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Episode 10

by Richard Eisenbeis,

How would you rate episode 10 of
Community score: 4.3

Last week, I complained that the episode suffered from what felt like playing a game of catch-up. To us, the audience who had just watched several episodes of backstory about Shinobu and Suicide Master, it was obvious who the culprit was (Suicide Master) and what her ultimate goal was (attracting Shinobu's attention).

At first, this episode seems like more of the same. Araragi is tasked with keeping Shinobu occupied for the night so that she doesn't interfere with Gaen's vampire hunt. After all, while Shinobu wouldn't hurt Araragi, that doesn't necessarily mean she wouldn't side with Suicide Master against Gaen. Naturally inquisitive, Araragi can't help but ask about Suicide Master and Shinobu's past while they wait. Soon enough, he's fully caught up. It's then that we are hit with the twist.

Visiting Mayoi at her shrine, the two discover the nearly deceased suicide master who seems to have been completely drained of blood herself. Suddenly, everything is thrown into question. Sure, we saw suicide master feed on one of the basketball girls but it's obvious things did not go as intended. Now all the discounted clues have a new meaning. Who is trying to frame Suicide Master and what does this all have to do with Kanbaru and the basketball club?

Then we have Mayoi's part in the whole thing. As we've been warned, Mayoi is a god—a supernatural being—and is thus on the side of supernatural beings rather than humans. While Araragi is the bridge between worlds, Mayoi might be an accomplice to Suicide Master or any other supernatural threat—it's just her nature now.

And not content with throwing everything we thought we knew into chaos, the episode ends with yet another twist. Unlike the last time Araragi was killed, this time, he ends up in heaven rather than hell. This is shocking as it's not like his damning sin of saving Shinobu in Kizumonogatari has somehow been undone. More shocking still is who he meets there: Shinobu—or rather the fairy tale princess she once was, Acerola. How this is possible and what it means for both Shinobu and the mystery at hand will just have to wait for next week, I guess. Man, what a cliffhanger.


Random Thoughts:

• Did Acerola technically die when she became a vampire? Is that why she's in heaven?

• I really love the post-Owarimonogatari Shinobu and Araragi relationship. The two have bared their souls to each other. There is no need for bravado or pride—they aren't afraid to show how much they just enjoy being with each other.

• I think Shinobu isn't being fooled as much as letting herself be fooled for most of this episode.

• What could possibly motivate Tsukihi to study in earnest? I'm terrified as to what the potential answers could be.

MONOGATARI Series: OFF & MONSTER Season is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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