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Joined: 11 Dec 2011
Posts: 526
Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:06 am
Kids on the Slope
Lupin III
Kids on the Slope is the winner for me. I love everything about it.
Medaka Box
Space Brothers
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Accel World
I enjoy Jormungand, but I'd also enjoy marathoning it dubbed at some point in the future. It's not a priority.
Last edited by supercreep on Wed May 23, 2012 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:08 am
Quote: | I hate to say to someone, “You should really watch this 20+ episode show from the beginning!” |
I else would watch ANY anime, regardless of its length?
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:15 am
Still watching
Space Bros
Saint Seiya Omega
Accel World
Kids on the Slope (I'll wait for the physical release so I can marathon it).
Medaka Box (I will probably finish it once it completes airing).
Mysterious Girlfriend X (I think I will go back and try and watch this show once it is over since it seems to be getting better from what I have read).
Acchi Kocchi (the first episode did nothing to me so I have no interest in watching more)
Nyarko-san (Two episodes in and since I know nothing of Lovecraft works I lost interest in watching it).
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:30 am
Just wanted to say that Achiga isn't a letdown for fans of Saki. Everyone who watched the first series wants to see Shiraitodai because they have been setup as by far the strongest school.
Basically what happened in Achiga is that they completely sped up all the games/drama/training/etc just so they could get to the semifinal match with Achiga, Senriyama, Shiraitodai and one other school. And the last half of the show is going to be all on this match. It's here where there will be all the intense mahjong craziness that the first series had.
Personally, I can't wait. And while the first half certainly hasn't been all that great, as long as the semifinal match is as awesome as the prefecture finals were in the original series then it'll all be worth it.
My favorites of the stuff currently airing would be Nyarlko, Fate/Zero, Mouretsu Pirates, Hunter X Hunter, Hyouka, Saki Achiga-hen, Natsuiro Kiseki, and Shining Bread in that order, though Nyarlko and Fate/Zero are both pretty much my #1
Last edited by Megiddo on Wed May 23, 2012 11:40 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:32 am
My TOP 4 are the same, though in slightly different order.
Well, i still enjoy Moretsu Pirates a lot. Why does every series need to have DRAMA? Can't we just have a fun and uplifting show once in a while?
Speaking of which...i'm running out of patience with Zetman. I think what especially irritates me is the portrayal of women. Their entire purpose seems to be falling in love and/or getting rescued by Zet and get 'to do the family thing with Zetty. Now that actually made me giggle... or being saintly mother figures...why are there no female 'corporate folks', scientists or Players?!
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Joined: 24 Apr 2006
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:36 am
I wonder if there's a direct correlation between how much you like video games and how much you like Accel World. In any case, I'm really enjoying it - fun battles, interesting online game system, and the actual technology & its social implications is fascinating (I love how embarrassed many of the people in the show are in regards to direct linking in public).
I'm still debating on whether or not Accel World is meant to be a parody. Thoughts? You've got a ridiculous looking main character who is teeming with feelings of insecurity and yet is sought after by a whole harem of beautiful woman. There's the requisite triangle with a jealous best friend (who is in the kendo club, of course) and a childhood sweetheart, robot designs that are straight out of a score of famous series from Ultraman to Mega Man, and a virtual world with a mysterious creator and hidden meaning.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:52 am
Still watching all 6 anime that I've started with, which is pretty amazing for me.
In order:
Kids on the Slope
Space Brothers
Kuroko's Basketball
Lupin III
Jormungand is the most in danger of me dropping it, but it's managing to hang on. I haven't really bonded with any of the characters, which is why it's so tenuous, but I do get a kick out of the action scenes when they finally happen.
And Kuroko ranks higher than Lupin just for entertainment. Lupin is gorgeous and I'll totally continue watching it, but like Bamboo says, it makes me vaguely uncomfortable sometimes, therefore the slightly lower ranking. Kuroko is just silly sports anime fun.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2011
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:00 pm
I'm still watching just Fate/Zero and Bodacious Space Pirates, and my impressions on both kinda reflects The Stream.
Fate/Zero is becoming better and better killing off characters left and right. A welcome change from the smokes and mirrors approach of the first season.
And BSP is so boring now =/
Nothing wrong with light-hearted shows, but a good lighthearted show must have some kind of evil looming around the corner. The Indiana Jones movies are a good example of this. BSP doesn't have a driving force anymore (it's all about the cute characters, but that doesn't last forever).
I think I'll do my best to watch it 'till completion, though.
Fencedude5609 wrote: |
Quote: | I hate to say to someone, “You should really watch this 20+ episode show from the beginning!” |
I else would watch ANY anime, regardless of its length? |
Maybe he (or is a she? I still don't identify ANN reviewers all that well) meant you really need to watch it all carefully from scratch to understand it. As opposed to animes you can start at any point now (I'm thinking about Dragon Ball here).
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Joined: 07 Jan 2012
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:18 pm
I know you're watching a ton of stuff, but I noticed between this weeks article and last week, you have yet to try out Haiyore! Nyaruko-san. Going to find any time to squeeze that in? haha.
Bamboo wrote: |
This is a weird thing to say, but I wish Bodacious Space Pirates were a little more sinister. Yes, I love the series for its perpetually happy-go-lucky characters, and the wide-eyed innocence of Marika, but every now and then, the series tries to fake out its viewers by playing slightly more ominous music, only to have it be nothing. |
That's the charm with Bodacious Space Pirates. Fun show without crazy action or drama even though I do have somewhat the same sentiment. I would love to see a scenario that really tests Marika's wits.
