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Joined: 12 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:35 am Reply with quote
Masakaki wrote:
I think you should put some spoiler tags in your post... Confused

Okay, I'll tag the deatails. I wasn't sure whether or not to use spoiler tags, but I figured since the first 9 episodes have aired already, I was okay. I should have initially tagged the episode ten and finale information and speculation from the outset, though.

Sorry. Embarassed
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Joined: 14 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:23 pm Reply with quote
I found the season finale was equally predictable and unpredictable. I didn't see spoiler[Amon's back story or taking Korra's bending away coming. I was sure she was going to find a way to restore bending at some point, but I didn't think past Avatars would teach her.] I also didn't think everything would be resolved so soon since there's still another season. Now I'm at a loss as to what the next season could concentrate on. There are still some loss ends to tie up, but not enough to fill an entire season. Any guesses as to what it'll focus on?
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:21 pm Reply with quote
Probably spoiler[Asami's father wreaking fresh havoc, and everybody finding someone to hook-up with (I'm predicting Korra/Mako and Asami/Iroh, and a new character for Balin. Smile).

All I know for sure is that if Amon and Tarlok turn out to be not dead and fish food, I'm going to be livid.]
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Joined: 12 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:26 pm Reply with quote
They didn't get the order for the second season 'till the first season was in production, so they always emphasized that both seasons would have self-contained story arcs.

I have mixed feelings about the finale spoiler[Well, my theory that Amon was working with Koh or the Spirit World in general was shot down quick. Tarrlok and Noatuk/Amon's background tied up a whole lot of loose ends-how it was possible that Tarrlok was born after his father was sentenced to life in prison (the plastic surgery detail was really neat-a lot of mobsters from the 20's-30's were said to have had plastic surgery to escape the feds), why Tarrlok turned out the way he did, and how Amon could be a bender who truly hated bending and saw it as the root of all evil.

OTOH, they completely bypassed the political implications of the Equalists legitimate complaints by just exposing Amon as a hypocrite. Republic City is still a place where benders are more powerful than non-benders, and they use that power to intimidate people (via gangs and elite police units), gain celebrity through sports that non-benders can't compete in, and get jobs that only benders can do. I hope the Lieutenant shows up again next season, or at the very least, that those social issues are dealt with next season.

The romantic stuff was messy-I can't root for Mako/Korra when Asami is left out in the cold. She turned out to be an awesome character overall, and her "boyfriend" didn't even have the decency to break up with her properly before starting up with a different girl. She doesn't need a bf to be a great character and there is still a lot they can explore with her-learning how to cope with her new familial (her father tried to kill her!) and financial (if her dad is in jail, does she have to take over the company? Will there be a company to take over?) realities. Both Fire Ferret brothers are in desperate need of character development, and I would love to see more of characters like Iroh Jr., Bumi, and Zuko. There is plenty of stuff for next season!]
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Joined: 30 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:29 pm Reply with quote
They really needed more episodes to flesh things out. I know the creators like that type of plot driven stuff with less episodes, but that leaves many things undeveloped if not done right, which I feel kind of happened. I know other series were able to pull it off well with only a few episodes, but not in this one. To me, its not filler if we learn more about the characters and the area which connects with the world. It was plot ahead of characterization and interaction. With Nick wanting standalone seasons and the creators wanting less episodes, it could hit Korra in those departments. Not sure what future seasons will hold, but I hope they work more towards a good flow of pacing, characterization, and interaction.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:01 pm Reply with quote
Well it was good, a few of the theories were kind of brought down, but I was really happy with the reveal, I liked the characters, the story, I still did not quite accept the entire setting yet, but just that it feels out of place compared to the prior series. I would really like characters to leave the city at some point, I guess I am rather interested in knowing more about the expanded universe. But at the same time the social things are interesting.

It barely felt like it touched on a bunch of things, but that is room for more.

Also did anyone get any thoughts of Star Wars when spoiler[Amon was lifting them up and Mako did lightning]?
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Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:03 pm Reply with quote
Just watched the finale. That was really good! Though I am going to echo other people in saying the entire season felt a little rushed, and although the plot was great, character development suffered, for Bolin especially. They did a great job in ATLA of every character taking turns playing the comic relief so no character in particular got saddled with that label, except for maybe Sokka (but that was far from his only trait, he was well balanced). Here in Korra, the comedy was left majorly on Bolin's shoulders, and because of that his character seemed to get bogged down and had difficulty growing beyond that. But, this is only the first season! They'll have time to fix low character development in the 2nd, and possibly even a 3rd (I hope? yes please?).

Also, as much as I love Korra, spoiler[I was rooting for Asami. For the last couple eps I'd seen the signs but held out hope. I'm not really disappointed though, because Mako and Korra have the potential to be a great couple. They also have the potential to implode like a pair of over-juiced fireballs, but we'll see how things play out Twisted Evil ].

It didn't surprise me spoiler[Korra found a way to bring people's bending back,] but this now poses an extremely interesting possibility. Korra was able to spoiler[reestablish a broken connection to the elements to give someone their bending back, so perhaps it is possible for her to create a connection where there originally was none. In other words, she may be able to turn non-benders into benders! The implications of this are many, though I doubt they will touch upon it in season 2.]

Also, when spoiler[Tarrlok killed (probably) himself and Amon].... O_o Even though I'm not fond of either character that broadsided me with the level of emotion it had in it. Before that their backstory was interesting, but didn't connect with me. After that scene it really hit me how much it must have messed them both up. Having siblings myself it really gets me to think.

