Hinowa ga CRUSH!
One of the Yen Press digital titles being released legally as chapters. I buy the chapters, and then buy the full volume when it comes out. I like the story and art, that I have been willing to do this. Doing the same for the Goblin Slay manga and its spin offs.
Chapter 33, the latest Yen Press digital release was such a visceral gut punch, that I felt I needed to write about it.
This series and its precursor Akane ga Kill! have never been shy about violence. I missed reading Chapter 32, but upon looking at the cover, I should have realized what they were going for. So Chapter 33 was a shock for me, but it was titled "The Tragedy of Rinzu", and indeed it is.
It seemingly is the end of the world for the Soukai nation. There is quite graphic content, and this chapter is labeled as such. Princess Rinzu suffers immeasurable physical violence from the Lord of the Tenrou empire, her nation destroyed, and her love slaughtered and brought in pieces to her. I can't see a happy future for the Princess, unless some 'deus ex machina' happens, which I don't really see happening. The Princess's dead husband tried his hardest to save the day and his princess, but one mortal man no matter how well trained can't defeat an army by himself, and several of the most powerful evil people of the Tenrou empire.
So where does this leave Hinowa and Akane? Is the series coming to a conclusion? All the players are on the board and at the same location. Hinowa is only human, and Akane while special is not that powerful enough to take on everyone.
I really don't want to be moving into some guerilla warfare arc, but if the series is going to continue that is what will probably happen. Which means the suffering of Princess Rinzu is going to continue.
After seeing everything that happens in this chapter, revenge had better be the plate of the day. With Hinowa, Akane, and Princess Rinzu bathed in their enemies' blood. It really is the only 'good' ending we can have now.
Hinowa ga CRUSH!
Chapter 36
A lot of named characters die in chapter 36. The Soukai nation is done for. The Tenrou empire military does more evil crap, besides killing everyone, earning this chapter another explict content warning label for much the same reason as last chapter.
Hinowa and Akane, and friends are rescued at sea from the Tenrou empire forces chasing after them.