The Click
March 3rd - March 9th
by Brian Hanson,

Dear sweet discombobulated deities and other such foul language! It's The Click here, again, to shine a little bit of anime-on-TV light into your dark, cold little world. There's a pretty decent line-up this time; not quite approaching "bevy" worthy, but one could easily use the word "plethora" to describe it. Certainly. If this were a copy of "Gamepro" magazine circa 1994, around here would be a little box that said "PROTIP: All dates and times are Eastern, and tentative! Try not to get hit by enemies!"
But first, allow me to don my patented rose-tinted goggles for a moment for some reflection and rumination. One year ago today, or thereabouts, my good friend Zac Bertschy graciously put the metaphorical pen in my hand and told me to "get to writin'," and since then, writing The Click has always been a wonderful highlight of my week, and never a chore. Of course a hearty, meaty thanks to all you gentle readers out there who've helped shape The Click during the past twelve months, offering ever-so-valuable feedback and asking "where's The Click, yo?" on those dark weeks I've missed my deadline.
So, as frustrating as it is that in this era of increased telecommunication conglomeration it is nigh-impossible for niche anime-only networks to increase their market penetration; irritating though it may be that shoujo or anything slightly leaning towards female viewers is nearly nonexistent; and sad as it is that Naruto still lags in certain key demographics behind Hannah Montana, all you guys out there are keepin' the hope alive. And you're all awesome.

Trinity Blood
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday March 3 11:30pm - Episode 24 "The Crown of Thorns II: The Lord of Oath" (Repeats Sun Mar 4 2:30am)
Gundam SEED Destiny
Friday March 9 9:30pm - Episode 1 "Enraged Eyes" (Repeats Sat Mar 10 1:30am)
Trinity Blood wraps things up this week, while loyal Canadian Gundam fans - potentially the only non-Japanese Gundam fans in existence - are treated to the North American television debut of Gundam SEED Destiny. Trinity Blood had always been a series that never particularly impressed me, with its rather bland, stock cast and jumpy plot, but at least I've always been entertained by it, which, when I'm watching TV at 11:30 on an otherwise dull Saturday night, is about all I could ask for. Gundam SEED Destiny, meanwhile, is the sequel to a Gundam iteration I'm not a huge fan of - and neither were most of my fellow Americans, apparently, given the way the original Gundam SEED series was ignominiously dumped into an unwatchable timeslot halfway through its original run three years ago. Gundam as a franchise itself, however, is a different story, and I find it quite sad that in the glory days of Gundam Wing and the like, it would've seemed impossible to imagine something like The Click appearing without various Gundam reruns peppered throughout the week. You folks with YTV, count your lucky stars Gundam is still considered a viable option up there.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday March 3 5:00am - Episode 17 "Painful Forest"
Speaking of series that were ignominiously dumped into unwatchable timeslots - here's .hack, another big-name franchise that failed to ignite the imaginations and wallets of American anime fans! This week on MMORPG TV, Tabby, frustrated by how her contemporaries have outclassed and out-level-upped her, wanders aimlessly in The World, while Haseo's quest for power may lead to dangerous things. As it is often wont to do.
(Independent Film Channel)
Friday March 9 11:30pm - Episode 10 "Divine Mandate" (Repeats Sat 10 5:30am)
Now, through the magic of as-yet-undiscovered "copy and paste" technology, I can actually step back into the past, and retrieve and re-present my synopsis for Basilisk episode 10, post last September when the series aired in Canada! BEHOLD!
"Lord Ieyasu of the shogun tallies the ongoing slaughter between the rival Kouga and Iga ninja clans, in order to label the triumphant clan with the task of being the shogun's official goons. But, like any great rivalry, from Brian Hanson and Dominic's Great Third-Grade NES Cartridge War up to... wars and stuff, the battle is long and vicious, and did I mention long?"
(Cartoon Network)
Sunday March 4 12:00am - Episode 24 (Repeats Sun Mar 4 3:00am)
Having caught up with the wayward Kuukaku Shiba and her doof of a brother, Ganju, Ichigo and the others do what all the other action-based Shonen Jump characters do: training! Specifically, training to control their "spirit energy" to form a sort of cannonball capable of breaking through the otherwise-impregnable Soul Society.
