I have only one question that I was hoping you could answer. With the release of The Cowboy Bebop movie: "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" in Japan, will Bandai Entertainment work with Sunrise to bring the movie to the US? If so how long will American fans have to wait to see this movie? Any information you have would be most helpful.
Erick Bartusek
Currently, Bandai has not announced any plans to bring the Bebop movie to the US, but It's bound to be coming shortly after its release in Japan, given how successful the TV series was here in the US. I don't imagine having to wait very long, and if they release the film at the beginning of the summer this year, I'd imagine they'll be showing it at Anime Expo 2001. Anyone else a bit thrown off by that title? I hear they're getting Axl Rose to play Spike and Slash will be guest starring as Ed.
Not really.
i was just wondering if AIC is going to make tenchi muyo ryo-ohki OVA 3?
They sure are, it was finally announced a few days ago by Pioneer. Check the main page for details. Amazing, since in 1999 they announced that the 3rd Tenchi film, Tenchi Forever, would be the last Tenchi production ever.
Is Card Captor Sakura going to be on fox kid's or any other channel besid's Kids WB and teletoon I dont have teletoon or WB those two channel's are not even on cable.I herd that in north america card captor's was going to be on fox kid's in july 2000 but it never came on.
-Phyllis Faas
Kids WB currently owns the rights to Cardcaptors and it's doing very well for them, so I don't imagine that the show will be finding it's way into syndication any time soon. The show was never announced as being on Fox Kids, you must be mistaken. Just so you know, Cardcaptors is a dub and hack job that rivals what they did to Sailor Moon - probably the worst localization I've ever seen. I can't imagine why you'd actually WANT to watch that - but, to each his own.
i was just wondering, when you guys spoke with sean
akins of toonami, did he mention anythng about outlaw
star getting an uncut showing on the midnight run like
Gundam Wing, or will it get an edited cut for midnight
run like tenchi, or will it just stay on the regualr
4-7pm line up
There will be no unedited run of Outlaw Star and they haven't announced any midnight run, edited or not, for the show as of yet. Outlaw Star was run originally at 1:15 AM suring a block of shows intended for people over the age of 15 - why does America see the need to turn something intended for mature audiences into something for children?
That's all for now - keep sending in questions, I'll keep answering them. Please refrain from asking about release dates for DVDs, or anything that you can easily find on a website that sells such merchandise. All other questions are welcomed.
Got a burning question that you can't seem to answer? Maybe the Answerman can help you! Contact the Answerman at [email protected] (answerman at with your questions!