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Love Hina Review on IGN

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
Posts: 4558
Location: Ottawa... now I'm an ex-Anglo Montrealer.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 6:53 pm Reply with quote
ShockWave wrote:

Opinion, intention.


The issue with this review is that the writer, David Smith, insists on insulting the audience.

I'm not familiar with anything else David Smith has written, but according to some of the posters on rec.arts.anime.misc in a thread regarding this review (which can be read at http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&threadm=a2ur31%2413ngaj%245%40ID-75701.news.dfncis.de&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Den%26group%3Drec.arts.anime.misc ), he tries to be IGN's version of Howard Stern. When I read this review, I immediately took the derogatory comments towards anime fans to be just part of his shtick, and got a big laugh out of it as such, even though I enjoy much of the anime he's ostensibly trashing. I'd be insulted too if I thought his comments were meant to be taken seriously as criticism of anime fans, but I don't. But, aside from being a fan of love comedies, I'm also a fan of this sort of offensive humour. (For the record, I also adore the South Park-esque "Page of Offensive Anime Fanfiction" at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/7545/index.html Spoof fanfics written by people who are fans of anime, Eric Cartman, and the History Channel.) One's reaction to this review will probably vary on how much one likes "shock" as humour.

ShockWave wrote:

And for this reason I am amazed and stunned that the editorial staff of ign.com allowed this review to be posted.

As I understand it, David Smith is an editor at IGN.com, so he can get away with it. Admittedly, it was a little weird finding a review like this at IGN.com ; usually I expect to find this sort of thing at more satirical sites like Whatever-dude.com . I can do the same game of "Count the insults" of this review of Sailor Moon (a series I am not ashamed to admit I love, except for Stars) at http://www.whatever-dude.com/posts/60.shtml , if I didn't already know it's all perfectly tongue in cheek.

But, for those of you that did take this review personally (which would appear to be most of you), I wouldn't worry about seeing any more reviews like this, since IGN.com is a sinking ship that won't be around for too much longer. (Isn't the notorious Dave Halverson (a.k.a. "Joe Dirt" according to many at Fatbabies.com) involved in IGN.com somehow?)

ShockWave wrote:

I quite enjoyed the Oh! My Goddess OVAs and movie, thankyouverymuch

The Oh My Goddess! OVAs are enjoyable enough on their own merits, but, since there were only 5 episodes ever produced, the characterizations are extremely shallow compared to the manga. (Helen McCarthy called the OVA version of Belldandy a "complete doormat".) The movie is a bit better in this respect (you get to see Belldandy's jealous side, very briefly), but I just took the movie to be set in the same continuity as the manga (around volume 20, a point which Dark Horse won't get to for about two years, but which I bought in French the other day), not the OVA series. (It is a complete mystery to me why so much You're Under Arrest anime was produced (4 OVAs, 2 TV series, 18 mini-episodes and a movie) when there is less than 1/3 source material available than Oh My Goddess! (7 volumes of manga for You're Under Arrest vs. at least 24 -and still going- for Oh My Goddess! )
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