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Seven Seas Licenses HOOL!GAN'S Manga Series

(March 19, 2025) — Seven Seas Entertainment is thrilled to announce the license acquisition of the manga series HOOL!GAN'S by Iro Itani. In a world of alchemy and chaos, one group will do whatever it takes to make their own paradise.

In nineteenth century London, deep in the East End, there live the Hooligans: a band of miscreants led by alchemist Lee Heartrib, the current head of the Antilia Family mafia. Entrusted with guardianship of the city by his predecessor, Lee uses his alchemy to keep the junkies happy—but his true aim is creating a “paradise” for the good of the people. And sometimes, that involves getting his hands dirty, especially when he's pitted against the other mafia heads, or shadowy beings who want to eliminate human life on earth.

A new world order is on the horizon, with the Hooligans leading the way!

HOOL!GAN'S Vol. 1 will be printed for the first time in the English language in November 2025 for $13.99 USA / $17.99 CAN, with the series available in single volume editions. Ebook editions will also be available on digital platforms.

About Seven Seas Entertainment
Established in 2004, Seven Seas Entertainment is an award-winning publisher that specializes in bringing the best of Japanese manga and light novels to English-language audiences alongside the hottest danmei, webtoons, and other books from around the globe, as well as producing audiobooks, original comics, and youth literature. All of Seven Seas' print book imprints are distributed throughout the world by Penguin Random House Publisher Services. For more information, visit sevenseasentertainment.com

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