The Click
December 2nd - December 8th
by Brian Hanson,

Happy Post-Thanksgiving-Pre-Christmas Holiday Time Period, everybody! The Click is back for another week of non-denominational Holiday Fun, with all the anime on TV you could possibly ever desire! The perfect compliment to all that warm pie and aerosol spray-on snow. So long as you remember that all dates and times are tentative, and all times listed are Eastern, that is.
Two weeks ago I made a very pro-Wii statement, to which I'd like to follow up on and mention that I waited in line for about a day and bought one. Consequently, I've spent roughly 28 hours this week playing Zelda alone, which of course allotted for very little TV-watching time. Maybe if the lineup weren't so predictable - the heavy-hitters like Bleach and Naruto airing once a week in their same timeslots, with repeats of the same shows we've been seeing off and on for the past four years continuing unabated - I could tear myself away from Hyrule's labyrinthine dungeons for more than a bathroom break. Maybe if shows I enjoy like Bo-bobo weren't pre-empted every week. Maybe if a certain late-night animation block were to air some of their shows that they still have the rights to instead of the same grind every night. Maybe if niche cable networks dug a little deeper into the back catalogs of certain anime companies to find the real diamonds in the rough, instead of just the rough.
Of course, maybe I could stop whining about the proverbial hand that feeds me and simply do the task I've been graciously allowed the opportunity of completing. I suppose that'd be nice as well.
Here's what's cool this week!

(Cartoon Network)
Sunday December 3 12:00am - Episode 13 (Repeats Sun Dec 3 3:00am)
Bleach, wow! Bet you've never heard of this show before, ever!
I usually try to find something a tad more unpredictable for the prodigious Click Pick, but episode 13 of Bleach here holds a special place somewhere in the blackened, charred remains of my barely-thumping human heart. Before certain shows are obtained through certain means by large companies, there exist certain ways to view these programs through a certain digital, albeit legally vague manner. Yes, there was such a time that even I would use such channels to scope out prospective new shows - before the subpar translations and obnoxious, ADD-addled "karaoke" text drove me to the brink of insanity. Episode 13 of Bleach was the point wherein I looked deep inside myself and said, "from what I've seen of this show so far, I really enjoy it, and cannot wait to see where it goes. I am now, officially, a fan!"
Were I to "synopsize it cool," it would sound something like this: Uryu's Hollow-killing extravaganza causes an unforeseen ruckus amongst Orihime and her schoolyard chums, who fall prey to a vicious, seed-spewing Hollow until Orihime taps into her innate spiritual abilities.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday December 2 5:00am - Episode 4 "Forefeel"
Haseo and his feline friend Tabby join up with the Twilight Brigade guild. Later, the two discuss the various factual inaccuracies of the "World of Warcraft" South Park episode.
Thursday December 7 5:30pm - Episode 23 "Emancipation" (Repeats Fri Dec 8 12:30am)
The dark and brooding Gennosuke discovers the dark and brooding ties that bind together the Iga and Kouga clans in constant dark and brooding violence for generations, and darkly and broodingly attempts to sever those ties in this dark and brooding show.
Friday December 8 10:30pm - Episode 14
I mentioned my enjoyment of episode 13 up above. Episode 14? It's okay. Good, not great. Marginal "thumbs up." Five-point-five out of 10. Rukia informs Uryu and Ichigo as to why the Quincy's have become all but extinct, with the only loose end left untied being a gargantuan Hollow-congregation known as the "Menos." No relation to that movie made famous on that show where they made fun of movies.
(Toon Disney)
Sunday December 3 10:30pm - Episode 26 "My Thumb" (Repeats Mon Dec 4 3:00am)
The last episode left unaired, ever! Get it while it's hot! If transforming "yuusha" robot shows aimed at young children can indeed be considered of a warm temperature.
Eureka 7
(Cartoon Network)
Sunday December 3 12:30am - Episode 32 "Start it Up" (Repeats Sun Dec 3 3:30am)
Eureka 7 would be a show that I'm currently falling for, as opposed to Bleach, which I fell for previously and know has an uphill battle to face in order to maintain my attention. This week: The Corallians are unleashed on a nearby city and wreaks massive havoc, leading Renton and the others to aid survivors at any cost. Aw.
