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Why do DBZ and Yugioh get such a bad rep?

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Ryuji Dicey

Joined: 01 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:35 pm Reply with quote
I was thinking about this the other day so I decided to take a chance and post this.

I heard from a member of my school's anime club that someone they knew wore a DBZ shirt to a con and people were yelling at him and generally making fell bad. That kind of bothered me.

I will not lie, I like DBZ and I also like Yugioh. DBZ was the very first anime I ever saw and because of it, I started watching others. Now, that I look back, yeah it had it's faults and I don't think it's the best anime of all time but I still like it. The same goes with Yugioh. It had an intresting art style that I was attracted to so I looked into it and found that I really loved this show. I can't help it. I just think it's good. I think the problem with these shows is that they are done so poorly in the dub and so hyped up that people get annoyed and they bash it. But at the same time, Inuyasha gets a lot of hype and no one seems to jump on it.

So is it just because people think shows like this are poorly written or is it because they really do not like the hype?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:02 pm Reply with quote
It is because of the fans.

When you have to start dealing with fanboys it makes other people/fans hate the show/video game.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:07 pm Reply with quote
I'm quite the DBZ fan as well. I grew up watching it with the old Ocean dubs and just really liked it for all the shounen qualities I've come to identify and enjoy today.

The problem with DBZ's hype (in the U.S. anyway) is that it's not handled very well. It's catered towards younger children and is somewhat more Americanized with all that crappy dub music. However, all of that effort did, in fact, work and has created a very large fanbase among that demographic. Because of that, most fans probably get this negative connotation that DBZ is for these young immature kids and those "ZomG!!11 dBz roxorsz!!" fanboys.

Suffice it to say, I never really got back into DBZ after FUNi started it over with their own dubbing and stuff. However, in a nostalgic sense I do like to think about it in my head at times (albeit, with the old voices).

Meh, I don't know. I could be wrong, but that's sort of my theory.
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Digital Dreamer

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:10 pm Reply with quote
Ryuji Dicey wrote:
I heard from a member of my school's anime club that someone they knew wore a DBZ shirt to a con and people were yelling at him and generally making fell bad. That kind of bothered me.
Don't let them get to you. I was a mad TMNT Fan (the black'n'white comic books) until the cartoon came out. The same thing happened to me.

I was into dragon ball myself 15 years ago as my freinds and I used to watch the show raw. Reason why it get a bad wrap is that the west as really turn DBZ iinto such a kids show sell out.
ANd in the process they did a more than obvious westernised sanitation. Eg. Mr.Satan's real name.

As for the fan boys comments I am reading here. i can agree to that. I see some fan boys of all ages which make my cringe.
One of the reason why I watch things like Bleach or Naruto NOW and then move onto the next show before the fans ruin it. (like what they did with EVA and Ghost In The Shell)
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Joined: 25 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:55 pm Reply with quote
While I hate the idea of berating someone just for wearing a Dragonball Z shirt, wouldn't wearing an anime t-shirt kind of be like wearing a t-shirt of the band that your seeing at a rock show?
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:59 pm Reply with quote
i honetly like Dragon Ball Z, i just think they dragged it out too damned long. it should've ended after the Cell Saga.
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Joined: 12 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:13 am Reply with quote
I heard from a member of my school's anime club that someone they knew wore a DBZ shirt to a con and people were yelling at him and generally making fell bad. That kind of bothered me.

Ok people that yell and harass someone just because he's wearing a DBZ shirt must be uberdorks. Seriously...who does that?

Yugioh and DBZ are just formulaic animes that have the same repetetive battle structure over and over again in the exact same format. You could say many other animes have this "problem," but DBZ and Yugioh are just kind of extreme. I never liked (nor really disliked) DBZ when I saw it in the 1990's, because of the reasons I mentioned. Yu-gi-oh is just lame to me..."life points" and a huge card game thing? ...>_> I just can't take this supposedly evil guy and his henchmen seriously when they're playing "cards." That's just my opinion though. Don't even get me started on "Duel Masters."

