Now, I have noticed a lot of fansub debates around here recently. I don't get why everyone gets so angry, or why people always feel the need to discuss this. Everyone's heard everyone's opinions on it a million times. Like, an Answerman thread can turn entirely into a fansub debate. Isn't there better, new things to debate about? When something like that happens, nobody even bothers talking about the other things from the article. And, almost everyone here has downloaded fansubs one time or another. So it makes no sense to get all mad about it. Can't we all just be a little nicer to each other? I hate looking at those threads because all I see are people criticizing one another, sometimes in very mean ways. I've been to a few anime forums, and to be honest, this is the only one where people are constantly arguing about it. Other places, people accept that there are people that watch it, and lots have legitimate reasons (some people just can't afford it). Most people on other websites actually admit to watching them, because most anime fans do. Yes, people know it's not the right thing to do, but people are going to do it. People always have, people always will, and so far, I haven;t seen it affect the industry. So, can we all just forget about this age-old fight and talk about other things? I admit to posting myself, to post my views (because I try to defend everyone) but I only do it to defend everyone.
I also do realize it's a debate and it's meant to be argued over, but when everyone starts calling other people criminals and such, I think it's getting out of hand. It's a personal choice and really is no one else's business to say that you're wrong. Not to mention that most people that say how bad it is do it (or have done it) themselves, making them hypocrites.