Friday December 8 9:30pm - Episode 13 "The Beginning"
Rention's mysterious "dream girl," Anemone, appears in front of Renton after a trip to the Corallian Zone. Both Anemone and Eureka are struck with some bizarre malady, some kind of aching in the head or something, so Renton heads to the city to pick up some medicine.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Friday December 8 10:00pm - Episode 40 "The Scar" (Repeats Sat Dec 9 1:00am)
Ed and the enigmatic Scar reunite once more in the war-torn Lior, wherein the two engage in a heated debate followed by physical altercation. Eventually Ed hears Scar out, and learns the benefit of good conflict resolution. Not to mention all manner of unsettling secrets regarding Ishbal and the military.
Idaten Jump
(Cartoon Network)
-Thursday December 7 6:00am - Episode 1 "Idaten Jump"
-Friday December 8 6:00am - Episode 2 "Detour"
This is another one of those bizarre, totally-out-of-left-field, I-honestly-didn't-even-know-this-anime-existed-until-I-looked-it-up discoveries, brought to you by Cartoon Network's fun policy of banishing undesirable shows to early morning timeslots. What do we know about this show? It's another Hasbro production, sitting next to Transformers Cybertron; it's about bicycle racing; one of the characters depicted on the series' Japanese website is actually wearing a fanny pack. Awesome.
Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
Saturday December 2 8:00am - Episode 104 "Combat Kirby"
It's like a theme this week; networks trudging out old episodes of kids' anime they've had sitting on their shelves for years. This is the last Kirby episode, possibly ever, so watch and enjoy as the puffy pink vacuum sucks your cares away, for maybe the last time!
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday December 2 9:00pm - Episode 64 "Zero Motivation: The Guy With Cloud Envy"
Shikamaru, the one Naruto character most likely to have seen the movie "Clerks," battles against Temari, the fan-wielding Kunoichi from the sand village, whose exact motivations and plot remains unclear.
Friday December 8 8:00pm - Episode 58 "Hospital Besieged: The Evil Hand Revealed" (Repeats Sat Dec 9 2:30am)
I probably could just swipe whatever crummy synopsis I wrote for this episode when it aired in the US; but I won't. Because, in the end, it'd probably take the same amount of time. Naruto remains bedridden after his ordeal learning the summoning jutsu, while Gaara invades the Konoha hospital lookin' to start some serious business.
One Piece
Friday December 8 7:30pm - Episode 40 "Roguetown" (Repeats Sat Dec 9 3:00am)
What happens when whatever could be construed of as depth in a fun animated series about pirates gets destroyed by casting every character with goofy high-pitched voices and inserting inane puns? Something like this week's episode of One Piece! Check it out as Luffy, high-pitched pirate captain extraordinaire, storms about the famous pirate hub of Roguetown in order to learn more about his pirate idol, Gold Roger.
(Cartoon Network)
-Monday December 4 8:00pm - Episode 450 "The Ole' Berate and Switch"
-Tuesday December 5 8:00pm - Episode 451 "Grating Spaces"
-Wednesday December 6 8:00pm - Episode 452 "Battling the Enemy Within"
-Thursday December 7 8:00pm - Episode 453 "Slaking Kong"
Four-hundred and fifty episodes. Holy crap. For comparison, The Simpsons' 400th episode is set to air sometime this coming May. And The Simpsons has been airing since 1990; Pokemon didn't arrive on American shores until sometime in late 1998.
Aside from meaningless milestones, this week's batch of new Pokemon content contains Brock visiting his old stomping grounds at the Pewter Gym, a trip through some ancient ruins and some haberdashery involving a vengeful spirit, and some shenanigans involving ape-like Pokemon called Aipom.
R.O.D. the TV
(G4TechTV Canada)
-Monday December 4 8:30pm - Episode 21 "D.O.D. -DREAM OR DIE"
-Tuesday December 5 8:30pm - Episode 22 "Seize"
-Wednesday December 6 8:30pm - Episode 23 "Lie to Me"
-Thursday December 7 8:30pm - Episode 24 "You Know Me"
-Friday December 8 8:30pm - Episode 25 "Not a Big Problem"
Canadian viewers, 'tis your last chance to bask in the warming glow of new R.O.D. episodes before the dim light of repeats falls upon you! This week: Anita braves loneliness after becoming separated from her sisters; Joker fights the girls, and informs them of their true pasts, and much more!
Samurai 7
Thursday December 7 5:00pm - Episode 23 "The Lies" (Repeats Fri Dec 8 12:00am)
With the fall TV season in its last throes, it's no surprise to see brand new premiere episodes of big shows near the end. Samurai 7 begins tying its loose ends as the hand-wringing Ukyo plots to raze Kanna village to the ground, which will no doubt upset those who live there or those trying to protect it.