These animes were excellent for their targeted age group I think, just like Pokemon. The producers got what they wanted out of it and the fans responded in throes. There's a time and age for everything. I can totally understand people liking any of these animes; at least at one point in their lives.
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Joined: 30 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:31 am Reply with quote
I personally still like Dbz and Yu-gi-oh. People didn't bag on Yu-gi-oh till they killed the show and started showing crap now. I think thats why it got old. I dont know why people are bagging on Dbz. And for all those losers who pick on people on what they like or wear should get a life. There just low lifes with nothing better to do so they pick on them just to look all cool. If I ever saw someone making fun of anime or anything to do with what they wear, I will back that person up and Shove my foot up his &$$ and tell him the get a life
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Digital Dreamer

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:31 am Reply with quote
What you wear show the type of person that you are.
I am rather use to Otaku's wearing anime shirts
I am rather use to Furries wearing shirts with what ever the totem animal is
I am rather use to Metal Head wearing there favorite band shirts.

But when you has some one that is dress in a shirt of their favorite alcolahic beverage make me go.... "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.............."

v1cious wrote:
i honetly like Dragon Ball Z, i just think they dragged it out too damned long. it should've ended after the Cell Saga.
I think they pushed the creator for DBZ-2nd Gen.
As for DBGT what nothing more that some one else protisituting the Dragan Ball Franchise.

I fear the same might happen with Naruto.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 5:42 am Reply with quote
dragonball is awesome, but yugioh is questionable, i really don't like yugioh actually lol it gives anime a bad name
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:00 am Reply with quote
Reason why it get a bad wrap is that the west as really turn DBZ iinto such a kids show sell out.

I'd like to say that the main goal of DBZ, Yugioh, infact just about any single televised Anime (well, nearly all of them), is to "sell out". DBZ was a kids show in Japan, it just isn't seen that way by self-denying fanboys.

If I ever saw someone making fun of anime or anything to do with what they wear, I will back that person up and Shove my foot up his &$$ and tell him the get a life

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:12 am Reply with quote
Dragonball Z gets a bad reputation because the fans brought it on themselves. Back when Dragonball Z was first starting to get popular in the U.S., there were a lot of Dragonball Z fanboys who would go on and on about how "tight" it was and that it was the greatest anime ever and everything else automatically sucked before they had even seen it and they all thought if you didn't like Dragonball Z too, then you sucked as well. This offended a lot of more dedicated anime fans, so they started bashing Dragonball Z because of its overly-zealous fanbase as well as the fact that it's a mediocre series in general. The reason why Yugioh gets a bad reputation is because it's popular and people think that if they bash something that's popular, it'll make them look cooler. It's the same thing with Naruto and Inuyasha.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:19 am Reply with quote
"'DBZ was a kids show in Japan, it just isn't seen that way by self-denying fanboys."

Took the words right out of my mouth.

I loved watching DBZ, but I stopped watching it halfway through the Buu saga. Maybe I grew out of it, I don't know. I might finish seeing it one of these days. I still buy the movies, but I missed the last one. I used to buy crap loads of DBZ videos and I even have a few bootlegs. On March 28th, I can finally replace my crappy widescreen copy of "Fusion Reborn". Thank God for the internet, I don't have to explain to any cashiers why I'm buying Dragonball Z.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:25 am Reply with quote
Kouji wrote:
This offended a lot of more dedicated anime fans, so they started bashing Dragonball Z because of its overly-zealous fanbase as well as the fact that it's a mediocre series in general.

So if you like DB, you're not a dedicated anime fan? Probably not what you meant, but just thought I'd say it anyway. DB is still thought of very fondly in Japan.

While I agree that DBZ in North America attracted a very obnoxious fanbase that gave it a bad name, I disagree about your "mediocre" comment. As opposed to what? What in your opinion makes a series mediocre? Because in my opinion DBZ is not.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:11 am Reply with quote
Please do not put words into other people's mouth that I did not say. I did not say that if you like Dragonball Z that it meant you weren't a dedicated anime fan. I said that people who only watched Dragonball Z and didn't watch any other anime weren't dedicated anime fans. Please actually read my sentences before you start attacking me. And I am simply stating the facts that most anime fans think Dragonball Z is a mediocre anime. If you like it, fine, I have nothing against you, but the truth still is that most anime fans think it's mediocre and it is mediocre. Every episode is exactly the same thing and it's ridicilously slowly-paced with poor character development and just flat out boring fight scenes that drag on forever. I can name tons of other anime shows that are better than Dragonball Z. Just because a show is still fondly thought of doesn't mean it isn't mediocre. I still fondly think of Sailor Moon but I also believe that it's a mediocre anime compared to everything else that's out there. Go check the show's ratings at ANN if you don't believe me that most anime fans agree that Dragonball Z is mediocre.
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