Friday March 9 10:30pm - Episode 26 (Repeats Sat Mar 10 2:00am)
Confound those Canuckians for getting new Bleach episodes before us! I eagerly and maliciously anticipate a situation similar to what happened with Naruto; wherein YTV had a slight lead on US viewers, until a ridiculous amount of marathons on Cartoon Network's part put them a half-dozen episodes ahead. You might think, given the other nutty claims made on The Click over the past year, that I'm kidding, but I'm not. I actually anticipate this. I am a sad, sad man. Anyway, episode 26 of Bleach is about them using the aforementioned cannonballs and breaking into the Soul Society, and the chaos such an event causes.
Cowboy Bebop
Sunday March 4 9:00pm - Episode 11 "Toys in the Attic"
Cowboy Bebop continues its ultra-hip pastiche of varying genres with this clever ode to the standard haunted house story, which ends in a very valuable lesson to us all about leaving food out.
Eureka 7
(Cartoon Network)
Sunday March 4 12:30am - Episode 43 "The Sunshine Underground" (Repeats Sun Mar 4 3:30am)
This week on Eureka 7: lots of drama! Specifically, regarding Dewey attempting to perform an arcane and barbaric ritual to "calm" the planet, Dominic attempting to make amends with Anemone, and lots of other attempts at other things.
Friday March 9 9:30pm - Episode 25 "World's End Garden" (Repeats Sat Mar 10 2:30am)
After leaving the care of Charles and Ray, Renton collapses from exhaustion at the home of the kindly Will, who lives a quiet life in a deserted field alongside his wife, who suffers from "Desperation Disease," an incurable illness that renders its victims motionless. Much tenderness abounds.
Gunslinger Girl
(Independent Film Channel)
Friday March 9 11:00pm - Episode 10 "Fever Love: Amare" (Repeats Sat Mar 10 5:00am)
Following the gory deaths of two operatives, the aptly named "Section One" is dispatched to uncover all the equally gory details. But what is their true purpose? Cue dramatic music!
(G4TechTV Canada)
-Monday March 5 8:30pm - Episode 8 "That Bond Has Its Use"
-Tuesday March 6 8:30pm - Episode 9 "Return to Carmen's Hometown"
-Wednesday March 7 8:30pm - Episode 10 "To the Ocean, Thank You"
-Thursday March 8 8:30pm - Episode 11 "Cover of Goodbye"
-Friday March 9 8:30pm - Episode 12 "The Days of No Return"
GunXSword? You know, that show with the dude that looks like Spike from Cowboy Bebop, and the girls in the skin-tight suits? It has robots in it? It's a lot less than the sum of its parts, but is perfectly enjoyable in your standardly dumb, things-go-explode sort of way? You know what I mean.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday March 3 10:00pm - Episode 2 "Babbo: The Legendary ARM!"
Ginta, our spiky-haired hero, is not only dropped unceremoniously into a dangerous fantasy world, but is unable to even defend himself. That is, until he meets Babbo - a talking mace-ball-thing! Thank heavens Cartoon Network is airing this show in proper order - audiences might not have noticed all of MAR's subdued subtleties and nuances otherwise.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday March 3 9:00pm - Episode 77 "Light vs. Dark: The Two Faces of Gaara"
With Sakura incapacitated and Sasuke on the verge of exhaustion, Naruto, it seems, is the only one left who can put a stop to Gaara's wicked ways. But first, Naruto delves deep inside himself to learn that, if not for the power of friendship, he might have ended up as consumed and murderous as Gaara.
Friday March 9 8:00pm - Episode 71 "An Unrivaled Match: Hokage Battle Royale!"
Orochimaru, villain extraordinaire, seemingly reanimates the bodies of the First and Second Hokages, in order to fight the aging Third Hokage, where much entertaining violence occurs. Also, Sasuke finally gains ground in his chase for Gaara, and stuff happens!