Trinity Blood
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday December 2 11:30pm - Episode 13 "The Ibelis II: Betrayal Blaze" (Repeats Sun Dec 3 2:30am)
Father Able and Sister Nightroad once again find themselves facing impossible odds in a race against time! A well worn plot cliche classic.
Thursday December 7 6:00pm - Episode 23 "The Crown of Thorns I: City in the Mist" (Repeats Fri Dec 8 1:00am)
I guess I can't really synops-icize this episode without some kind of major spoiler warning, so I won't.
I mean, why bother. Really.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday December 2 7:30pm - Episode 82 "Magnetic Personality"
A mysterious card-duelin' organization known as the "Association of Light" invites new card-duelin' members. Except a notable and angry few.
Zatch Bell
Friday December 8 8:30pm - Episode 48 "The Mystery of the Stone Tablets"
The lightning-barfing pygmy, Zatch, uncovers a mysterious stone fragment, and of course it belongs to someone else. Someone seedy and evil.
Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday December 2 9:30pm
Somewhat-new Dragon Ball Z content? How bizarre is it that in 2006 we find the idea of "new" Dragon Ball Z on TV somewhat odd and novel; if I were writing this thing three years earlier I'd be throwing my hands up in the air in sarcastic jubilation. Fun story; The Click has been off and on in the works for exactly three years! There were originally two contributors - myself and my now-late companion. When his corpse was discovered floating in the Hudson river, with lacerations that in no way match my fingerprints, we all figured it'd be best to put the idea on hiatus.
(Encore Action)
Monday December 4 11:40am (Repeats Tue Dec 5 6:30am)
(Encore Action)
Monday December 4 6:45pm (Repeats Fri Dec 8 12:00am, 12:00pm)
(Encore Action)
Wednesday December 6 4:45pm
Karas: The Prophecy
(Encore Action)
Friday December 8 5:50am (Repeats Fri Dec 8 4:30pm)
I don't have much to say on these features, considering that they reappear literally every week, so I'll talk some more about videogames instead. I also recently bought Elite Beat Agents for the Nintendo DS; I heartily recommend it! But be warned; you'll have a really bad cover of "Jumpin' Jack Flash" milling about your brain for a while, because good lord is that level insanely hard.
I should really read a book or something, sometime. Maybe later.
That's it for me, for now; I'll be back next week, if that at all excites you!
10 Tokyo Warriors
(Encore Action)
-Tue Dec 5 12:00am - Episode 1 (R Tue Dec 5 12:00pm)
-Tue Dec 5 12:30am - Episode 2 (R Tue Dec 5 12:30pm)
-Wed Dec 6 12:00am - Episode 3 (R Wed Dec 6 12:00pm)
-Wed Dec 6 12:30am - Episode 4 (R Wed Dec 6 12:30pm)
-Thu Dec 7 12:00am - Episode 5 (R Thu Dec 7 12:00pm)
-Thu Dec 7 12:30am - Episode 6 (R Thu Dec 7 12:30pm)
(Toon Disney)
-Sun Dec 3 9:30pm - Episode 113 "The Blame Game" (R Mon Dec 4 2:00am)
Chrono Crusade
(Showtime Beyond)
-Mon Dec 4 12:10am - Episode 18 "Four People" (R Thu Dec 7 6:30pm, Fri Dec 8 1:55am)
-Thu Dec 7 6:05pm - Episode 17 "Accomplices"
-Fri Dec 8 6:00pm - Episode 19 "Atonement" (R Fri Dec 8 9:00pm)
(Toon Disney)
-Sun Dec 3 9:00pm - Episode 138 "Lionheart" (R Mon Dec 4 1:30am)
-Mon Dec 4 8:00am - Episode 130 "Kazu & Kenta's Excellent Adventure" (R Tue Dec 5 2:30am)
-Mon Dec 4 10:30pm - Episode 155 "Such Sweet Sorrow" (R Tue Dec 5 3:00am)
-Tue Dec 5 8:00am - Episode 131 "Motorcycle Madness" (R Wed Dec 6 2:30am)
-Tue Dec 5 10:30pm - Episode 156 "All Aboard" (R Wed Dec 6 3:00am)
-Wed Dec 6 8:00am - Episode 132 "Blame it on Ryo" (R Thu Dec 7 2:30am)
-Wed Dec 6 10:30pm - Episode 157 "Lobomon: Warrior of Light" (R Thu Dec 7 3:00am)
