes in a very short period of time. I don't really support the whole thing pay-per-play thing for anime and movies I only think its good for songs.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 2:22 am Reply with quote
First and foremost, this is all hypothetical stuff. However, the technology is there through Kazaa and bitTorrents for downloading anime if you have fast internet connection, which many of people do possess. It takes about 45-50 minutes per episode.

Second of all, since this is hypothetical stuff but if there is such a program, it would try to eliminate as much 'pirating, illegals' usage as much as possible.


-get rid of all the fansubs (since virtually every anime will be licensed). Pirate or illegal fansubs site will be sued if they continue to distribute licensed anime.

- the relative inexpensive $1 per episode will get rid of most people who try to 'burn' and 'sell' anime illegally. A blank DVD disk costs about $1, if you burn 4 episode, you would sell the 'burned' disk at what price?
4 episode costs 4 dollar through pay per play napster, and 4 episodes would costs less than 4 dollars through the illegal burn DVD in order to attract customers. Would you buy an illegal DVD that cost $4 when you can get the same DVD for $4 through legalized pay per play Napster?

-also, the program can creat its own 'avi' or 'mpg' or 'ogm' files for anime. If you don't have the right codec, you can't play. The only way to get the 'Anime player' or Anime Codec is that you subscribe to the 'pay per play' Napster.

-In addition, you can prevent cheats by setting up a 'play list' where the file you downloaded has to match the file in your play list.
For example, I buy 12 kokuki ep 1 for $1. It appears on my playlist. Next, I can download it any time I want. When I want to play it, I click on it, the file will match with the 'play list', the file will play, if it doesn't match, it won't. So for example, if I get the same 12 kokuki ep 1 from Kazaa but since I don't have it in my play list, it won't matched, thus it won't play.

For those that do not want to watch anime on the computer monitor, why don't you hook your computer to your TV or entertainment system? that way you can watch anime (including fansub anime) on your big-screen TV.

someone mentioned that if people download 50,000 via fansub, why would 100,000 episode be download through 'pay per play' Napster?

my answer is simple, this fansub site is only one of many and it has this many episodes downloaded per day, just do the math. There are another fansub sites like this, and add in how many anime would be downloaded per day through Kazaa and other p2p programs like it. Seriously, you don't think 100,000 episodes can be sold per $1 a piece per day? Let's take Naruto for example, each week how many people would download it? Add in Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, Full Metal Alchemist and other recent released fansub anime????
Add in the number in Europe, Korea, China, Australia, South Africa, Canada...etc.

Here is another question, how many people around the world do you think downloaded the last episode of Kimi Ga nozomu eien?
If 100,000 people did it, that's $100,000 for the anime company. Multiply 100,000 by 14, that's $1.4 million.
IF the anime studio go through the DVD route, assuming that the series get licensed by ADV for example, would it get $1.4 million in return? If you do some research, you will find that the anime studio only get from 5-8% in royalties. So if a total of $100 million of Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien in DVD sales is sold, the anime studio will get back 5-8 millions dollars. In order to get $1.4 million sold, ADV for example would have to sell $28 millions in DVD sales for Kimi Ga nozomu eien.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 2:26 am Reply with quote
if there are 50,000 bit torrent downloads per day, which cost $0 each, why would there be twice as many downloads for something that costs money?

that statistic is from [this is a bittorrent website], add in other stat from other fansub site and p2p programs like Kazaa, you don't think 100,000 is a realistic estimate?

Add in the fact that it is cheap ($1) and easily available for all through out the world if they have access to the internet?

slow internet would take about 8 hrs, fast one would be around 50 minutes.

Here is another way to look at it....
How many people are there in the world who has access to fast internet and like anime?

If there are 500,000 across the world that are like that, and 1/5 of them buy anime at $1 per epsiode per day, you would get 100,000 episodes sold.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 2:39 am Reply with quote
Gekigangar3 wrote:

This is one of the worst ideas i've heard in a while. Come on dude a dollar an episode, that's twenty-six dollars for a season long show. Right now places like suncoast charge twenty-six dollars for a four episode dvd. The anime studios wouldn't be able to fund any of there shows, because everyone is not going to buy every single show released, and even if they start a show they may not be able to, or want to finish that show.

The anime studio wouldn't be able to fund any more shows? I think they would get more money from it because only 2% of their anime show are licensed, they will put the other 98% that will never be licensed through this pay per play program.

Also many people wouldn't necessarilly have access to high speed internet, or high speed internet that would make downloading high quality episodes of a series not a hassle. For the money challenged anime fan, this would be great, but it would put dvd distributors out of buisness, and put a lot of studios out of buisness, if there new series didn't take off.

DVD distrubutors out of business? DVD distributors have no link with DVD anime studio. They are just a business partner. IF the DVD anime studio find a more effective way of doing business, they will switch in order to make money.

Fast internet is the way of the future.

Also the medium this is on would turn off a lot of people, I for one prefer watching anime on my big screen tv, rather than on my computer monitor. Although we may one day get the internet on tv's, most people still use it on their computer, making their computer the only place to watch the anime they download.

Hook your computer to your TV. IT is so easy to do, then you can watch anime on your big screen TV that is played by the computer.

