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Sound Decision

by Jonathan Mays,
Title: Texhnolyze: Music Only Music But Music
Artists: Various
Label: Geneon Anime Music

Release Date: 2004-06-08
Suggested Retail Price: $14.98


In the futuristic, decaying city of Lukuss, getting 'texhnolyzed' is a sign of status, even if it means losing one's humanity and sanity. However, with TEXHNOLYZE - MUSIC ONLY MUSIC BUT MUSIC, there's no after-effects to worry about, except for a compelling desire to listen repeatedly to the imaginative, hauntingly beautiful scores that thoroughly permeate the nightmarish world found in the new anime series TEXHNOLYZE.

In between the techno opening theme (Guardian Angel) by the techno trance wizards of JUNO REACTOR and the contrastingly lush and tragically romantic song, 'when reason fails,' there are 22 additional, impressive instrumentals contributed by music industry greats Hajime Mizoguchi (Jin-Roh, RahXephon), Kōji Kasamatsu (Serial Experiments Lain), Tsuneo Imahori (Trigun), Keishi Urata (Akira) and others.

Track list:

01 underGround conversion to Z
02 GUARDIAN ANGEL (Full Version)
03 The Town Wakes Up
04 A Dog's Heart Leaping from Irritation
05 Distortion of Outside the Door
06 BlaXk Magic Mushroom
07 To an End of the World
08 Gratitude for Insanity
09 Fantasia
10 underGround conversion:People
11 Spleen
12 underGround conversion: Radio Wave
13 Threat and Temptation
14 Supper of the Old Days
15 A Flower Without a Glimmer of Kindness
16 when reason fails
17 A Far Away Lightning
18 underGround conversion: Rain drop sounds
19 Memory of the Setting Sun
20 underGround conversion: See the light
21 The Edge
23 underGround conversion: Rebirth
24 Blue Darkness
25 Poem of the Moon

Total time: 1:11:23

(Added on 2004-05-20)

This volume was reviewed in the Sound Decision column of May 20th, 2004.

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