-Thu Dec 7 8:00am - Episode 133 "Goliath" (R Fri Dec 8 2:30am)
-Thu Dec 7 10:30pm - Episode 158 "Kumamon Baby Light My Fire" (R Fri Dec 8 3:00am)
-Fri Dec 8 8:00am - Episode 137 "Rabbit Transit" (R Sat Dec 9 2:30am)
-Fri Dec 8 10:30pm - Episode 159 "Kazemon Kicks It" (R Sat Dec 9 3:00am)
Dragon Ball Z
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat Dec 9 12:30am - Episode 124 "Unwelcome Discovery"
(Encore Action)
-Thu Dec 7 3:00am - Episode 1
-Thu Dec 7 3:30am - Episode 2
Fullmetal Alchemist
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Dec 5 1:00am - Episode 14 "Destruction's Right Hand" (R Tue Dec 5 4:30am)
-Wed Dec 6 1:00am - Episode 15 "The Ishbal Massacre" (R Wed Dec 6 4:30am)
-Thu Dec 7 1:00am - Episode 16 "That Which is Lost" (R Thu Dec 7 4:30am)
-Fri Dec 8 1:00am - Episode 17 "House of the Waiting Family" (R Fri Dec 8 4:30am)
G.I. Joe Sigma 6
-Sat Dec 2 10:30am - Episode "Challenge"
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Dec 5 1:30am - Episode 23 "Martial Law" (R Tue Dec 5 5:00am)
-Wed Dec 6 1:30am - Episode 24 "Nuclear Power" (R Wed Dec 6 5:00am)
-Thu Dec 7 1:30am - Episode 25 "This Side of Justice" (R Thu Dec 7 5:00am)
-Fri Dec 8 1:30am - Episode 26 "Endless Gig" (R Fri Dec 8 5:00am)
(Encore WAM)
-Sat Dec 2 4:00pm - Episode 3 "Kuma's First Time" (R Sun Dec 3 8:00am)
-Sun Dec 3 4:00pm - Episode 4 "Oju Goes Blond! Whodunnit?" (R Mon Dec 4 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Mon Dec 4 4:00pm - Episode 5 "Ooedoo Clan in Crisis" (R Tue Dec 5 2:00am, 8:00am, 4:00pm, Wed Dec 6 2:00am)
-Wed Dec 6 8:00am - Episode 6 "Kyo-san's Knockout Performance"
-Wed Dec 6 4:00pm - Episode 7 "Shirokin Boy's Choir? Say What?" (R Thu Dec 7 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Thu Dec 7 4:00pm - Episode 8 "The Class Trip Into Hell Begins" (R Fri Dec 8 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Fri Dec 8 4:00pm - Episode 9 "Schoolground Battle Without Honor" (R Sat Dec 9 2:00am, 8:00am)
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Dec 5 12:30am - Episode 158 "Stampede of the Countless Demon Rats" (R Tue Dec 5 4:00am)
-Wed Dec 6 12:30am - Episode 159 "Kohaku's Decision and Sango's Heart" (R Wed Dec 6 4:00am)
-Thu Dec 7 12:30am - Episode 160 "The Lucky but Two Timing Scoundrel" (R Thu Dec 7 4:00am)
-Fri Dec 8 12:30am - Episode 161 "Miroku's Past Mistake" (R Fri Dec 8 4:00am)
-Fri Dec 8 9:00pm - Episode 105 "The Ghastly Steel Machine" (R Sat Dec 9 1:30am)
Mon Colle Knights
(Toon Disney)
-Sun Dec 3 11:00pm - Episode 13 "Knockout Punch-Punch" (R Mon Dec 4 3:30am)
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat Dec 2 8:30pm - Episode 63 "Hit it or Quit it: The Final Rounds Get Complicated"
Oban Star-Racers
(Toon Disney)
-Sat Dec 2 8:30am - Episode 16 "Nervous Like Ning & Skun"
-Sat Dec 2 10:00pm - Episode 19 "The Origin of the World" (R Sun Dec 3 2:30am)
-Sun Dec 3 8:30am - Episode 17 "Optimised Like Ondai"
-Tue Dec 5 1:30am - Episode 21 "Ominous Like O"
One Piece
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat Dec 2 10:30pm - Episode 70 "Secret Beneath the Sand"
Paranoia Agent
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Dec 3 1:30am - Episode 6 "Fear of a Direct Hit" (R Sun Dec 3 4:30am)
(Showtime Beyond)
-Sun Dec 3 6:00pm - Episode 2 "Will"
-Sun Dec 3 6:25pm - Episode 3 "Crimson" (R Sun Dec 3 11:45pm, Fri Dec 8 2:20am)
-Fri Dec 8 6:25pm - Episode 4 "Shadow" (R Fri Dec 8 9:30pm)
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat Dec 2 9:00am - Episode 444 "Second Time's the Charm"
-Sat Dec 2 9:30am - Episode 447 "All That Glitters is Not Golden!"
