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'State of the Anime Fandom' survey.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:44 pm Reply with quote
Ever wondered what anime fandom is REALLY like, and how you compare? How much anime the average fan has seen, what genres are the most popular, or whether older fans really spend a lot more money on their hobby than younger ones?

A lot of companies perform market research to figure these things out, but notably, none of this information is available to the public. I'm conducting a survey to measure and report just that-- anime and manga consumption practices of fans. This isn't just any poll; the survey itself is relatively thorough, and rather than simply providing the results, I'll be doing more in-depth statistical analysis, such as determining what major segments of fans exist, or how certain factors correlate to others (such the age vs. spending example earlier).

The link is here:
*** http://is.gd/gOsIV ***
It's four pages, and takes about 5 minutes.
If you could fill out the survey, it would be a huge help in data collection! As something of an incentive, if 100 or more people respond, I'll raffle off a $20 Amazon gift certificate to one lucky respondent-- paid for out of my own pocket. (That's how interested I am in finding out the results!)

Please comment below if you have any questions or suggestions. Thanks!

(As a disclaimer, I'm not affiliated at all with any anime or manga company. Admittedly, this survey is a part of an independent project I proposed to my major department at university; however, I had the idea and have been crafting the survey itself months before I even got the suggestion of turning it into a college project. In other words, it's something I'm really interested in, and to some extent, I'm doing it "for fun.")
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:39 pm Reply with quote
Did it. I do watch/read some stuff through non-legal means, but I'm generally good about buying stuff, if I enjoyed the series.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:28 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the help! Yeah, that's one of the questions I'm really interested in-- to what extent people who watch things through non-legal means end up buying. It seems a lot of people have a lot to say about this, but there are no good numbers.

If anyone's interested in the potential raffle, the survey's 3 hours in and has 15 respondents, so it's 15% into happening. Thanks for all the responses so far! It's kind of a stretch at this point (since it's not even at 100 yet), but I think I may be adding another $20 gift certificate for every 100 respondents (normally, I'd spend that money on anime, but if you win one and promise to use it to buy anime or manga, I think it's worth it). So please tell your friends! A 1/100 chance of winning is pretty good compared to a lot of similar raffles =)
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:05 pm Reply with quote
I filled out the survey and I thought it was pretty good, though not perfect. I think there could be a bit of work done to expand it but I left that in the optional comments section at the end of the survey already.

One thing that I have to say that I didn't enjoy about it was the questions about our 3 favorite anime/manga. It's a fine questions, its just that I'm awful at giving an answer for those kinds of things. As soon as I wrote in my 3 titles I started to thing "No, those aren't my favorite" so I'd put in 3 new titles and then think "What am I thinking, I had it right the first time. And so on and so on until I finally just went on to the rest of the survey.

Only question I have right now is how many sites did you post this on? ANN is a quality and large community but with the level of feed back that you're looking for it might be helpful to post it in every anime forum you can find.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:19 pm Reply with quote
Mushi-Man wrote:
I filled out the survey and I thought it was pretty good, though not perfect. I think there could be a bit of work done to expand it but I left that in the optional comments section at the end of the survey already.

One thing that I have to say that I didn't enjoy about it was the questions about our 3 favorite anime/manga. It's a fine questions, its just that I'm awful at giving an answer for those kinds of things. As soon as I wrote in my 3 titles I started to thing "No, those aren't my favorite" so I'd put in 3 new titles and then think "What am I thinking, I had it right the first time. And so on and so on until I finally just went on to the rest of the survey.

Only question I have right now is how many sites did you post this on? ANN is a quality and large community but with the level of feed back that you're looking for it might be helpful to post it in every anime forum you can find.

Thanks for the suggestions. Yeah, I was a bit unsure about that question as well... I'd like to get a sense of what kinds of anime certain types of respondents like, but I wasn't sure if there was a better way to get specific titles. Do you think there's a better way I could get that kind of data?

Currently, I've only posted on ANN; I am thinking to post on other forums, but the thing is, I want to get a very general look at fandom. I'm a little bit afraid that certain forums will skew more one way or the other (so for example, Anime Suki's forum would have a very different set of responses from Anime Nation's forum). The reason I started with ANN is that I feel like it has one of the broadest and least specialized user bases. But you have a great point. Perhaps posting on a huge range of forums would help to even out the skewing as a whole... I'll start compiling a list of potential forums then. Tell me if you have some suggestions!

(Just thinking aloud there.) Thanks again!
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:37 pm Reply with quote
I said this when i filled out the Survey earlier, ouo / But i think adding a "do you wait for sales/clearances " would be a good question or a good additional answer~ Cause it kinda goes along the lines of getting things cheaper which is why i assumed you listed used as an option in what you usually buy.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:07 pm Reply with quote
I'm doing the survey right now, but one question I'm having problems with is:

If you view manga through unauthorized means, what percentage of those manga titles do you ultimately purchase?

