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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:51 am Reply with quote
Evolution is already being taught in school boards, mainly in the science department. Creation is mainly only taught in history, and they always explicitly say they're only teaching it for the educational values.

Dead wrong. Creationism which is a 1920s creation by anti-modernist fundamentlists is not taught in most Schools even private ones.

Numerous court rulings in which creationists testifed under oath showed that all arguments against evolution were complete and utter bull. Creationists admitted all scientific evidence supports evolution and that creationism is religious in nature. It is illegal to teach creationism.

Creation myths are taught in compartive religions courses which Christian fundamentlists want removed and don't teach in their schools. Funny how they scream about Fair and Balanced and teach the conterversy yet show themselves to the worst kind of hypocrite.

Yes the Intelligent Design advocates in their own books and speeches and papers show a clear pattern of fibbing about evolution. They now admit that Intelligent Design provides no benefit to science, no research can come from ID, ID cannot be scientificaly verifed nor disproven. ID cannot show evidence of a designer nor what this designer is.

Evolution each year gets thousands of research papers showing support for it. ID and Creationism don't have a single one. Instead IDiots and Cretinists complain in courts of law that they are being discriminted against but when asked to provide the rejection slips or any evidence of a conspiracy they instantly switch faces and say the issue is about Freedom of Religion. And these same people that claim they are being discriminated against go to churches and post on their lies for Jesus websites that they are doing science and the scientific community supports them.

"It may be true that scientism and evolutionism (not science and evolution) are among the causes of atheism and materialism. It is at least equally true that biblical literalism, from its earlier flat-earth and geocentric forms to its recent young-earth and flood-geology forms, is one of the major causes of atheism and materialism. Many scientists and intellectuals have simply taken the literalists at their word and rejected biblical materials as being superseded or contradicted by modern science. Without having in hand a clear and persuasive alternative, they have concluded that it is nobler to be damned by the literalists than to dismiss the best testimony of research and reason. Intellectual honesty and integrity demand it. "
The Meaning of Creation: Genesis and Modern Science page 26 by Conrad Hyers

I'm not completely denying you, but again, do you have any specific references? While a church may be depicted as corrupt and evil in a game, I have yet to see them ever specifically refer to Christianity.

Try the original Japanese versions of the Final Fantasy series , and Xenogears series. You would be quite surprised at the differences if you have someone who knows Japanese view the game dialgoue and cutscenes and game visuals. Quite a lot got changed when they were imported. Heck remember that game that had the Nazi Symbols and Hitler being changed to have Falcon images and Mr. Z or something even though it looked just like Hitler for the end boss? It was Cyborg Commando or something. It was an old NES game. Pretty fun you had a grip claw that you would use to swing and attack enemies.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:30 am Reply with quote
This is why they want school boards to put in Evolution disclaimers and teach Intelligent Design. Intelligent Design is admitted as being nonsense by it's advocates who say it is not ready to be taught and nothing scientific can result from teaching it.

Ah, no. It's Creationism that isn't allowed to be taught, because it's based on religion (and a very specfic set of religions, too), not scientific theory.

"Intelligent Design"? It's a different matter. Some confuse the terms, but they actually have different meanings. Intelligent Design basically just asks the question "Hey, what if this isn't just completely random, and some higher inteligence started it all off?"

That's not nonsense. You look at how complex life is, how vastly IMPROBABLE it is for life to even exist, let alone become so complex that it actually becomes sentient. Really, REALLY think about it. Then you can try to tell me that it's complete and utter, 100% nonsense that can't POSSIBLY be correct, even though you have no proof that says it it's impossible, either.

I'm not saying I believe it (since there's no direct proof to support it), but it's not a nonsense theory (since there's no direct proof against it, either). In fact, the very fact that so many cultures developed a vision of a "creator" of some sort, the fact that life itself is so improbable for even existing, let alone getting smart enough to wonder where it came from, that's not exactly evidence against it.

"Nothing scientific" can come of it? Since when has questioning reality and the current boundries of knowledge "unscientific"? I'm a tad sleepy, so I can't recall which Greek philosopher it was, but he said: "Question everything."

For years, humans were perfectly satisfied to think the world flat, or to think that the sun revolved around us. If nobody had questioned that, going beyond the accepted beliefs of the time - both religious AND scientific - we'd still think that the world was a pancake and everything revolved around us.

I don't mind ID theory being brought up in classrooms at all, so long as it's kept as secular as possible, and labeled a "very theoretical theory" (or the equivalent),etc. So long as it's discussed as an interesting idea that may or may not be true, and not as absolute truth, I'm fine with it. Let kids come to their own conclusions on it - give 'em the facts, and then let 'em think for a change.

