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AIR confuses the heck out of me!

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Joined: 07 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:35 pm Reply with quote
The title says it all. I hate to be the 'Can you explain this for me?' guy again, but... well... I'm the 'Can you explain this for me?' guy again. One of these days, I hope to answer, but for now, here goes:

I just finished the series AIR. I liked it. It was sad, but not suicidally depressing (i.e. Saikano). However! I don't really understand what the crap almighty happened. So, can someone point-by-point explain the whole dang thing to me? I must just be really dense.

spoiler[ From what I can tell, Yukito is the decendent of Ryuuri the Winged Girl's protector from the past. He inherited his magical powers from Ryuuri's wife, who recieved them from the monk. His mission to 'find the winged girl' has been passed down to him through the generations. Misuzu is not in fact the winged girl, but is somehow able to channel the winged girl's dreams, which eventually kills her because of the curse the monks put on the winged girl before she dissappeared in the past. I have no clue about what the girl was talking about right before she dies in the end. Yukito, I'm assuming, died to save Misuzu when she was going to die before she did, in bed during her dream. From what I can tell, he 'died', but then came back as Sora the crow due to his wish to still be able to remain by her side. However, it looks like he came back back in time, before 'he' even met Misuzu, and thus watch himself interact with her from the perspective of his 'new' body. The girl with the red hair (forgot the name) was a goddess from the stars who saw the winged girl's dreams and wanted to help someone to make the winged girl happy, so she helped the really quiet girl with the brown hair (whose name also eludes me). ] That's about all I could gather, and I don't have a clue as to how much of that is correct, so if I'm wrong on any of this, or if you have something to add, let me know, 'cause not knowing this is killin' me. Shocked
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Joined: 16 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:41 pm Reply with quote
I think that's pretty good. After I finished watching it I was very confused as well. I got pretty much the same impression as you did. Um I think spoiler[that Yukito is the 'winged being' as later i'm pretty sure that he became Sora. I think it makes sense to assume that Sora and Yukito are the same even though the coexist at one point. I think his search for the winged bird is to save the girl who recieved the curse. So I don't think he himself brought the curse, but his purpose is to save the girl who is cursed.] I think that's about all I can add.

Last edited by CyberViper on Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:43 pm Reply with quote
I'm surprised about your confusion, you didn't mention the TOTAL end, the last few seconds or whatever =P That's a total mind blast in of itself.

spoiler[I believe the first half of the series has nothing to do with the actual plot. I think it's him looking for the girl but finding other strange things around the town, or maybe it is related a bit but still isn't what he's looking for.Anyway, I don't think anything actually happens in the entire anime. It's kind of just showing you a glimpse. It shows you the beginning, basically, with the flashback to ancient Japan. But with Yukito, it's just a glimpse of the journey. In the end he failed to save her and the cycle continues. You said otherwise, but I thought Misuzu was the reincarnation of the winged girl. Definitely could be wrong, it's been a little while since I watched it. Looking for more definite answers from other people though, heh. I need to watch the movie, just recently got it. The movie skips the first half with the other girls and is focused on only Misuzu.]
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:11 pm Reply with quote
Vortextk wrote:
spoiler[I believe the first half of the series has nothing to do with the actual plot. I think it's him looking for the girl but finding other strange things around the town, or maybe it is related a bit but still isn't what he's looking for. ]

I'm almost positive the reason for that is that Air is spoiler[based off of a dating sim, which usually contain multiple endings and focus on different characters depending on who you chose. I don't think they really had anything to do with Misuzu's story. They're stories in themselves that were just part of the game and they decided to include them in the anime. This can also be seen in Kanon as well as many other dating sim based anime.]
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:42 pm Reply with quote
spoiler[ From what I can tell, Yukito is the decendent of Ryuuri the Winged Girl's protector from the past.]

That's Ryuuya

spoiler[He inherited his magical powers from Ryuuri's wife, who recieved them from the monk.]

Her name is Uraha spoiler[the powers were hers, the monks just trained her]

spoiler[His mission to 'find the winged girl' has been passed down to him through the generations. Misuzu is not in fact the winged girl, but is somehow able to channel the winged girl's dreams, which eventually kills her because of the curse the monks put on the winged girl before she dissappeared in the past. ]

spoiler[As I understood it, Misuzu is a reincarnation of Kanna, but since the soul of a yokujin cannot be contained in a human body she eventually dies and Kana's soul returns to the skies until she is reincarnated again.]

spoiler[I have no clue about what the girl was talking about right before she dies in the end. Yukito, I'm assuming, died to save Misuzu when she was going to die before she did, in bed during her dream.]

spoiler[Yukito's family havse been searching for Kanna in order to attempt to break the cycle. Like his mother, and presumably others before her, he poured his life into the doll and was reincarnated as sora]

spoiler[From what I can tell, he 'died', but then came back as Sora the crow due to his wish to still be able to remain by her side. However, it looks like he came back back in time, before 'he' even met Misuzu, and thus watch himself interact with her from the perspective of his 'new' body.]