Quote: |
The more I watch this show, the more steadfast I am in my resolve that Upotte!! is a merchandise show. I can see it becoming wildly popular with not only figure collectors, but also people who like to stuff their house with anime girl tchotskes. |
A discussion about this is already going on in the Upotte review thread. You and Carlo came to the same conclusion. I doubt we'll see a plethora of merchandise made for it. I've only seen a few items here and there...not even ACG has put the characters on their tchotskes.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:23 pm
RGaspar wrote: |
Fencedude5609 wrote: |
Quote: | I hate to say to someone, “You should really watch this 20+ episode show from the beginning!” |
I else would watch ANY anime, regardless of its length? |
Maybe he (or is a she? I still don't identify ANN reviewers all that well) meant you really need to watch it all carefully from scratch to understand it. As opposed to animes you can start at any point now (I'm thinking about Dragon Ball here). |
If I remember correctly, Bamboo (she) didn't like the first episode because it was a big exposition and info dump that got stretched out to, what, 45 minutes? I'm guessing that's what she means. Hearing about that turned me away from wanting to watch it ASAP. I'll still eventually pick it up, especially given the more recent reviews, but it's low on my list.
The only show I've been keeping up with this season is Kids on the Slope. Perhaps I'll pick up Tsuritama within the near future. I'm cool with sticking to 1-3 simulcasts per season. There are too many other things to watch!
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:24 pm
I was almost certain Medaka Box was going to be dropped from the list but I;m glad to see it isn't. I look forward to seeing the reaction to the genre shift on the next column.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:25 pm
I'm waiting for Kids on the Slope and Tsuritama to be over so that I can marathon them. Other than that I'm watching
Fate/Zero, probably my favorite this season. I re-marathoned the first cour right after watching episode 16, so I feel really invested in this show, and it's gorgeous too.
Saint Seiya Omega, which I must admit is not really great, but I'm a huge Saint Seiya fan and I'm loving all the hints to the original series like Shiryuu's son or Kouga doing Seiya's Meteor Fist. I'm still hoping we'll get to see the rest of the original cast at some point, since they appeared in the opening
Eureka 7 AO, from which I'm hoping to get at least some more reference to the original show and its cast (coughHollandcough). It's really good looking, though I'm starting to grow tired of so much action. I wish it could slow down the pace, because having a different explosive fight with a monster per episode is becoming mind-boggling.
Zetman I'm not particularly loving it, but I liked the latest turn of events, I thought Alphas and ZET would become rivals, and I was gladly surprised it didn't turn out like that. I'm still wondering if it really will be just 13 episodes, it seems like it has a lot of stories to tell.
Medaka Box is well... okay I guess. I did enjoy the pool event, but Medaka is so annoyingly flawless it's impossible to really like her. I hope the show gets to the famous genre-shift, because it's hard to hold on to this.
Jormungand I've thought of dropping it sooo much. It's incredibly boring, and it hasn't made me care about whatever happens to any of the characters (heck, I can hardly identify them) Jonah is so flat and the general atmosphere is like slow and just boring. At this point I'm just watching because I already got this far. Who knows, maybe the finale will spark things up like Blood-C
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Angel M Cazares
Joined: 23 Sep 2010
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:25 pm
I agree with most of the list, but Space Brothers is too high and Dusk Maiden of Amnesia is too low. I know that Space Brothers has many fans, but it is not that spectacular to even be in the top 5. Dusk Maiden of Amnesia might be a niche title, but I think it deserves to be in the top 10 at least.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2012
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:30 pm
Watching this season:
Space brothers: The winner this season (ok its tied with kids on the slope) but I definetly agree muuta sells the show I may only be 18 at the momment but I can sort of see where he's comming from and that makes it all the more enjoyable.
Kids on the slope: Music's great, I also like the southern accents they have going on (Born in the south I used to have it myself and sorta do at times) I'm behind at the momment but catching up.
Hyouka: (you aren't reviewing it but I'm enjoying it sofar, albet its very slowly paced and the mysteries are pretty down to earth.)
Accel World: I'm quite near wondering if its worth the watching myself, but its still on my list because I did enjoy episodes 6 and 7, though I have a itching feeling I won't like next week. (Not a loli fan)
Lupin the third: Fujiko Mine: This is just all around fun. I haven't seen any of the other series for Lupin before, but its definetly convincing me to give them a try once this is done.
On hold:
Tsuritama: I honestly forgot about this one, I may marathon it or something later, but I'm still interested in seeing where it goes
Medaka Box: Its really gonna suck if they end the series at 12 eps, because theres a genre shift, then ANOTHER genre shift a while afterwards that mocks its previous genre shift. But knowing what happens in the manga makes me less eager to watch the anime, and I already have a mixed view on the manga. This could seriously go on for 50-60 eps easily at best. Oh, and a new character appears, and he'll TOTALLY will make you keep watching the show.
Acchi Kochi: I can handle down to earth cases, but this is a bit "too" down to earth with its humor... Its got nice designs and all but I have no real motivation to keep going.
Obviously still watching:
HxH: Hisoka's a beast
OP: We're out of the flashbacks! Viva~
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:53 pm
Even though I adore BSP as a whole, I pretty much have to agree with Bamboo's current take on it. It's fine for it to stay fluffy, and I definitely enjoy the humor and characterizations, but it could use at least a little more drama and tension. Over the past few episodes it's slipped from being my #1 priority for the week to my #4, after Sankarea, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, and Fate/Zero (in that order).
angelmcazares wrote: | I agree with most of the list, but Space Brothers is too high and Dusk Maiden of Amnesia is too low. I know that Space Brothers has many fans, but it is not that spectacular to even be in the top 5. Dusk Maiden of Amnesia might be a niche title, but I think it deserves to be in the top 10 at least. |
I agree with the DMA part of this comment (I haven't been following Space Brothers, so I have no opinion there), and will be interested to see if the strong episode 7 elevates the series.
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