One Piece
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday March 3 9:30pm - Episode 81 "Two Bad"
If you think I'm joking when I say things like "every third word of every line spoken in the One Piece dub is a terrible, terrible pun," then I dare you to actually watch an episode of dubbed One Piece. Especially in these later episodes, when the writers must've noticed the show's days were numbered, and simply threw every pun and the kitchen sink wherever inappropriate. This episode also involves lots and lots of puns, as well as Chopper and Usopp's fight against the dimwitted Mr. 4 and his burrowing companion, Ms. Groundhogday.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday March 3 9:30am - Episode 466 "Home Is Where the Start Is"
This is the new episode of Pokemon. As a given, this episode will include at least one Pokemon battle, and may include an extended bit of tomfoolery as the nefarious Team Rocket attempts to nab innocent Pokemon, only to be hoisted by their own petard and launched, screaming, into the sky until they become but a mere glint of cartoon villainy. Also, Ash, the protagonist, returns to his home in Pallet to meet old friends and rivals.
Prince of Tennis
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday March 3 10:30pm - Episode 2 "Samurai Jr."
Ryoma is like any sullen Junior High student; quiet, soft spoken, and a preternatural tennis genius. But is he genius enough to live up to his father's legacy, one which earned him the nickname "Samurai"? Such questions can be answered by viewing the episode in question.
Samurai Champloo
Sunday March 4 9:30pm - Episode 11 "Gamblers and Gallantry"
A particularly maudlin Samurai Champloo episode this week, but also one of the best. Jin meets a troubled woman, forced into a brothel to recoup her deadbeat husband's gambling debt, and then deals with that crazy little thing called love.
Spider Riders
(Kids WB)
Saturday March 3 11:00am - Episode 16 "Corona's Homecoming"
Hunter and his female (but totally platonic) compatriot, Corona, visits Corona's hometown, and defeat evil bugs along the way. A lot like any first date, really.
Zatch Bell
Friday March 9 8:30pm - Episode 59 "Charge Into the Ruins: Kanchome's Strategy"
Folgore and Kanchome, that unlikely duo of a spindly Italian pop-star trollop and his duck-billed, pajama-wearing Mamodo, break into the Deboro Ruins to save their misbegotten pals.
The Weathering Continent
(Encore Action)
Saturday March 3 5:00am (Repeats Sat Mar 3 10:35am, Thu Mar 8 12:00am)
Karas: The Prophecy
(Encore Action)
Tuesday March 6 12:00am
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
(Encore Action)
Wednesday March 7 12:00am
Out of these three films featured this week on Encore Action, which one do I recommend? I'll give a hint: it airs Wednesday March 7th at midnight.
I'm tapped out, everybody! I'll be back for The Click's One Year and One Week anniversary, perhaps with cake and juice! For myself, of course. Below are reruns!
Big O
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Mar 4 5:00am - Episode 9 "Beck Comes Back"
Chrono Crusade
(Showtime Beyond)
-Mon Mar 5 12:20am - Episode 7 "Devil" (R Fri Mar 9 1:00am)
-Fri Mar 9 9:00pm - Episode 8 "Puppets"
(Toon Disney)
-Sat Mar 3 11:00am - Episode 16 "The Arrival of Skull Greymon" (R Tue Mar 6 10:30pm, Wed Mar 7 3:00am)
-Sun Mar 4 11:00am - Episode 17 "The Crest of Sincerity" (R Wed Mar 7 10:30pm, Thu Mar 8 3:00am)
-Mon Mar 5 1:30am - Episode 151 "His Kingdom for a Horse"
-Mon Mar 5 8:00am - Episode 198 "Bad to the Bones" (R Tue Mar 6 2:30am)
-Mon Mar 5 10:30pm - Episode 15 "The Dark Network of Etermon" (R Tue Mar 6 3:00am)
-Tue Mar 6 8:00am - Episode 111 "Now You See It Now You Don't (R Wed Mar 7 2:30am)
-Tue Mar 6 7:30pm - Episode 4 "Biyomon Gets Firepower"
