Major (manga)
Alternative title:
Major – Dramatic Baseball Comic
メジャー (Japanese)
棒球大聯盟 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Plot Summary:
Goro Honda, the son of a Japanese professional baseball player, has aspirations of becoming a pro player. Shigeharu Honda, the father, is quickly becoming a star for the professional Blue Oceans. However, when disaster strikes Shigeharu and consequentially Goro, they must find their paths to the pros.
User Ratings:
11 ratings have been given [details]
Number of tankoubon:
Number of pages:
Chapter titles: We have 707
2006-01-14 (Japanese character guide)
Release dates: We have 156
News: Show:
Japanese Comic Ranking, February 27-March 5 (Mar 8, 2017)
Japanese Comic Ranking, February 20-26 (Mar 1, 2017)
Japanese Comic Ranking, February 13-19 (Feb 23, 2017)
Japanese Comic Ranking, November 28-December 4 (Dec 7, 2016)
Top-Selling Manga in Japan by Volume: 2016 (Nov 30, 2016)
Top-Selling Manga in Japan by Series: 2016 (Nov 30, 2016)
Japanese Comic Ranking, November 21-27 (Nov 30, 2016)
Japanese Comic Ranking, July 11-17 (Jul 20, 2016)
Top-Selling Manga in Japan by Volume: 2016 (First Half) (May 29, 2016)
Major 2nd Baseball Manga Gets Extended Anime Ad (Jul 13, 2016)
Other article: Show:
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Story & Art: Takuya Mitsuda |
(none) |
Publisher: Shogakukan |
(none) |
Licensed by: Ching Win Publishing Co., Ltd. |
(none) |
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