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Fullmetal Alchemist Season One Set?

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Joined: 01 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:11 am Reply with quote
So, this morning I was browsing through the online stores and I was doing a search for FMA DVDs when I came across this: http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=7402526&style=movie&BAB=M It says that the FMA season one DVD boxset will be released this June 05th but can anyone confirm if this is true or just a goof up? I've only seen this boxset listed at this site but this online store is usually pretty reliable and they never sell bootlegs, so I'm really hoping this is true. If it is, I will definitely be picking this up ASAP because I love FMA and I had been waiting on a boxset forever because it's just too expensive to buy the DVDs, though I was actually considering caving in and trying to collect the singles before I saw this set.
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Amethyst Alchemist
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:27 am Reply with quote
I think somebody else asked this question and nobody was quite sure. Well I just googled "fullmetal alchemist box set" and "fullmetal alchemist collection vol. 1-6." A lot of different sites have the set listed with the same picture. So it looks like this is legit. I also saw one site that might possibly have listed a first and second part of dvds for "season 1". I'm wondering if it is actually called "season 1" because I don't know how they would divide the show into "seasons." The release date listed for this was different on pretty much every site, some of them listing dates in the past. To me it looks legit, but very recently announced.

I'd probably buy them even though I already have all the single discs because I am that much of an FMA freak! Embarassed Wink
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God Gundam

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:10 pm Reply with quote
If FUNimation hasn't announced anything, it's a bootleg.
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Joined: 22 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:14 pm Reply with quote
Oh, wouldn't that be irony, if they started announcing boxsets literally the day after I manage to complete my collection of the singles.

But like God Gundam said, I'd wait until FUNi says anything before getting my hopes up.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:08 pm Reply with quote
There is a blank listing on Play.com along with the blank listings for the standard and limited edition of the movie. This would suggest that there will be a UK boxset release in the near future so I imagine a US release would be turning up at a similar time.
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Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:23 pm Reply with quote
They recently showed up on Amazon for pre-order but quickly went "currently unavailable". When they were up however, there was both a season one box set as well as a season one 'part A' and season one 'part B'.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:35 pm Reply with quote
Kouji, I just took a look at RightStuf and they don't have anything listed yet. I'm going agree with God Gundam and think that it's a bootleg.

But what really makes me think that is A) no artwork B) (and most damning) is the regular prices of $62.35! $62.35?!?! Puh-leese! There is NO WAY on this semi-green earth that Funi is going to release FMA for that price. $89.99 on sale, perhaps but not $62.35. Nope, no way.

I'd wait until you get an announcement from Funi, TRSI or see an ad for it here on ANN.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:20 pm Reply with quote
Okay, heres the thing-

Retailers do know about these sorts of releases, their release dates, and what not before various distributors actually announce them to the public. Some wait for a certian date till they announce them, but others such as CDuniverse are quite dubious about when they list them.

CDUniverse do also not stock bootlegs, because Bootlegs do not come from official channels. if anything, the reason CDUniverse is advertising this is because it's going to come out, it's just FUNimation haven't said so in a press release.

It's legit. The date and price may change, who knows, but for all intents and purposes that listing is as legitimate as every other volume of Fullmetal Alchemist listed on that site.

To delve a bit further-


But what really makes me think that is A) no artwork

No box art can be solicited if there is no box art ready. This happens all the time with Anime releases, even when they're on TRSI or Amazon.

B) (and most damning) is the regular prices of $62.35! $62.35?!?! Puh-leese! There is NO WAY on this semi-green earth that Funi is going to release FMA for that price. $89.99 on sale, perhaps but not $62.35. Nope, no way.

If you didn't see it, there is a bit saying "List Price $89.98 (You save $27.88)". When a DVD solicitation is made, they have a Reccomended Retail Price (this being $89.98), however they sell it to said stores for less, and the store can choose what to sell it at. CDUniverse, DVDpacific, and Deepdiscount have cheaper stuff because they sell nearer to what the store pays for it. Therefore, they get less profit per unit, but theoretically sell more to make up the difference.

