Right Stuf's Nozomi Entertainment Announces the Litebox-style DVD Release of Ninja Nonsense For November 5, 2013

GRIMES, IA, July 17, 2013 – Anime producer and distributor Right Stuf, Inc. and Nozomi Entertainment are pleased to announce the NINJA NONSENSE DVD Collection will be released on November 5, 2013.
This new, value-priced DVD set will include the complete 12-episode anime adaption of Ryoichi Koga's Ninin ga Shinobuden (2 x 2 = Shinobuden) manga – plus video extras!
Animated by ufotable (Coyote Ragtime Show, Tales of Symphonia (OAV), the Ninja Nonsense series was recognized as a “top 10 anime DVD” of 2006 (DVD Talk's Anime Talk), and actor Sean Schemmel's comedic performance as over-the-top, ninja master “Onsokumaru” has been praised as deserving “to be considered among the all-time great anime performances.” (Anime News Network).
“had us laughing from start to finish and eager to see more. Very recommended.”
– AnimeOnDVD at Mania.com
“the runaway nuclear reactor of comedies”
– Anime News Network
“the perfect mix of physical and verbal comedy”
– ToonZone.net
Take one totally cute (and naive) ninja-girl trainee, add a ninja horde under the tutelage of the weirdest headmaster ever – a strange, yellow, spherical, pudgy... creature... named Onsokumaru – and you get the kind of “super-explosive ninja insanity” that can only be found in what's been called “the runaway nuclear reactor” of anime comedies!
Visit ninja.rightstuf.com
for more information about Ninja Nonsense, to view the trailers and to pre-order the new DVD set.
Format: DVD (Litebox)
Pre-Book: 10/8/2013
Street Date: 11/5/2013
Runtime: 320 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Suggested Rating: 15+
Audio: English, Japanese (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
Subtitles: English subtitles, plus English on-screen translations
Video: 4:3, Color
Catalog #: RSDVD1368
ISBN: 1-57032-743-2
UPC: 7-42617-1368-2-5
SRP: $39.99
Discs/Set: 4
Case Quantity: 30
DVD Features:
Character bios, interviews with the Japanese cast, TV spots 1-18, textless openings and closings, “Kurukururin” (closing) full size video, original U.S. trailer and Nozomi Entertainment trailers.
** Product specifications and content may be subject to change.
Currently celebrating its 26th year in business, Right Stuf, Inc. was one of the first players in the U.S. Japanese Animation ("anime") industry, as both an anime producer/distributor and a retailer. Right Stuf works to promote knowledge of its own products, as well as the anime and manga industry, in general, through its online storefront at Right Stuf.com and a variety of media including podcasts and special publications. Its video and print publishing division includes the Nozomi Entertainment, Lucky Penny, and 5 Points Pictures studio-labels.
A publishing division of Right Stuf, Inc., Nozomi Entertainment is its signature label, dedicated to high-quality releases for collectors. True to the Japanese word that inspired its name, Nozomi's focus is on “what fans want.” By focusing on a limited number of anime properties each year, the Nozomi production team ensures each release receives the care and attention to detail it deserves.
From anime classics like Astro Boy, Kimba and Gigantor to modern comedies, dramas and favorites such as The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, His and Her Circumstances, Gravitation, Ninja Nonsense, The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye, Emma: A Victorian Romance, Maria Watches Over Us, ARIA, Gakuen Alice, Rental Magica, Dirty Pair, Junjō Romantica and Revolutionary Girl Utena, Nozomi Entertainment releases quality programming for fans of all ages and interests.
For more information, visit www.rightstuf.com
and www.nozomient.com.
NINJA NONSENSE: THE LEGEND OF SHINOBU (Ninin ga Shinobuden) © 2004 Ryoichi Koga / MediaWorks / Ninin ga Shinobuden Production Committee.