Oh, and my one complaint with the RK dub refs being changed is things like "Hell" becomes "Hades". This bugged me for two reasons - 1.) Nobody I know ever says "Go to Hades" and 2.) Hades was NOT the exact equivalent of the fire-and-brimstone Christian Hell meant to be evoked by the reference, which was purely metaphorical to begin with. Hades was a very varied place, and while one might be punished there (though there was a form of heaven inside of it that good people went to, if I recall, called Elysium), it wasn't FIERY all over, damnit, which ruins the metaphor! Why not change it to "an inferno", if you're so nervous about Christian references? Screwing up Greek myth references is almost as bad as simply referencing the Christian Hell! I can understand, too, that they'd want to edit out a "bad word", but replacing it with "Hades" was just plain stupid.

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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 6:04 am Reply with quote
Sorry you have no idea what Intelligent Design is or how scientists regard it. It does not match any criteria of science and is bad disregarded philosphy. It does not match the critera to be allowed to be scientific testimony in courts of law.

Intelligent Design is just pseudo science at best and at worst creationism with the hillbilly in a tuxedo. Intelligent Design makes no predications, no scientific examinations. No scientific work has been done on it. Even the advocates don't state who the designer is, how to test for it, what the age of the earth is, the creation of human beings occured is also not stated. This is because 99% of the rank and file of ID are anti-evolutionists who want Biblical creationism taught. ID is only wanted to be in the schools to discredit Evoltution with debunked arguments in order to confuse the students who don't have the time to look up these arguments nor the inclination.

You don't know a thing about the Intelligent Design movement. Those how argue against it do.

Intelligent Design doesn't question jack. They admit they cannot do any research at all.

Any view of the sciences that leaves Christ out of the picture must be seen as fundamentally deficient.
-- William Dembski, Intelligent Design: The Bridge between Science and Theology (1999), p. 298

Thing is science cannot have any religion in it because religion doesn't want to be scientificaly tested. Science has only advanced when it test things and falsify them. Intelligent Design isn't about science it is religion getting rid of science.

Hell by the way isn't Christian. Jews don't belive in Hell and it isn't in the Hebrew scriptures. It is of Pagan origin. Also Hell was a Viking goddess. And a place where the vikings went if they were bad according to the vikings. Valhalla was the prefered afterlife according to them after all.

All Christians should remember that facts are not sectarian, and that the sciences are not bound by the creeds. We should remember that there are no such things as Methodist mathematics, or Baptist botany, or Catholic chemistry. The sciences are secular.

Robert Green Ingersoll 1833-1899
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 6:42 am Reply with quote
Firstly, and on-topic, when I heard about the scratch out edits for bad language in SC, my first thoughts were "Cool, but it'll get old real fast."

Now, on to the off-topicness.

Andromeda wrote:
That's not nonsense. You look at how complex life is, how vastly IMPROBABLE it is for life to even exist, let alone become so complex that it actually becomes sentient.

Where is your evidence that life is "vastly improbable"? Last I checked, we only had one star system to use as a test sample, which isn't very good for testing theories as broad as the probablity of life. And it looks like there may have been life on Mars, and there could possibly be life on Europa right now. Life, and the complexity of life, might not be as rare as you seem to think.

Andromeda wrote:
Really, REALLY think about it. Then you can try to tell me that it's complete and utter, 100% nonsense that can't POSSIBLY be correct, even though you have no proof that says it it's impossible, either.

I'm not saying I believe it (since there's no direct proof to support it), but it's not a nonsense theory (since there's no direct proof against it, either).

So there's no proof for or against it. How about this: the force of gravity is really undectable, infintesimally small, flying monkeys pulling and pushing us towards other objects. They're really smart, so they act exactly like the theory of gravity predicts. Disprove my "theory", keeping in mind that they are undectable with modern technology.

Science requires evidences. If you're going to compare your theory to a scientifically accepted theory, then you will be expected to bring some evidence with you.

Andromeda wrote:
In fact, the very fact that so many cultures developed a vision of a "creator" of some sort, the fact that life itself is so improbable for even existing, let alone getting smart enough to wonder where it came from, that's not exactly evidence against it.

So because the same brilliant minds that came up with the idea of a flat Earth came up with the idea of a creator, that's evidence for ID?

Andromeda wrote:
"Nothing scientific" can come of it? Since when has questioning reality and the current boundries of knowledge "unscientific"? I'm a tad sleepy, so I can't recall which Greek philosopher it was, but he said: "Question everything."

While I don't know about teaching ID, I know nothing useful will come from studying ID. Evolution helps predict how insects and bacteria will change as we try to kill them of with pesticides or antibiotics. What does ID do?

