The following persons turned out to be duplicates (mostly due to Kanji misreadings) while checking the credits for Binbou Shimai Monogatari against the Kanji credits in the original videos:
Kinomi SAKURAI (桜井木ノ実, 14 staff, Animation Director) is a Kanji misreading duplicate of
Konomi SAKURAI (桜井木の実, 5 staff, Episode Director).
木ノ実 and 木の実 would both be read "Konomi" according to EDICT even though "木" by itself could be "ki" as well (thus explaining the misreading as "Kinomi"); gives a myriad of credit references for 桜井木の実, plus a reading of さくらい(SAKURAI) このみ(Konomi).
Kyosuke MIKUYARI (no Kanji, 1 staff entry as Episode Director) is a spelling error duplicate of
Kyosuke MIKURIYA (御厨恭輔, 11 staff entries as Episode Director).
Jin ODA (no Kanji, 1 staff, Key Animation) is a Kanji misreading duplicate of
Hitoshi ODA (小田仁, 6 staff, Key Animation).
仁 allows both readings (and a lot more).
Syogo NISHIMURA (no Kanji, 1 staff entry as Painting) is a different romanization duplicate and
Shingo NISHIMURA (no Kanji, 2 staff, Color Setting) is a Kanji misreading duplicate of
Shougo NISHIMURA (西村省吾, 6 staff, Color Setting).
省吾 allows the readings "Shougo" and "Seigo" (but not "Shingo").
Yumi KANYAMA (#58045, 金山えみ子, 4 staff, Background Art) should actually be
Emiko KANEYAMA (#58044, 金山えみ子, 1 staff, Background Art).
The reading is "KAN[a|e]YAMA Emiko".
I encourage an Encyclopedist to visit that Binbou Shimai Monogatari page as my contributions to that page are complete now. Non-trivial errors:
- Wrong staff: SAKURAI Kinomi, MIKUYARI Kyosuke, KANYAMA Yumi, NISHIMURA Shingo, ODA Jin.
- Wrong character name (mostly translation errors): Hyappakushi's old man, Kyou's class teacher (different roles mixed together, Asu's and Kyou's teachers at different schools...), Nichinao boy, Obasan (different roles mixed together, names available), Old man at market. (For detailed explanations see their error reports.)
Plus a myriad of additional precisions, all of which I flagged as "accurate".
Encouraged by this forum discussion I made use of the feature of entering staff descriptions in Kanji form (that will now require an English translation):
- デジタル合成 (digital - composition? Five of these people were credited for "photography", these would be duplicates now.)
- 動画仕上進行 (moving image - finishing - advance?)
- 宣伝協力 (publicity - collaboration?)
- 宣伝担当 (publicity - in charge?)
- 演出助手 (production/direction - assistant?)
- 编成担当 (??? - in charge; first Kanji 编 with unicode 25A0 & JIS code 2223 is not even known to EDICT but Google shows a handful of references).