I also don't see how this eliminates fan-subs. Fansubbers would now just be able to download a show and put it on their site for free, your Itunes-esque(sp) service would just make their lives easier. Bootleggers would also just be able to take the anime and put it on their dvds. They could then sell the dvds for cheap, and many people who wouldn't normally go near a bootleg would buy them so they could watch their anime somewhere other than a computer.

Fansub sites say that they will not fansub anime that are licensed. virtually all anime will be licensed upon being added to this pay per play program.
Bootleggers: $4 for 4 episodes legally or $5 for 4 episodes illegally through burned or bootleg DVD.

This is purely speculation but I would be inclined to believe that the anime studios would make much more money liscensing their products to a distro company than putting their anime on the internet for one dollar.

do some research, the anime studio only get about 5-8% in royalties. That mean for every dollar sold, they only get back 5-8 cents. The rest go to the distrubutors, dubbing, marketing, DVD cost, retail, sales, ......etc....

If somehow you made this program, which I hope you don't, the only way to get the anime companies to bite would be to put the episode cost higher, to a few bucks lower than if you were to buy the episodes on a dvd. This would turn off most people, who might as well buy a dvd, then download something.

The downloading part also rubs me the wrong way, because there are so many things that could go wrong with a download causing you to lose the episode and your money, which you wouldn't necessarilly get back because customer service isn't perfect.

You also shouldn't have the program be the same as the music programs that are coming out now. You keep making it seem like it will be something like Itunes, but that's just silly, a single episode of an anime is about 25 minutes long with color video (except for some of the really old shows) but a song like you might buy on Itunes is a few minutes and only has audio. There's just no way this type of service for anime could work the way you say it would....I'm sorry for the rant...

You don't believe it would work, I do. Because I estimate that if there are 200,000 anime-fans out there with fast-internet access out of 6 billions people from across the world, and if those people spend $365 per year, then those people would buy $200,000 per day. That is $72 millions per year.
How much money do you spend a year on anime?
$365 dollar for 365 episodes or $170 dollars for 26 episodes. You do the math. Which one do you think most people will prefer?

If there are 400,000 anime-fans out there with fast-internet connection out of 6 billions people, then that would be $144 million per year.

How many anime-fans with fast-internet connection do you think are out there living in this world?
how many in the US? Canada? Korea? China? Europe? South Africa? Australia? India? South America? etc...?

if there is only 200,000 people that like anime, it would still be a fortune ($72 million). With 80% of the $72 million going to the several anime studio in Japan.

Remember that not every animie is licensed. Think of how many anime does each studio owned and how many of those anime are licensed? If you are the owner of that anime studio and there is a program out there that could get you $0.80 per episode sold of an anime that have zero chance of being licensed, would you give it a try? Heck, if only 13,000 episodes are downloaded for a 26 series (or about 2000 per episodes) you will get $10,000. The other alternative is ZERO. JUST LETTING THE ANIME ROT IN THE HOPE THAT ONE DAY IT WILL BE LICENSED. YEAH GREAT BUSINESS STRATEGY THERE MATE>

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Joined: 02 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 3:01 am Reply with quote
ShellBullet wrote:
FirstExile wrote:

So what do you people think? Will you buy it? $1 per episode and yours forever as long as your computer last?

Not to be contrary, but it sounds like your trying to advertise something that doesn't even exist! Yes, I can very easily picture that in the not-too-distant future anyone will be able to legally download movies, TV shows, and anime for a reasonable fee. However, it will be more than $1 per episode. ITunes charges $10 for an album, in the store that album would cost what $13? That's a savings of 23%. So, for a DVD that would cost $25 in a store you might be able to download it for something like $19. Not bad, but way more than you're thinking of.

how many people have enough money to pay $25 for 4 episodes or $170 for 26 episodes series?

I don't. I watch most of my anime through fansub. It is fast and easy. IN a day I can downloaded up to 26 episodes. I do n't have to waste money on the gas or the time to go to the store.
I would love to support the anime studio (or 5-8% in royalties that they got from each DVD sold) but I don't have that kind of money. Not $170 for something for something I already seen for free. ON the other hand, if there is no fansubs out there, but a program in which I pay $1 per episode, I will definately buy it. And so will many many others.
Let say there are 10 people buying the 26 episodes of Last Exile for $170. How many people will buy the 26 episodes of Last Exile in the comfort of their own home, in which all they have to do is click on a file and wait 50 minutes?

The later already exist. But Instead of 26 episodes for $26, it is FREE. And it is for anime that are not licensed and not likely to be on DVD any time soon.

p.s Do you know how long you have to wait for a DVD for come out?

12 kokuki, my favorite anime of all time, is released once every 2 months.

I seen up to epsiode 42 through fansub, yet I will have to wait until March to get the fifth volumes. It will take another year to get up to episode 42.

Anime studio should have set up a program to distribute their unlicensed anime to the public NOW AND AT A LOW PRICE.

Let assume that scrapped princess will not be licensed and never will. If it is distribute through pay per play at $1 per episode, how much money do you think the company will get for their 24 episodes? Right now, (assume that it will never be licensed) they will ZERO MONEY for it.

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