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Gouge Away
by Todd Ciolek,

Considering that this column's going up just after election day, I'm not going to pretend that you're remotely as interested in video games as you are in who's going to lead the American people (besides the Illuminati, of course). That's why I'm going to be relevant and start off this column with America Daitoryo Senkyo, the only Japanese video game to tackle a U.S. presidential election in style. And by “in style” I mean “by constantly playing ‘My Old Kentucky Home’ and other public-domain music while showing 8-bit portraits of the 1988 candidates.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the new President of the United States of America: Michael Dukakis. No, really. Old Famicom games never lie.
You know, the near-weekly announcements of new characters for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom would be more exciting if the game had a fair chance of seeing a North American release. Instead, we must summon our enthusiasm for importing the Japanese version and going through the bothersome and possibly expensive chore of running a Japanese Wii game. I imagine some will be swayed into that by the fact that Viewtiful Joe's star is now part of the cast.
The other new Capcom addition is Saki Kanebo (right), an incredibly obscure choice (and I say this as someone who once knew all of Street Fighter Alpha 2's background cameos). Saki first appeared in Capcom's Quiz Nanairo Dreams, in which players answered questions put forth by a dating simulator's cast of girls. Saki was the sci-fi cosplayer of the bunch, and she later made cameos in Marvel vs. Capcom and those awesome SNK vs. Capcom: Cardfighter's Clash games. She's lugging around a real rifle in her Tatsunoko vs. Capcom incarnation, and the Capcom higher-up who likes her must be downright giddy over it.
Meanwhile, the Tatsunoko roster gets the lead from Gyakuten Ippatsu-man, a Tatsunoko superhero series from 1982. It's also an unfamiliar choice for the occidental viewer, though Ippatsu-man is technically a spin-off of Tatsunoko's incredibly popular Time Bokan TV series. He's another costumed champion of justice in a game that's already overflowing with them, but such was Tatsunoko's ethos in the 1980s.
You can already find a Bleach RPG, a Bleach strategy game, and a horde of Bleach fighters on modern systems, but I believe that Bleach: Soul Carnival is the first Bleach beat-'em-up in that old-fashioned Double Dragon vein. The PSP game drops huge-headed versions of Ichigo, Rukia, Renji, Kenpachi, and other prominent Bleach leads into side-scrolling levels full of hollows, rival reapers, and even Ganju's giant boars. The game thrives on a complex support system that links minor characters to a playable one, with the results varying depending on how much the supporters like their company (in other words, heroines get more results with Kon). It's a promising portable title from Racjin, a developer that's struggling to rebuild a reputation after its A.S.H. RPG flopped on the DS last year. A U.S. release might seem a good idea, but Bleach games haven't yet shown up here for any Sony systems. Curious, that.
Capcom's Sengoku Basara X didn't set the world of fighting games aflame, but it proved that there's a market for pretty-boy fighters that cater to female fans. Examu, which already hit modern male moe-geeks on the nose with its Arcana Heart series, is now reaching out to another spectrum with Daemon Bride (romanized as Demon Blade elsewhere, but the official site makes it clear that there's marriage involved). Evidently aimed at the young women who can't stop squealing over Ky and Sol's relationship in Guilty Gear, Daemon Bride's two male leads are the priestly, feathered Kuon Summeragi and the chains-sporting, devil-winged Reizei Abane.

