Mighty No. 9 - Final 24 Hours of Kickstarter Campaign
Tokyo, Japan, September 30, 2013 -- We'll keep this short and sweet -- because there's very little time left!
With just 24 hours left in its Kickstarter campaign (as of 5PM PST), Mighty No. 9 -- the evolved and transformed classic Japanese action game from Keiji Inafune and a group of veteran Mega Man developers -- has just broken $3 million in funding, guaranteeing it a place in at least the top five gaming Kickstarters ever, as well as the top-grossing Japanese crowd-funded game in history!
A lot more news has happened in these final days of the campaign, including:
ALL-NEW VIDEO: An all-new video of Mighty No. 9 running in the Unreal Engine, the development engine that we just announced will power the game! This is just a test, based on seven days work with placeholder assets, but exciting nonetheless!
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9/posts/613681 -
PHYSICAL DISC AND USB “CART”: A new physical disc and sweet NES- and Famicom-styled USB “cart” versions of Mighty No. 9 for sale!
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9/posts/611527 -
MUSICAL TALENTS: Mega Man 2 composer Takashi Tateishi and Mega Man Zero (and Mega Man 9/10!) sound producer Ippō Yamada jumping on board to lend their talent with Mighty No. 9's music!
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9/posts/612963 -
VOTE FOR HEROINE CALL: Voting for the design of the Mighty No. 9 heroine Call is open to everyone, and going on now!
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9/posts/611851 -
NEXT-GEN AND HANDHELD VERSIONS: Mighty No. 9 is sooo deliciously close to the very next stretch goal: PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Mighty No. 9, with newly-announced PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS versions also within reach!
http://i.imgur.com/evotx32.jpg -
BEHIND THE SCENES: The Mighty No. 9 &TEAM released their first documentary episode, showing an early behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the game!
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9/posts/610719 - LIVESTREAM: The Mighty No. 9 &TEAM will be hosting a livestream for the final hours of the Kickstarter, running Tuesday, October 1, from 3pm to 6pm PDT, including &TEAM interviews, live backer Q & A, special guests, and Inafune himself announcing the winners of our Call heroine design vote!
Thanks for your time and support! ('_´)ゞ
- The Mighty No. 9 &TEAM
Quotes from around the industry about Mighty No. 9!
“Inafune-san is one of the most legendary game designers on the planet. Everything he's touched has been massively influential not only to my career but also the amount of fun I've had throughout my childhood and into my adult life. I look forward to this project with bated breath!”
Cliff Bleszinski
Co-creator Jazz Jackrabbit, Unreal, Gears of War
“Kickstarter is an appealing system, but there's been this assumption that an indie game can only perform so well there. So I'd like to express my gratitude to Inafune-san and the Mighty No. 9 &TEAM for blowing that pessimism out of the water. On top of that, this veteran creator has shown us all that, no matter what your age, it's never too late to take on the challenge of making the games you want to make. I hope to follow in his footsteps.”
Takumi Naramura (Nigoro)
Director, La Mulana
“Inafune-san is best known for creating a videogame icon, but perhaps his biggest impact is how passionate he's always been about listening to his fans -- even before social media, community management or Kickstarter. And now those same fans (myself included) can give Inafune-san a chance to return to his roots and create something amazing in the genre he helped define. I don't know about you, but that's SUPER/ULTRA/MEGA EXCITING to me.
Now let's get Mighty No. 9 on next-gen and handhelds!”
Nathan "Mighty No. 92" Vella
President, Capy Games
“To all of us independent developers and creators, Mighty No. 9 is a truly inspiring project. It's a rare game that has its creators and its fans so in sync with each other, and I hope it gives birth to lots of smiling faces!”
Yohei Kataoka (Crispy's)
Director, Tokyo Jungle
“I'm looking forward to the birth of a new franchise from this Kickstarter! Best of luck to Inafune-san and my friends at Comcept, Inti Creates and 8-4.”
Christian Svensson
Former Senior VP, Capcom U.S.A.
“I really have no idea who this guy is (...or...) what his stupid game looks like.”
Michael Pachter
Games Analyst, Wedbush Securities
Additional information and updates on Mighty No. 9 are available at:
Kickstarter campaign page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MightyNo9 @MightyNo9
Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/officialmightyno9
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