Andromeda wrote:
I don't mind ID theory being brought up in classrooms at all, so long as it's kept as secular as possible, and labeled a "very theoretical theory" (or the equivalent),etc.

I believe the scientific term, as one of my professors put it, is "wild ass speculation."
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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:14 am Reply with quote
Life is also a distinct possiblity in the atmosphere of Jupiter. There hasn't been any evidence going one or the other way. However Europa's frozen seas do hold the greatest possilibilty of microscopic life. Time will tell. Probes have barely scrathed the surface of Europa. There may be in fact a whole undersea ecology with advanced lifeforms but our current space probes are unable to detect that.

Bacteria can live in nuclear reactors and eat toxic waste. Anti-evolution people always said Bacteria can never do this.

Microscopic life exists in deep vents that eats mineral deposits and which find air toxic. The first lifeforms as far as been determined existed like this.

Already several steps of abiogenesis which is the creation of organic matter from non organic matter have been duplicated in the lab and more research all time is showing how it did occur. The fruits of this research show the forming of life to have possibly occured many times and in many environments and atmospheres. Time and time again probablity arguments against evolution have been shown to be bad math or based on complete misunderstanding of what evolution is and what abiogenesis is.
For those fans of the full metal alchemist you should pay attention.
If this sounds like alchemists at work creating homonecli (sorry cannot recall the exact spelling) then yes Abiogenesis in it's current state is alchemy which was a very primitive form of chemistry.

Heck it is known you can turn lead into gold. Just cost several million dollars and a supercollider to do it to make a few ounces.

Even automail is becoming a reality. Artifical limbs controlled by the nervous system instead of pulleys and gears or just for show.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 11:42 am Reply with quote
To end off-topicness

Wikipedia wrote:
The concept of a homunculus (Latin for "little man," sometimes spelled "homonculus") is often used to illustrate the functioning of a system. In the scientific sense of an unknowable prime actor, it can be viewed as an entity or agent.

The term appears to have been first used by the alchemist Paracelsus. He once claimed that he had created a false human being that he referred to as the homunculus. The creature was to have stood no more than 12 inches tall, and does the work usually associated with a golem. However, after a short time, the homunculus would turn on its creator and run away. The recipe consisted of a bag of bones, sperm, skin fragments and hair from any animal you wanted it to be a hybrid of. This was to be laid in the ground surrounded by horse manure for forty days, at which point the embryo would form.

In the anime and manga series Fullmetal Alchemist, and in the comic Hellboy, the word homunculus describes any man-made human created via alchemy. In Fullmetal Alchemist, there are seven homunculus in total (each of which are named after one of the seven deadly sins) and play a significant part in the story's plot. Homunculi are the product of failed attempts to resurrect humans who have died. Not posessing souls, they kill without restraint. A homunculus named Roger figures greatly into some of the Hellboy stories.

And until next time, this is Joe Mello reminding you that blasphemy is always non-denominational. Goodbye, everybody.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 11:56 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
About the Christianity thing. Does this mean they won't be showing that episode of Champloo where:

spoiler[ A Japanese guy fakes being a Christian].

It's not demeaning to religion in any bad way, in fact I thought the episode was quite funny, but he does spout a little nonsense hear and there, which might be enough to offend or rile up some of the.. less than tolerable devout Christians Anime smallmouth.

I was wondering about that episode too. I saw it about a week ago and I started to wonder if AS would show it. I hope they do because it's not just an episode of Mugen, Fuu, and Jin's hijinks, it's an episode that actually moves the story along because it contains a big plot point at the end (Not going to say what it is).
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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 1:14 pm Reply with quote
They probably will. They seem very good at only editing some bad words out. There standards and practices are getting a lot more reasonable for the time slot. They even mention when they cannot air something as with an episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor. They did broadcast the audio and you can see why the standards and practices people would have a problem with it. Heck makes people want to buy the DVDs or rent them.

Also obsecentiy laws vary from place to place and from time to time. Used to be a black woman getting kissed by a white man in a television program was called obscene. Or a woman's belly button.

This is why if something could be called obscence it isn't marketed or sold because of the enormous legal trouble the company would get into. Numerous animes were edited to avoid this or not shown in this country.

Attempts to expand the FCCs rules regarding programming content are a clear constitutional violation and completley unnecsarry. Satelite equipment and most tvs can filter out all the bad stuff and block channels parents that don't want their kids to see.

The debacle caused by that boob who revealed Janet's nipple shows the hypocrisy of certain people. They don't want to protect children they want to control people to be their mindless serfs.

Having the ability to only pay for channels on cable or satelite I want would be a great assest. There is about 40-50 in my programming package I never watch and about 20-30 i would like to have but the add-on packages they are in would cost 60 more dollars.

