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One Piece
Episode 1113

by Grant Jones,

How would you rate episode 1113 of
One Piece (TV 1999) ?
Community score: 4.5


Episode 1113 provides a big shakeup in locale and focus from most of the current arc's focus.

So, we're not in Kansas, er, Egghead Island anymore (or at least this week). We instead find the central drama on Beehive Island where Blackbeard reigns and Koby is captured. It creates a fresh canvas for one thing and gives us a chance to check in on fan-favorite supporting characters who are not always in the limelight. That's always a good thing, as far as I'm concerned.

It also helps that this is an engaging hook at face value. Prison-break scenarios are always fun and easy to understand regardless of the particulars. Sure, not every prison-break scenario has sentient islands and the ability to summon ghosts, but the general outline of these situations makes them easy to understand in most instances. Koby is trying to escape—and is doing so in his typical selfless manner: attempting to draw the attention of his captors to allow innocents to flee. I may be wrong about this but I think this is the first time we get any major detail on what SWORD is too. I know we've seen them in Wano with Koby and Drake's interactions but I wasn't sure we got much detail beyond them being a special operations unit with the Navy—so the details of this group were a welcome addition.

The new Marine characters are good stuff too. I'm always a sucker for the gooey clay warrior trope—and the fact that the Marines can field entire units of these guys is quite fascinating. Perhaps it's another artificial devil fruit power situation? I'd be curious to find out what the details are there. The only real downside to the episode is that it does break the flow of the Egghead Island story somewhat. I'm curious if we're going to jump back and forth between these two events or have a clutch of episodes entirely zeroed in on Beehive Island. Time will tell.


One Piece is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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