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One Piece
Episode 1118

by Grant Jones,

How would you rate episode 1118 of
One Piece (TV 1999) ?
Community score: 4.4


Episode 1118 is a cavalcade of lore questions with few answers and many burning questions.

Folks, this is the kind of week that reminds me just how great the lore and world-building in One Piece can be. When those big lore drops and background history peek over the horizon, it's hard not to get a little excited at the prospect of knowing that much more. The length of the series is one of its greatest strengths in this realm, as it gives you a lot of real-world time to let those wonderings simmer in the back of your mind. What is the Will of D? What happened all those years ago to form the World Government as we know it? These major plot mysteries can drive fans to fun bouts of speculation in any work but One Piece's quarter century of real world publishing only deepens them even further.

What's incredible is that this episode does not answer many mysteries but still manages to keep you enthralled. We have only known about the distance answer of the Nefertari for about the length of this scene but we cannot help but wonder at the truth of her fate. Similarly, the importance of Imu striding up and taking the scene-which-should-not-be-sat-upon in full view of Cobra is a momentous event. We don't know the full ramifications but the message is clear: whatever old agreements were made that forged the World Government all those years ago are null and void. The world is changing—or perhaps it already has.

Add the great action sequences from this week and it's a winner all around. Sabo gets a lot of shine, flexing his combat abilities on a bunch of mooks. But the Shirahoshi and Celestial Dragons drama is front and center too, a clear sign that the abuse and slavery in this world will continue regardless of who sits on the throne.


One Piece is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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