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Sunrise Makes Sacred Seven School Battle Action Project

posted on by Egan Loo
Anime studio's 2011 project revealed at Comic Market

A banner at this week's Comic Market is announcing that the anime studio Sunrise is making a "new school battle action" project called Sacred Seven for next year. The tagline on banner at the Tokyo Big Sight event center's Kokusai-Tenjijō train station says, "People's memories change the world!"

[Via Moon Phase]

Update: The February issue of Kadokawa Shoten's Newtype magazine is announcing on January 8 that this project will be a television anime airing this year. The staff is as follows:

Director: Yoshimitsu Ōhashi (Aquarian Age - Sign for Evolution, Galaxy Angel, Witchblade)
Series Script Supervisor: Shin Yoshida (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Karas)
Original Character Design: Mitsumi Inomata (Future GPX Cyber Formula, Windaria, Tales of Eternia)
Original Suit Design: Ippei Gyōbu
Character Design: Yuriko Chiba (Planetes, Steel Angel Kurumi, To Heart), Eiji Nakada (Eureka Seven)

[Via Uri-Sure Matome R]

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