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Sound Decision
Last Exile #2

by Jonathan Mays,
Title: Last Exile Original Soundtrack #2
Artist: Dolce Triade
Label: Geneon

Release Date: 2004-04-13
Suggested Retail Price: $14.98

LAST EXILE has completely blown away fans and critics alike with breathtaking visuals, captivating storylines, and sensational music. Don the headphones and experience the majestic sense of aerial exhilaration effortlessly combined with aurally stunning music found in 'LAST EXILE Original Soundtrack 2.'

Over a flight course of 20 tracks are five new vocal songs (including a new version of the ending song, 'Over the Sky') and 15 evolving instrumentals by Dolce Triade, free-flowing with symphonic grace and atmospheric warmth. No 'LAST EXILE' anime collection will be complete without the amazing CD soundtracks!

Track list:

Road to the Light
Head in the Clouds
Fleet of Littleships
Heavy Cocoon
Ground Stream
A Stimulant
Rays of hope
Beautiful Fields
Lost Friend
Princess Sophia
I can see a heart
Malicious Queen
Ceremonious Play
Make Advantage
Dreams of Fathers
Over The Sky (angel feather version)
A New World Has Come

Total time: 1:07

(Added on 2004-03-22)

This volume was reviewed in the Sound Decision column of March 23, 2003.

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