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Seven Seas Licenses Painter of the Night Boys' Love Manhwa Series

(March 19, 2025) — Seven Seas Entertainment is thrilled to announce the license acquisition of the Mature-rated, full-color Boys' Love manhwa series Painter of the Night by Byeonduck. A dark romance about a painter who refuses to paint and a nobleman who will do anything to make him. The Boys' Love ​​sensation finally makes its way to English print!

Na-kyum is a talented artist who excels in painting beautiful gay erotica, though he does so under a pseudonym. Yet recently, he has given up painting, vowing never to create lewd art again. But the notoriously lust-driven nobleman Seungho Yoon didn't get the memo—nor will he accept it—and forces Na-kyum to become his in-house painter, demanding the artist create his erotic works just for Seungho to enjoy. Can Na-kyum endure being Seungho's personal painter of the night or will the late-night activities be too much for him?

Painter of the Night Vol. 1 will be printed for the first time in the English language in September 2025 for $26.99 USA / $35.99 CAN, with the series available in full-color, large-trim editions as part of the Seven Seas Webtoons label.

About Seven Seas Entertainment
Established in 2004, Seven Seas Entertainment is an award-winning publisher that specializes in bringing the best of Japanese manga and light novels to English-language audiences alongside the hottest danmei, webtoons, and other books from around the globe, as well as producing audiobooks, original comics, and youth literature. All of Seven Seas' print book imprints are distributed throughout the world by Penguin Random House Publisher Services. For more information, visit sevenseasentertainment.com

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