Sad to say this censorship sillyness will continue due to certain religious groups and parents groups that share a lack of sense and willpower to curb their own temptations.

As for spouting nonsense have you ever been in a Southern Baptist church Laughing

Most Christians would be up in arms if tv news crews broadcast those church sermons and activites of the congreation.
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:16 pm Reply with quote
toomanyalts wrote:


For the moment, I don't have the liberty to have a lengthy arguement (and I still would prefer that you PM me if you're looking for a debate, rather than continuing it here), but to leave a thought (as I have limited time at the moment...) simply put, if you instantly catogorize science and evolution as "rational" and religion and the concept of creationism as "susperstition", as you are, the reason you'll be wondering why the battle seems to be so easily won for evolutionists. Claiming that any thing related to religion is automatically "irrational" will kinda make it easy to discredit the other side, giving evolutionists a fake easy win.

If you catogorize all Christian Fundimentalists as Biblethumping "IDiots", it's only natural that you'd feel that Evolution is so credible (dispite having major flaws in it's arguement).

There's a lot more to it, I know, but I gotta dash right now.

I'd still like to know about the 2nd ending theme. =/
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Joined: 11 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:54 pm Reply with quote
darkhunter wrote:
Little edit is better than no SC at all.
I wholeheartedly agree. Small things like that don't really make a difference to me. It's when they start redoing certain scenes that I have a problem with. Then I can just hope the DVDs won't be edited.
DemonEyesLeo wrote:
Tony K. wrote:
About the Christianity thing. Does this mean they won't be showing that episode of Champloo where:

spoiler[ A Japanese guy fakes being a Christian].

It's not demeaning to religion in any bad way, in fact I thought the episode was quite funny, but he does spout a little nonsense hear and there, which might be enough to offend or rile up some of the.. less than tolerable devout Christians Anime smallmouth.

I was wondering about that episode too. I saw it about a week ago and I started to wonder if AS would show it. I hope they do because it's not just an episode of Mugen, Fuu, and Jin's hijinks, it's an episode that actually moves the story along because it contains a big plot point at the end (Not going to say what it is).
I don't think it should be that much of an issue, since in Trigun, Wolfwood had the huge cross on his back and it turns out to be a weapon.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 7:10 pm Reply with quote
Shiki MSHTS wrote:

I'd still like to know about the 2nd ending theme. =/

It's Shiki no Uta on the fansubs (at least the ones my friend has, which were from the japanese broadcast), and I'm sure it is on the DVD as well. (Don't feel like digging it out) I don't recall ever hearing Ai no Mi as an ending on any ep.
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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 12:16 am Reply with quote
Adult Swim may only have recieved one ending. Not the first time this has happened. They have to compress for time which means more cost if they do it for multiple endings.

As for the editing of Mugen's expletive in the second episode I didn't hear it all. It either happened so fast or I blurred it out mentally.

Sometimes muting expletives doesn't harm a scence at all or in fact improves it.

I thought a scifi channel scene edit in the movie "Dog Soldiers" actually was in the original version since the scene was very dramatic because you only saw mouth movements and the expressions of the soldeirs after they light a glow stick and drop it into the bottom of closet they were hiding in. Seeing all the human bones the werewolves had stored and then looking at each other while being silent implied how doomed they were. The original version where they curse wasn't as hard hitting.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:51 am Reply with quote
toomanyalts wrote:
Adult Swim may only have recieved one ending. Not the first time this has happened. They have to compress for time which means more cost if they do it for multiple endings.

Indeed, except, AS receiving or not receiving one ending does not affect the ED on fansubs recorded from the Japanese broadcast. (nor for that matter what I guess I will have to dig the DVD out to confirm, that Shiki no Uta is the ED on it as well)
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 11:50 am Reply with quote
Steventheeunuch wrote:
Tony K. wrote:
which might be enough to offend or rile up some of the.. less than tolerable devout Christians Anime smallmouth.

Assuming said people are up to watch it, which considering there wasn't any protest to say, Big O (with it's plentiful god references and such), I doubt there'd be much action taken, if at all.

When Big O was aired in the Toonami slot, the Big O boot-up sequence "Cast in the Name of God: Ye not Guilty" was edited to "Cast in the Name of Good, Ye not Guilty". (See edit lists on the Columns link at this website on the left side)

In fact, Big O's Toonami airing had any sequence with religious references and the word G/god edited.

Last edited by kusanagi-sama on Fri May 27, 2005 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 11:53 am Reply with quote
Correct I forgot to add that the info in the Anime Encylopedia could be inaccurate as to what episode endings have different songs or if there are different songs. There is a CD of Samurai Champloo that does have Shiki no Uta on it.
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