-Wed Mar 7 8:00am - Episode 200 "All Aboard the Tag Team Express" (R Thu Mar 8 2:30am)
-Wed Mar 7 7:30pm - Episode 5 "Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker"
-Thu Mar 8 8:00am - Episode 201 "To Make the World Go Away" (R Fri Mar 9 2:30am)
-Thu Mar 8 7:30pm - Episode 6 "Togemon in Toy Town"
-Thu Mar 8 10:30pm - Episode 18 "The Piximon Cometh" (R Fri Mar 9 3:00am)
-Fri Mar 9 8:00am - Episode 202 "When Knights Fall..." (R Sat Mar 10 2:30am)
-Fri Mar 9 10:30pm - Episode 19 "The Prisoner of the Pyramid" (R Sat Mar 10 3:00am)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Mar 6 12:30am - Episode 9 "Chat! Chat! Chat!" (R Tue Mar 6 4:00am)
-Wed Mar 7 12:30am - Episode 10 "Jungle Cruise" (R Wed Mar 7 4:00am)
-Thu Mar 8 12:30am - Episode 11 "Portraitz" (R Thu Mar 8 4:00am)
-Fri Mar 9 12:30am - Episode 12 "Escape From" (R Fri Mar 9 4:00am)
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Mar 4 5:30am - Episode 9 "Face of Terror"
Idaten Jump
(Cartoon Network)
-Thu Mar 8 6:00am - Episode 3 "Rush"
-Fri Mar 9 6:00am - Episode 4 "Trap"
(Cartoon Network) (double check these)
-Tue Mar 6 1:00am - Episode 81 "Vanishing Point: Naraku Disappears" (R Tue Mar 6 4:30am)
-Tue Mar 6 1:30am - Episode 82 "Gap Between the Ages" (R Tue Mar 6 5:00am)
-Wed Mar 7 1:00am - Episode 83 "The Female Wolf-Demon and the Lunar Rainbow Promise" (R Wed Mar 7 4:30am)
-Wed Mar 7 1:30am - Episode 84 "Kega's Bride-to-Be" (R Wed Mar 7 5:00am)
-Thu Mar 8 1:00am - Episode 85 "The Evil Within Demon's Head Castle" (R Thu Mar 8 4:30am)
-Thu Mar 8 1:30am - Episode 86 "Secret of the Possessed Princess" (R Thu Mar 8 5:00am)
-Fri Mar 9 1:00am - Episode 87 "Kikyo's Lonely Journey" (R Fri Mar 9 4:30am)
-Fri Mar 9 1:30am - Episode 88 "The Three Sprites of the Monkey God" (R Fri Mar 9 5:00am)
Lupin the Third
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Mar 4 1:30am - Episode 5 "Gold Smuggling 101" (R Sun Mar 4 4:30am)
Mirage of Blaze: Rebels of the River's Edge
(Encore Action)
-Sat Mar 3 12:00am - Episode 1 "Dearest Wish" (R Fri Mar 9 1:35am, 8:45am)
-Sat Mar 3 12:35am - Episode 2 "Tiger's Eye" (R Fri Mar 9 2:15am)
-Sat Mar 3 1:10am - Episode 3 "Wind of the River's Edge" (R Fri Mar 9 3:15am)
(Cartoon Network)
-Mon Mar 5 5:30pm - Episode 35 "Scroll's Secret"
-Tue Mar 6 5:30pm - Episode 36 "Clone vs. Clone: Mine Are Better Than Yours!"
-Wed Mar 7 5:30pm - Episode 37 "Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Nine Together Again!"
-Thu Mar 8 5:30pm - Episode 38 "Narrowing the Field: Sudden Death Elimination"
-Fri Mar 9 5:30pm - Episode 39 "Bushy Brow's Jealousy: Barrage of Lions Unleashed"
Oban Star-Racers
(Toon Disney)
-Sat Mar 3 8:30pm - Episode 15 "Fierce Like Lord Furter" (R Sun Mar 4 2:30am)
-Mon Mar 5 2:30am - Episode 16 "Nervous Like Ning & Skun"
-Mon Mar 5 9:00pm - Episode 18 "Monstrous Like Muir" (R Tue Mar 6 1:30am)
-Fri Mar 9 9:00pm - Episode 19 "The Origin of the World" (R Sat Mar 10 1:30am)
(Showtime Beyond)
-Sun Mar 4 11:50pm - Episode 16 "Deceit" (R Fri Mar 9 1:30am)
-Fri Mar 9 9:30pm - Episode 17 "Hollow"
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat Mar 3 9:00am - Episode 465 "Once More With Reeling!" (R Wed Mar 7 5:00pm)
-Sun Mar 4 5:00pm - Episode 450 "The Ole' Berate and Switch"
-Sun Mar 4 5:30pm - Episode 451 "Grating Spaces"
-Mon Mar 5 6:30am - Episode 409 "Numero Uno Articuno"
-Mon Mar 5 5:00pm - Episode 463 "Gathering the Gang of Four"
-Tue Mar 6 6:30am - Episode 410 "The Symbol Life"
-Tue Mar 6 5:00pm - Episode 464 "Pace: The Final Frontier"
-Wed Mar 7 6:30am - Episode 411 "Hooked on Onix"
-Thu Mar 8 6:30am - Episode 412 "Rough, Tough Jigglypuff"
-Thu Mar 8 5:00pm - Episode TBA
-Fri Mar 9 6:30am - Episode 413 "On Cloud Arcanine"
-Fri Mar 9 5:00pm - Episode 447 "All That Glitters Is Not Golden!"