I think that was essentially just a gimick in the game, as I understand it the change in viewpoint wasn't explained straight away as it was in the anime.

spoiler[The girl with the red hair (forgot the name) was a goddess from the stars who saw the winged girl's dreams and wanted to help someone to make the winged girl happy, so she helped the really quiet girl with the brown hair (whose name also eludes me). ]

Michiru and Minagi. spoiler[Michiru is one of Kanna's feathers. All Kanna sees are painful memories dreams and Michiru wanted to create happy memories to take back to her.]
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:20 pm Reply with quote
Michiru also spoiler[wanted to make Minagi happy by being a replacement for her younger sister who died...unfortunately, the time in her "fun dream" runs out and she returns to wherever the winged girl is...Michiru was, as far as I can tell, a fragment of the winged girl's consciousness, who happened to be incarnated according to the desires of Minagi.] I don't think that the stuff with the other girls was "pointless"; it was important in setting up the atmosphere and providing foreshadowing to the flashback and overall story of the "girl with wings." I think it would have been too abrupt if it only focused on Misuzu. For the movie, that's fine, but the stuff with the other girls helped round out the series.

I'd suggest doing a search for "AIR ending" on this or any other major anime forums you happen to know of...you'll find plenty of people commenting on the sadness and giving their theories as to what was going on.

As for that speech in episode 12, spoiler[Misuzu's goal, transferred over from Kanna, was to find happiness/connection/family in other people, and just as 1000 years of memories were crammed into her, she compressed "a lifetime of happiness" into that summer (the "1000th summer" mentioned in the credits), in which she met Yukito & became friends with him, and finally found a mother figure in Haruko (of course, Haruko had to realize this as well). After seeing "the saddest dream in the world" the previous night, the pain/mental confusion finally overflowed, leading her to say that it was "enough already" or something like that. ] That's my idea on it, anyway. . .boy, I need to not watch that scene quite so often Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad I think I'll go cheer myself up by watching episode 24 of Chrno Crusade now. . .
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Joined: 16 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:45 pm Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
spoiler[and just as 1000 years of memories were crammed into her, she compressed "a lifetime of happiness" into that summer (the "1000th summer" mentioned in the credits), in which she met Yukito & became friends with him, and finally found a mother figure in Haruko (of course, Haruko had to realize this as well). After seeing "the saddest dream in the world" the previous night, the pain/mental confusion finally overflowed, leading her to say that it was "enough already" or something like that. ]

I had always wondered what the "1000th summer" thing was. That was a pretty good explanation. Smile

Zalis116 wrote:
boy, I need to not watch that scene quite so often I think I'll go cheer myself up by watching episode 24 of Chrno Crusade now. . .

Oh gosh...Chrno Crusade was one of the saddest (but not depressing) anime series I have ever watched. I personally thought it was more sad that Air, but maybe it's just cause I got into Chrno Crusade a little more. (Although there were some confusing things about both shows.)
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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:47 am Reply with quote
Well I didn't mean the first half was pointless =P Just that it had no direct relation to the main plot. And yeah, it did derive from a dating sim game. For the DC I think. I actually enjoyed the first half the most. I absolutely hated the summer arc. spoiler[You're told most of this stuff anyway, and you KNOW she will die. It was hard watching and waiting for her to be killed or whatever that was, I remember her in the sky with the weird spells?something wrapped around her. It's been awhile]

Anyway, was it the dream arc?(Dream-Summer-Air?) The first half atleast. While it was a bit episodic as I said, I'd have to say that's my favorite part of the anime. As I said, summer was kind of "eh" for me. And spoiler[I hated losing Yukito. Basically losing him anyway, in the Air arc. Not to mention the utter tragedy that is his and her death, along with the last scene of the show, rehashing their meeting and finding out it was doomed from the beginning.]

When I finished the first arc I thought this would be one of THE defining anime that I had watched. It kind of still is...but finishing the show was definitely not as good as it was starting the show.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:15 am Reply with quote
An Air thread! Splendid! I've actually been wondering this ever since I finished the series (forgive me if I'm missing something painfully obvious):

spoiler[Who exactly are those kids who give the cryptic message at the very, very end? The ones who walk away holding hands on the beach. They seem to know what's in store for Misuzu and Yukito... It may just be there for atmosphere and to provide a bit of insight, but that really threw me for a loop.]
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:25 am Reply with quote
Cloe wrote:
spoiler[Who exactly are those kids who give the cryptic message at the very, very end? The ones who walk away holding hands on the beach. They seem to know what's in store for Misuzu and Yukito... It may just be there for atmosphere and to provide a bit of insight, but that really threw me for a loop.]


Official explanation:

On page 65, MAG Garden Premium Art Collection 'AIR on TV' wrote:
spoiler[海岸で遊んでいた少年と少女。堤防の観鈴に向かって手を振った少年は、意味深な言葉を残して少女とともに歩いていってしまう。いったい彼らは何者なのか? その答えは原作でもアニメでも語られることなく、この物語を見てきたものたちに委ねられている。]
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:13 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Official explanation:

On page 65, MAG Garden Premium Art Collection 'AIR on TV' wrote:
spoiler[海岸で遊んでいた少年と少女。堤防の観鈴に向かって手を振った少年は、意味深な言葉を残して少女とともに歩いていってしまう。いったい彼らは何者なのか? その答えは原作でもアニメでも語られることなく、この物語を見てきたものたちに委ねられている。]

Hmph. What a non-answer. spoiler["Who are they really? The answer is left to the viewer."]

- abunai
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:47 pm Reply with quote
The 1000th summer thing is simple spoiler[there are 1000 years between the time of Ryuuya and the time of Yukito. Quite how the doll survived that long I don't know..]
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