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The Anime Backlog

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The Anime Backlog - Yu Yu Hakusho Season 1

Yu Yu Hakusho has made me a shonen battle manga convert. ― The sun's out today but it's still damn cold, however, I found a workaround for that whole "going outside" issue I mentioned last month. That goal was, in part, to increase physical activity. My job has me at a desk all day, and I'm approaching 40. I'd like all my joints to work for the foreseeable future. I got one of those desk treadmills,...

The Anime Backlog - Robot Carnival

This is a perfect film. ― Hey everybody, how is 2025 treating you so far? It's been a damn cold January here in the PNW, which is having a direct negative effect on my ability to follow through on my resolution for the year (i.e., go outside, Lynzee). Instead, I'm huddled next to the fireplace with at least three blankets at all times. What can you do? I had a hard time committing to an anime for th...

The Anime Backlog - Princess Tutu

Lynzee takes on one of the esteemed magical girl classics to see if this is a real fairy tale or a shadowplay. ― Happy holidays Loggers, I hope your celebration preparations aren't stressing you out too much. Everyone has their own traditions, whether it's Black Friday shopping, decorating sugar cookies, hitching up lights on the roof, or, in my case, seeing a seasonal show. While there are some exc...

The Anime Backlog - Pet Shop of Horrors

Lynzee tackles another Madhouse classic featuring mermaids, kirin, medusa, and heaping piles of killer rabbits. ― Hey there Loggers*, I hope you all had a great Halloween! We're moving into the festive months of the year but it's always Samhain in my heart. If you're wondering what's kept me busy lately, go take a look at Fall Manga Guide, the Fall Light Novel Guide, the K-Comics Guide, and be sure ...

The Anime Backlog - Symphogear

After over 10 years, Lynzee tries out Symphogear but like a song played off-key, she can't quite connect with its incongruent elements. ― Hi everyone, how are you enjoying the new anime season? While it's not doing any favors for my ever-growing backlog, I've rounded out my must-watch to about four shows: Dan Da Dan, Orb, Blue Box, and Ranma 1/2. Coincidentally, they're all airing on Netflix this ti...

The Anime Backlog - Macross Plus

With only hazy memories from a satellite TV airing in the '90s, Lynzee takes her first full foray into Macross. ― While in New York last month, I had the opportunity to attend the Macross Plus movie screening with special guest Shōji Kawamori. I had not seen the film in its entirety before, although I'm somewhat sure I'd seen the climax on some satellite channel when I was about 12. I'm fairly confi...

The Anime Backlog - Gunbuster

We're checking out Gainax's 1988 hit for the very first time! Hideaki Anno made his big directorial debut and with it, history. ― Hi there, loyal readers! Convention season is finally over, so hopefully, I can get the Anime Backlog out a bit more consistently. I already have my next column after this one in the bag, allowing more leeway to dive into some longer series on my 100+ title spreadsheet. W...

The Anime Backlog - Millennium Actress

This Satoshi Kon film is as timeless as its leading lady. ― We're in between conventions, faithful readers, so it's time to scratch another one off the backlog. I have just enough time to get reacclimated to my timezone from Washington DC to throw it in the trash before heading to New York City. With all this thought on the ephemeral and transcendental concept of time, let's throw in a movie that en...

The Anime Backlog - Alien 9

Lynzee dusts off an old DVD and discovers an OAV full of gory action sequences and 12-year-old girls frequently crying for their mommies. ― Thank you everyone for patiently tuning in to another edition of The Anime Backlog. As you can guess, last week (and three weeks leading up to it) was one the busiest for me while I coordinated Anime Expo coverage. You can expect two editions of The Anime Backlo...

The Anime Backlog - Hellsing Ultimate

Lynzee slays the Nosferatu Arucard, but isn't sure if she enjoyed the experience. ― Welcome back to The Anime Backlog, the column where I chronicle my journey to overcome a backlog of 100+ anime titles. After slaying my behemoth of shame, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, I decided to dive into the quintessential dark and edgy series of the aughts, Hellsing Ultimate. Note: This column will routinely...

The Anime Backlog - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

In our brand-new column, Lynzee Loveridge comes clean about her backlog, starting with one of the most popular anime ever. Use this space here for critical finger-wagging and exclamations of disbelief. ― I have a secret. A no-good, embarrassing, shame-inducing secret. I'm the executive editor at Anime News Network but there are, in fact, anime I have not watched. Not just forgettable mid-tier season...

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