Not that it's all angsty men fighting at a futuristic netherworld academy. Daemon Blade also introduces three women: the blond, angelic Michael, the demonic Lucifer, and the scythe-wielding, slightly more ambiguous Kureha Yamisaki, all of whom should sate both Gothic Lolita fashion devotees and general goth-girl fans. And then there's Dawn, a bald, muscle-bound grappler whose right arm is a huge purple octopus. I really don't care to know what fetish he represents.
Neverland Card Battles is part of an uncommon genre: the card-based strategy-RPG. Sure, we're drowning in anime-drenched strategy games and facing no shortage of RPGs that use cards in combat, but there's nothing here that mixes the two quite like Neverland. At the very least, sticking together two well-worn gameplay tropes makes it stand out in a world of pale Final Fantasy clones.
The Neverland Card Battles we're getting here is a PSP port of an earlier PS2 title, which was another link in Idea Factory's loose chain of titles set in a world called Neverland. The series has inched over here with the marginalized Spectral Souls on the PSP and the lesser-liked Spectral Force 3 on the Xbox (and that god-awful Spectral Force anime), but I suspect there are few fans who will appreciate the characters and references in Neverland Card Battles.
Fortunately, players needn't bother keeping up on the backstory. It's a fairly routine yarn about Hellgaia, an ancient god of destruction who's sealed away in the form of cards. He awakens and possesses a despairing priestess, leaving Egma, the servant of the other gods, to recruit warriors (with cards) and send them to destroy Hellgaia (again, with cards) in the depths of an island labyrinth. Controlling the risk-hungry Galahad (who looks like he just stepped out of Saiyuki), players tread through battles with both servants of Hellgaia and the other chosen heroes.
The localization sports some solid voice acting from the usual suspects, but they're stuck with all-too-familiar characters. There's a cocky gambler, a perky young lady who hates being called “little girl,” and other archetypes already seen in thousands of anime series and RPGs. Perhaps it would be easier to care if the conversations didn't have all the didactic card-game chatter of a Yu-Gi-Oh! episode. I know that when I encounter strangers in ancient catacombs, my first instinct is to duel them with cards while explaining the mechanics of summoning creatures on elemental tiles.
No one will remember Neverland Card Battles for its story or its rudimentary graphics (or its inoffensive soundtrack), but the combat finds unique space. Battles play out in grids with sprite-based characters treading around a few squares at a time, but everything's governed by decks of cards. The playing field is initially bare but for two dominators, who use what they're dealt to summon allies or unleash nasty effects on enemies. The key to victory lies in wearing down the other dominator's hit points, but that's always complicated when the enemy builds an army of bug-fish, armored knights, and ghosts to stand in your way. Every direct confrontation has two characters smacking each other around on a separate screen, a sight that's not as exciting as it wants to be, due to the average graphics and frequent loading.
Yet it's the overriding flow of a confrontation that keeps Neverland Card Battles above water. When you're not conjuring up soldiers and raining firestorms down on your foes, you're trying to stake out as much territory as possible. Squares of the battlefield change color when you and your allies walk across them, and the more space you claim, the more powerful forces you'll have. Of course, your opponent's trying the same strategy, and the resulting contest adds to a potentially staid array of card-dealing and attacking.
Neverland Card Battles doesn't have the length or the narrative pull to scrape the likes of Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea, but there's a halfway compelling challenge within the card decks and land-grabbing battles. I can only hope Yuke's release does well enough to create a robust online community, since the game's at its most appealing with a human opponent and an unpredictable assortment of cards to face. And that's enough to put Neverland Card Battles at the forefront of card-based strategy-RPGs, however bare than field may be.
MIRROR'S EDGE (EA., Xbox 360/PS3/PC, $59.99) ![]() Get Excited If: You've ever popped in Casino Royale just to watch the parkour chase. |
POKEMON RANGER: SHADOWS OF ALMIA (Nintendo, DS, $34.99) ![]() Get Excited If: You actually know the names of some of the new Pokemon from Ranger. |
TALES OF SYMPHONIA: DAWN OF A NEW WORLD (Namco Bandai, Wii, $39.99) ![]() Get Excited If: You know why Kratos won't be playable in the Symphonia sequel. |

And Zillion certainly made an impression. Before the game can even pull up a Sega logo, a huge image of alpha-hero J.J. appears onscreen and fires his Sega-brand Zillion pistol right in your face. Nor does Zillion fuss about with long introductions: as J.J., you're quickly shoved out of a spaceship and told to blow up the Noza (or “Norsa,” as the game spells it) base you're standing on, but not before you've rescued your captured comrades, the cocky Champ and the efficient Apple, the latter of whom is misidentified as a man in the game's instructions.
All of this arrived less than a year after Nintendo's Metroid, and Zillion indeed mimics Metroid's mazelike approach. They're vastly different in tone, however; Metroid is bleak and claustrophobic, while Zillion is a glowing, antiseptic maze that lands closer to Epyx's old computer game Impossible Mission. Zillion's enemy base is a web of sharp-colored steel tunnels, elevators, and rooms locked off by keycards and passwords. There's a lot of backtracking and experimenting involved, as J.J. must retrieve and memorize a four-part password for each room by destroying canisters and picking up an ID card for every computer terminal.
All the while, J.J. is evading energy fields, laser turrets, and roving Noza android-creatures that get progressively nastier as the game continues. His moves are the usual fire-and-jump repertoire, with one uncommon addition: he can crawl on his stomach to duck enemy fire, snipe at foes, and sneak through passages. Apple and Champ can do the same once they're rescued, giving players three different characters that balance speed and endurance to varying degrees.
Like most of the better Master System games, Zillion looks impressive for its day, with vibrant colors and animation just slightly beyond any NES games of the same period. Still, the anime atmosphere is confined mostly to short conversations and a perky soundtrack. Zillion doesn't go for elaborate cutscenes, though mothership operator Amy and the show's major villain show up in one of the most hilariously overdramatic “Game Over” screens ever.
Zillion isn't quite as amazing as it was back in 1987. For one thing, having to ferret out a passcode in nearly every room gets a bit dull. Also repetitive is the game's overuse of basic Noza mecha-things as enemies; for the first twenty minutes or so, they're the only opposition you'll really encounter. There's also no password system, forcing you to play through the whole thing in one go (and, presumably, write down every passcode), and the game's three continues are easily used up in the early stages of JJ going it alone.
Sega returned to Zillion for a Master System sequel, subtitled “The Tri-Formation,” but it's a bland combination of bike-racing and shooting stages, and only J.J. is playable. There would be no Zillion games on later Sega systems, either, as the company and the anime parted ways, even though Opa-Opa, the mascot of Sega's Fantasy Zone games, was Zillion's resident Haro-like sidekick.
The Zillion anime never caught on in the U.S., where only a few episodes of the TV series (and the hysterical OVA) were dubbed and released by Streamline. Still, the first game was there when it counted for Sega Master System owners who wanted something a little deeper than the usual arcade-game ports. Zillion doesn't beat Metroid at its own game, but it's still capable of pulling in anime fans and anyone seeking a captivating, old-fashioned challenge.
A copy of Zillion, complete with its terribly nondescript box art, should run no more than ten bucks online. I'm surprised that it's not on the Wii's Virtual Console. Perhaps some legal fallout remains from Sega and Zillion's breakup.
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