-Sat Dec 2 7:00pm - Episode 423 "Wheel... of... Frontier!"
-Sun Dec 3 5:00pm - Episode 430 "From Cradle to Save"
-Sun Dec 3 5:30pm - Episode 431 "Time-Warp Heals All Wounds!"
-Mon Dec 4 7:00am - Episode 404 "Choose It or Loose It"
-Mon Dec 4 5:00pm - Episode 412 "Rough, Tough Jigglypuff"
-Tue Dec 5 7:00am - Episode 405 "At the End of the Fray"
-Tue Dec 5 5:00pm - Episode 413 "On Cloud Arcanine"
-Wed Dec 6 7:00am - Episode 406 "The Scheme Team"
-Wed Dec 6 5:00pm - Episode 414 "Sitting Psyduck"
-Thu Dec 7 7:00am - Episode 407 "The Right Place at the Right Mime"
-Thu Dec 7 5:00pm - Episode 415 "Hail to the Chef!"
-Fri Dec 8 7:00am - Episode 408 "A Real Cleffa-Hanger!"
-Fri Dec 8 5:00pm - Episode 416 "Caterpie's Big Dilemma"
Pokemon Chronicles
(Cartoon Network)
-Mon Dec 4 5:30pm - Episode 17 "Those Darn Electabuzz!"
-Tue Dec 5 5:30pm - Episode 18 "The Search for the Legend"
-Wed Dec 6 5:30pm - Episode 21 "Of Meowth and Pokemon"
-Thu Dec 7 5:30pm - Episode 20 "Trouble in Big Town"
-Fri Dec 8 5:30pm - Episode 19 "Big Meowth, Little Dream"
Samurai 7
(Independant Film Channel)
-Sat Dec 2 8:05am - Episode 17 "The Remembrance"
-Sat Dec 2 8:30am - Episode 18 "The Emperor"
Samurai Champloo
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Dec 3 1:00am - Episode 6 "Stranger Searching" (R Sun Dec 3 4:00am)
Samurai Deeper Kyo
(Encore WAM)
-Sat Dec 2 4:30pm - Episode 3 "Red Mirage" (R Sun Dec 3 8:30am)
-Sun Dec 3 4:30pm - Episode 4 "The Creeping Nightmare" (R Mon Dec 4 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Mon Dec 4 4:30pm - Episode 5 "Tears of the Assassin" (R Tue Dec 5 2:30am, 8:30am, 4:30pm, Wed Dec 6 2:30am)
-Wed Dec 6 8:30am - Episode 6 "The Duel at Hibiya Bay"
-Wed Dec 6 4:30pm - Episode 7 "Keichou Era Battle Royal" (R Thu Dec 7 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Thu Dec 7 4:30pm - Episode 8 "Demon Spear Cries" (R Fri Dec 8 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Fri Dec 8 4:30pm - Episode 9 "The Blind Smile"
(Toon Disney)
-Sat Dec 2 4:00am - Episode 12 "Test"
-Sun Dec 3 10:00pm - Episode 13 "Ryuma, Lord of the Reptiles" (R Mon Dec 4 2:30am)
-Tue Dec 5 4:00am - Episode 14 "The Dark Spirit of Destruction"
-Wed Dec 6 4:00am - Episode 15 "Mechano City"
-Thu Dec 7 4:00am - Episode 16 "The Giant Robot"
-Fri Dec 8 4:00am - Episode 17 "The Great War"
Submarine 707 Revolution
(Encore Action)
-Sat Dec 2 12:00am - Episode 2 "Mission: 02" (R Sat Dec 2 12:05pm)
-Sat Dec 2 11:00am - Episode 1 "Mission: 01"
Transformers Cybertron
(Cartoon Network)
-Mon Dec 4 6:00am - Episode 25 "Retreat"
-Tue Dec 5 6:00am - Episode 26 "Revelations"
-Wed Dec 6 6:00am - Episode 27 "Critical"
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Dec 5 5:30am - Episode 13 "The Witch Gets a Facelift"
-Wed Dec 6 5:30am - Episode 14 "Yurak Gets His Pink Slip"
-Thu Dec 7 5:30am - Episode 15 "Give Me Your Princess"
-Fri Dec 8 5:30am - Episode 16 "Bridge Over River Chozzerai"
-Sat Dec 2 9:30am - Episode 5 "The Ultimate Great Moth"
-Sat Dec 2 10:00am - Episode 6 "First Duel!"
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