Hope this makes sense.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:03 pm Reply with quote
[quote="LydiaDianne"]But what really makes me think that is A) no artwork B) (and most damning) is the regular prices of $62.35! $62.35?!?! Puh-leese! There is NO WAY on this semi-green earth that Funi is going to release FMA for that price. $89.99 on sale, perhaps but not $62.35. Nope, no way./quote]How does the price of $62.35 suggest to you that this is a bootleg? In case you didn't actually read my post, this is a boxset for the first season, as in season one, as in not the entire show. If this is legit, assuming that the "first season" means the first 26 or so episodes of the series, the $62.35 would be a completely reasonable price for this set, especially given that's about the same price CDUniverse sold Funi's Fruits Basket boxset for. And Steven is right that CDUniverse does not sell bootlegs. I've bought several DVDs from them in the past and every single one of them has been completely legit. I know it's most likely not a bootleg as this site hasn't been known to sell bootlegs before. I've just been wondering if this is either a mistake on the site, an online store exclusive like Rightstuf's CCS mega bundle set, or if it's really the real thing.
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Joined: 29 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:42 pm Reply with quote
Thanks to my buddy Steven for answering the obvious "questions".

This doesn't surprise me considering I just picked up a lot of these volumes on sale at FYE, read post in Retails section. I did notice that the majority of the items on sale were volumes that either had thinpacks or complete box sets released already, so I did sort of assume a box set was going to be announced or had already been; I hadn't looked up new releases in a while but I figure the release of the series box set is something that would definately make front page.

I hope the contents are announced soon so I know if I should sell back some of the volumes I got during the sale. 3 box sets would benefit me since I just picked up volumes 10-13, and I'm pretty sure 3 tins were available during the initial US release.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:27 pm Reply with quote
LydiaDianne wrote:
But what really makes me think that is A) no artwork B) (and most damning) is the regular prices of $62.35! $62.35?!?! Puh-leese! There is NO WAY on this semi-green earth that Funi is going to release FMA for that price. $89.99 on sale, perhaps but not $62.35. Nope, no way./quote]How does the price of $62.35 suggest to you that this is a bootleg? In case you didn't actually read my post, this is a boxset for the first season, as in season one, as in not the entire show. If this is legit, assuming that the "first season" means the first 26 or so episodes of the series, the $62.35 would be a completely reasonable price for this set, especially given that's about the same price CDUniverse sold Funi's Fruits Basket boxset for. And Steven is right that CDUniverse does not sell bootlegs. I've bought several DVDs from them in the past and every single one of them has been completely legit. I know it's most likely not a bootleg as this site hasn't been known to sell bootlegs before. I've just been wondering if this is either a mistake on the site, an online store exclusive like Rightstuf's CCS mega bundle set, or if it's really the real thing.

Okay, I just went and looked at TRSI Website for Funi box sets, most of their box sets ran between $49.99 to $99.99 regular price.

You are probably right about the price being correct IF this is a true box set. You right, me wrong!

I was just thinking about many of the box set series that I've seen where they start out with a sale price of $99.99 to $149.99 - which, apparently, are companies other than Funi.

I wish I could answer the question for you as to wether it's a box set or a bundle. Have you tried contacting the company to see what they say?
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:15 pm Reply with quote
CD Universe doesnt sell bootlegs anyway.

*adds it to wish list*
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Joined: 27 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:35 pm Reply with quote
When I saw Frank Archer for the first time, I noticed he looked a lot like Barry the Chopper. What is Frank Archer suppose to be, just a Barry the Chopper potraying as a state military soldier.

And oh my god! In episode 29, when the episode ended, Izumi started coughing blood. What the hell happened to her? Did something fatal happened to her??????
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:37 pm Reply with quote
OKong wrote:
When I saw Frank Archer for the first time, I noticed he looked a lot like Barry the Chopper. What is Frank Archer suppose to be, just a Barry the Chopper potraying as a state military soldier.

And oh my god! In episode 29, when the episode ended, Izumi started coughing blood. What the hell happened to her? Did something fatal happened to her??????

Wrong thread duder.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:38 pm Reply with quote
LydiaDianne wrote:
I wish I could answer the question for you as to wether it's a box set or a bundle. Have you tried contacting the company to see what they say?
I've sent a PM to one of the Funireps over at the AOD forums last night to ask them about it but I haven't gotten a reply yet. Of course it's still the weekend so hopefully I'll get an answer this week. I haven't tried contacting the Funi site directly yet, though.
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