PS: I already love Bumi, that one barbaric yawp said it all Anime hyper
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Joined: 22 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:40 pm Reply with quote
Agent355 wrote:
AmpersandsUnited, There is actually a lot of beautiful, professional A:TLA and Korra fanart out there

All the art I've seen is pretty poorly drawn and amateur looking so I can only go off what is put out there.

Regards to the finale: I was browsing /co/ earlier and they were calling the finale Mass Effect 3 Ending bad. Confused They weren't kidding. They threw like everything in the bin and it makes no sense. Amon's just some generic bender out for power. I guess actually showing him be a non-bender who actually believed he was being oppressed was too heavy for the kids, so he became generically evil. Though we never actually saw discrimination against nonbenders anyway so maybe he made all that up. But his plan made no sense: his dad had his bending taken away and he was born with bending. How was he going to eliminate all bending if benders even if it was taken away can have bender kids? Just taking away bending makes no sense. He'd have to actually kill them to prevent bending from coming back. They obviously can't have him killing people on Nickelodeon and I know they went the 'take bending away' route with the villains because of censorship, but that plan makes no sense otherwise. I hated the spiritbending deus ex machina in the first season, but in this one they did reverse-spiritbending, so Korra can return bending to everyone as if nothing every happened. Speaking of which how did Amon find the airbenders? It kinda makes Lin's whole scene pointless and cheap if he just found them anyway. Though she got her bending back so it doesn't matter I guess. The less I say on the 'romance' the better...
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:38 pm Reply with quote
Amon was not just out for power, spoiler[he wanted to get rid of bending because he thought it was bad. If anything he was a little ambitious, thinking that the world would realize how bad bending was when the majority of people who were non benders would realize how much better their lives were afterwards. Changing entire cultures.]
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:08 pm Reply with quote
While I liked the series very much overall, I think the last episode was WAY too rushed. I'm kinda peeved that Korra spoiler[lost her bending and then got it back like ten minutes later. I agree with some people saying it cheapened the whole feel of it (although not to the extent that it ruined everything and this series is a total joke, and Bryke owe the fans an apology... whatever).] I *did* like the fact spoiler[that it unlocked her airbending; I thought that was kind of neat. ]

I feel really really bad for Asami. spoiler[She really got shafted in this season. Her boyfriend cheated on her, and her dad turned out to be a total jackass. She gave her dad every chance to change his mind, and he tried to kill/hurt her. It pained me to watch her realize he wasn't going to change and finally capture him. While I kinda was rooting for Mako and Korra, this was totally the wrong way to go about it, unless they do some kind of repercussion storyline next season.] I also hope they go into some major character development next season, I want to see more of Asami and Iroh and Bolin being not so goofy all the time. (sometimes I felt the humor was a tad misplaced during the serious scenes)

Really looking forward to Book 2!
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Joined: 27 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:05 am Reply with quote
I also thought this would be a generic, shonen-type show that I would have to watch endless episodes of to catch up on, but I was really impressed with it when my sister made me watch it...the whole concept of pro-bending was a neat touch.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:13 am Reply with quote
kyokun703 wrote:
I'm kinda peeved that Korra spoiler[lost her bending and then got it back like ten minutes later. I agree with some people saying it cheapened the whole feel of it (although not to the extent that it ruined everything and this series is a total joke, and Bryke owe the fans an apology... whatever).]

I agree. I was thinking that they would spend the next season looking for the lion turtle/a way to return bending to give it more build up.

I forgot to mention the random homeless guy from the first episode and his sparkly bush. I was so happy spoiler[seeing him return] since he's one of my (many) favorite characters.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:27 pm Reply with quote
I generally enjoyed the show but I agree that the Aman ending was kinda weak. Too much was revealed too fast with him. spoiler[He's a waterbender, AND a blood bender, AND a spirit bender and it's all revealed right at the end. They never explain exactly how he learned the spirit bending technique, other than implying that it is somehow related to bloodbending. That was just kind of weak sauce. I think it would have been much more interesting if Aman were some kind of evil reincarnation of a past Avatar or something. Also, the whole backstory of him and his brother and father wasn't very well developed. Why is it that only his family has all of these special powers? They make it seem totally random.]

Also, although I don't really have a big problem with the idea of Korra/Mako, to be honest I just don't really like Mako very much. Early on he seemed kind of chauvinistic, then with the whole Asami thing he seems like a very unfaithful boyfriend. I think both Asami and Korra deserve better.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:52 pm Reply with quote
I think you might've missed something, the fact that spoiler[he's an ordinary waterbender and an extraordinary blood bender (but that still falls under the category of water bending) and the fact that his parents were not killed by fire benders (which remember he claimed was part of his divine receiving of "spirit bending") all point to him not being a spirit bender. Spirit bending is the sole realm of the Avatar, which is why both Tenzin and Korra were surprised to see bending taken away. Amon was taking away bending using blood bending, and not spirit bending as Aang did. Amon de-bended from behind, Aang did so from the front, so it wasn't quite the same. Some of the theories I have read was that Amon was blocking the light chakra, located on the forehead (recall the crazy onion and banana juice guy from the season 2 finale going over the chakras, and Aang's chakra located at the base of the spine being blocked, which shows that blocking certain chakras can have an effect on bending). Blocking the light chakra using blood bending seems the most likely to me. Still, if any type of "normal" bending would be likely to be able to remove bending, I'd imagine messing with blood and bodily fuilds to be the one to do it]
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Joined: 28 May 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:13 pm Reply with quote
I forgot a lot about the finale but my favorite part has to be Bumi's debut.
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