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The List
7 Spookiest Places

by Lynzee Loveridge,

Plan your vacations somewhere else, because these seven locations are 100% terrifying. Deserted medical facilities, scenes from a murder, creepy websites, and vampire hunting grounds all make it on to this week's list. Also some spoilers!

7. Hospital (Yami Shibai) Yami Shibai manages to set the horror stage well for episodes that clock in under 10 minutes. In episode 7, "Contradiction," a couple enters a deserted hospital located on the "outskirts" of a nameless town, maybe yours? Once inside, they find themselves facing one of the creepiest monsters ever and flee in terror..sort of.

6. Private Seikyō Academy (Dusk maiden of Amnesia) Besides the the secondary protagonist being a ghost, Seikyō Academy is super haunted. Club member Kirie can attest to this, as she seeks out a shadowy ghost that seems to haunt the place. Add in the fact that the school is partially new, clean buildings meshed with remnants of the older building, and students can easily get lost wandering the halls forever.

5. Mima's Room (Perfect Blue) If there's one spooky place on the Internet, it's the website "Mima's Room." The pop star Mima abandons her innocent image to pursue an acting career, but one particular fan won't have any of it. Mima discovers "Mima's Room," a detailed web diary of her life written by someone else. The invasion of privacy gets more eerie as Mima's REAL room begins undergoing changes, too. All of her fish die, visions show bloody clothes in her closet, and she's taunted by an alternate persona.

4. Mei's House (Another) Thanks to a curse, the entire town of Yomiyama is plagued with death. Around every corner awaits a Final Destination murder scenario ready to kill the kids in class 3-3. The creepiest place in the town is in unarguably Mei Misaki's mother's workshop/store. There she sells gothic ball-jointed dolls in a museum-like setting. The dolls are nude, decapitated, in coffins, missing limbs, or growing horns and always, always staring. Just like the shop's receptionist, Mei's creepy great aunt.

3. Yuno's House (Future Diary) Yuno's house is full of locked doors, crumbling walls, and a huge pit in the backyard. It's very similar to the fractured state of Yuno's mind after her parents drove her crazy. The walls have "help" written in blood on them and there's a cage and corpses in One Room. Still manages to put Yuki in the mood, somehow.

2. Hinamizawa (When They Cry - Higurashi) Another eerie little town full of creepy people who just might be the descendants of demons. If the demon part isn't true, you can bet that they're under the control of the town yakuza family and will have no problem killing you. The place is rife with curses, murders, and ritualistic disappearances. Also threats of plague, and in the latest original anime video installment, zombies.

1. Sotoba (Shiki) The small town of Sotoba is scary for two reasons: the town is crawling with both human and undead monsters. It's isolated from the rest of the world and entrenched in its old-fashioned traditions. Visitors best watch their backs from suspicions of the living and the blood-sucking vampires that roam at all hours.

The new poll: Who is your favorite member of the Straw Hat Pirates?

The old poll: The last poll asked which personality trait is most important for a mecha pilot. Fans decided that intelligence and tactics are more important than talent and determination. Here's the full results:

  1. Intelligence/Tactics 32.5%
  2. Talent/Skill 22.0%
  3. Determination 17.2%
  4. Courage/Guts 15.4%
  5. Hotblooded 6.4%
  6. Love For His Family/Friends 4.2%
  7. Looks/Style 2.2%

When she isn't compiling lists of tropes, topics, and characters, Lynzee works as Associate Editor for Anime News Network, blogs about women and LBGT topics in anime and manga on her blog Engendered Dilemma, and posts pictures of her son on Twitter @ANN_Lynzee.

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