And it's marked mandatory with no option of "I do not read unauthorized manga."

I'm assuming the same is with the fansubs question, but I do watch the occasional fansub, so I didn't have a problem with that one.

I do not, however, read scanlations at all, opting to buy all my manga.

I'm marking 100% so I can go to the next page, but I just wanted to let you know that.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:20 pm Reply with quote
I'm also interested to see how many people who view anime and manga illegally eventually purchase it, or at least claim to. This is something I'm very passionate about, and has caused me to butt heads with other users in the past.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:54 pm Reply with quote
Sakura-Alchemist wrote:
I said this when i filled out the Survey earlier, ouo / But i think adding a "do you wait for sales/clearances " would be a good question or a good additional answer~ Cause it kinda goes along the lines of getting things cheaper which is why i assumed you listed used as an option in what you usually buy.

Great point; I know I've totally skipped out on buying new releases with the thought of "Well, RightStuf will probably have a sale on this in the coming months..." Looks like I'm going to be making a lot of changes for version 2.

I'm doing the survey right now, but one question I'm having problems with is:

If you view manga through unauthorized means, what percentage of those manga titles do you ultimately purchase?

And it's marked mandatory with no option of "I do not read unauthorized manga."

I'm assuming the same is with the fansubs question, but I do watch the occasional fansub, so I didn't have a problem with that one.

I do not, however, read scanlations at all, opting to buy all my manga.

I'm marking 100% so I can go to the next page, but I just wanted to let you know that.

Oh gosh, I'm so embarrassed. I tried to go in and make sure that there was a sort of "not applicable" answer for all of the questions, but I must have missed that one. I'll go through the data and account for that. Thanks!

I'm also interested to see how many people who view anime and manga illegally eventually purchase it, or at least claim to. This is something I'm very passionate about, and has caused me to butt heads with other users in the past.

Definitely a good question. I'm planning to comment on this issue further when the survey is done =)

For those who are curious, response count is at 29 now.
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Joined: 28 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:00 pm Reply with quote
I filled it out. Just to let you know that I am not the "typical" anime fan. Mostly cause I flat out refuse to do any sort of torrent/fansub.
I also don't really like watching on a computer screen, so I don't do the legal streams either.

I buy everything on DVD. Sometimes I rent the stuff before I buy it, and sometimes I see it on TV. Mostly I do get some suggestions from message boards (like this one). In some cases I just liked the creators works in the past, so I get the new stuff.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:28 pm Reply with quote
EricDent wrote:
I filled it out. Just to let you know that I am not the "typical" anime fan. Mostly cause I flat out refuse to do any sort of torrent/fansub.
I also don't really like watching on a computer screen, so I don't do the legal streams either.

I buy everything on DVD. Sometimes I rent the stuff before I buy it, and sometimes I see it on TV. Mostly I do get some suggestions from message boards (like this one). In some cases I just liked the creators works in the past, so I get the new stuff.

Actually, I think the use of the word "typical" here is pretty interesting; there isn't any public data about what "most" anime fans actually do, so we don't know what a typical fan is like. Popular belief says that you're right, but we also might be surprised! It's hard to say.

I hope this survey can tell us something about this. I know just asking people on the forum isn't very representative (I should think, for example, that forum readers are more "hardcore" than ANN visitors who just read the front page, for example), so I'm hoping that future iterations will be able to use a more representative sample.

(I'm going to try not to comment on the illegality issue until the survey is done, but it's great that you support the industry =D)
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Joined: 04 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:03 am Reply with quote
Done it too I posted the link on my Twitter
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:14 am Reply with quote
Thanks to everyone who responded! I got 5 more responses yesterday, for a total of 55. I figure that's about all I'm going to get, so I'll leave the survey up for another day and close it Monday, 11:59PM, and then start on the analysis! Please look forward to it m(_ _)m

I've gotten a lot of great comments on what to improve, so I hope to incorporate them into a new study sometime in the future-- especially since the sampling this time is rather flawed (is the ANN Anime forum a representative microcosm of fandom? I'm not so sure...). Even if this survey was just the beta, hopefully we can learn something from it!
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Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:07 am Reply with quote
That was fun! Thanks.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:18 pm Reply with quote
I probably am the only person to put down 100% for buying anime without watching any of it beforehand. I have only seen maybe 5 fansubs before I signed up for a Crunchyroll account, and even then I only watch maybe two shows on there. I've also spent INSANE amounts of money on all three catergories, so it actually makes me slightly happy to fill the survey out.
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