Namco Bandai Games Europe Presents 'One Piece Pirate Warriors 2' Day One Digital Edition

In addition to the ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 2 PS3 full game, NAMCO BANDAI GAMES EUROPE offers to ONE PIECE fans numerous exclusive add-ons with ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 2- ROBIN'S EDITION: In this Day One digital edition, players will enjoy two new exclusive scenarios; “ZORO & SANJI” and “PACIFISTA & WAPOL”; Where they will be able to fight against ZORO, SANJI, FRANKY, USOPP & many more! In addition, this exclusive digital edition offers 3 prequel costumes for ROBIN, SANJI and ZORO and 2 new outfits for ROBIN inspired by The Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series. And those who pre-order it on PSN will get two additional exclusive costumes for Nami from Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series, don't wait and pre-order now your ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 2- ROBIN'S EDITION on PlayStation®Network.
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Developed by Omega/Tecmo KOEI, ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 2 will come packed with piratical new features such as the brand new mode “Pirate's Log” that will allow players to experience a three way fight between Pirates, the Marines and the STRAW HAT PIRATES in a parallel world. Players will step into the shoes of LUFFY, SANJI, ZORO and the latest popular characters from the One Piece series for all new adventures based on the popular NEW WORLD and SKYPIEA to fight against ENERU and other foes for the first time ever on PS3.
ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 2 for PlayStation®3 is coming on the 30th August 2013. For more information about Namco Bandai Games Europe and its entire line up of games please visit and
Game © 2013 Namco Bandai Games Inc.