Saiyuki Reload
(Encore WAM)
-Sat Mar 3 4:30pm - Episode 3 "Lethal Weapon" (R Sun Mar 4 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Sun Mar 4 4:30pm - Episode 4 "Negative Energy" (R Mon Mar 5 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Mon Mar 5 4:30pm - Episode 5 "Voice" (R Tue Mar 6 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Tue Mar 6 4:30pm - Episode 6 "Sad Memory" (R Wed Mar 7 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Wed Mar 7 4:30pm - Episode 7 "Little Will" (R Thu Mar 8 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Thu Mar 8 4:30pm - Episode 8 "Poison" (R Fri Mar 9 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Fri Mar 9 4:30pm - Episode 9 "Self Defense" (R Sat Mar 10 2:30am, 8:30am)
Samurai Champloo
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Mar 4 1:00am - Episode 17 "Lullabies of the Lost" (R Sun Mar 4 4:00am)
Samurai Deeper Kyo
(Encore WAM)
-Sat Mar 3 4:00pm - Episode 5 "Tears of the Assassin" (R Sun Mar 4 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Sun Mar 4 4:00pm - Episode 6 "The Duel at Hibiya Bay" (R Mon Mar 5 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Mon Mar 5 4:00pm - Episode 7 "Keichou Era Battle Royal" (R Tue Mar 6 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Tue Mar 6 4:00pm - Episode 8 "Demon Spear Cries" (R Wed Mar 7 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Wed Mar 7 4:00pm - Episode 9 "The Blind Smile" (R Thu Mar 8 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Thu Mar 8 4:00pm - Episode 10 "Cold Blood Illusion" (R Fri Mar 9 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Fri Mar 9 4:00pm - Episode 11 "Pitch Black Flashback" (R Sat Mar 10 2:00am, 8:00am)
(Toon Disney)
-Sat Mar 3 4:00am - Episode 14 "The Dark Spirit of Destruction"
-Sat Mar 3 8:00am - Episode 1 "The Awakening"
-Sun Mar 4 8:00am - Episode 2 "Bee-Ware the Hunters"
-Tue Mar 6 4:00am - Episode 15 "Mechano City"
-Wed Mar 7 4:00am - Episode 16 "The Giant Robot"
-Thu Mar 8 4:00am - Episode 17 "The Great War"
-Fri Mar 9 4:00am - Episode 18 "Secrets of the Seven"
-Sat Mar 10 4:00am - Episode 19 "Feathered Friend"
Transformers Cybertron
(Cartoon Network)
-Mon Mar 5 6:00am - Episode 17 "Sand"
-Tue Mar 6 6:00am - Episode 18 "Champions"
-Wed Mar 7 6:00am - Episode 19 "Ice"
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Mar 6 5:30am - Episode 37 "Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics"
-Wed Mar 7 5:30am - Episode 45 "Lotor's Clone"
-Thu Mar 8 5:30am - Episode 51 "Lotor's New Hit Man"
-Fri Mar 9 5:30am - Episode 53 "Raid of the Red Berets"
-Sat Mar 3 9:30am - Episode 29 "Duel Identity, Part 1"
-Sat Mar 3 10:00am - Episode 30 "Duel Identity, Part 2"
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