Shangri-La Frontier
Episode 7
by MrAJCosplay,
How would you rate episode 7 of
Shangri-La Frontier ?
Community score: 4.1

This episode focused on the humor. While there wasn't nearly as much plot progression as I would've liked, this episode of Shangri-La Frontier features some of the strongest comedic timing the show has had thus far, from Psyger's over-the-top reactions to the entire training montage in the second half. Starting with the former, I don't know why I thought Psyger and Sunraku had already known each other before this point. You could call her an infatuated schoolgirl, but she easily qualifies as a stalker. She has had little contact with her crush and follows him around. Still, her delusions of romance and her romanticization of Sunraku's passive response are extraordinary. This is just going to be her role throughout the show.
The second half of this episode consists of a classic training arc. Sunraku is a skilled player, but he's under-level compared to many other players who have pumped dozens or even hundreds of hours into this game. Skill will only get you so far, especially when going up against others who out-level you by a wide margin. Seeing more of that well-animated choreography during the training would be nice. Still, the montage was meant to be funny and expedite the process of leveling up simultaneously. However, it is funny that despite going through hell and over a hundred different fighting scenarios, Sunraku only went up two levels due to the restricted items that he has on. I want to think this item is going to be treated like a weighted vest.
Arthur sent Sunraku the cryptic message about meeting up in another game to talk to him about something important, but considering her terrible personality, it's hard to guess if that's going to be anything plot-focused. We don't even know why the rabbits are invested in Sunraku outside of his chance encounter with the game's mythical beasts. The show is still fun, but I'm concerned it's just spinning its wheels.
Shangri-La Frontier is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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