London Anime Con - An Anime & Gaming Convention This 9-10 February!
London Anime Con is an 18+ anime and gaming event on February 9-10 at The Rocket Complex, Holloway Road. Signup for London Anime Con HERE. Pricing is reduced £16 for two days or £9 for Saturday & £7 for Sunday if you register now!
Brought to you by the likes of Namco-Bandai, Arc-Systems, NeoEmpire and Konami the Sunday of London Anime Con on 10th February shall be a special-gaming themed-day! They will be running an entire days worth of gaming tournaments with big-cash prizes at stake. But that's not all, for there is also a lot of gaming going on for the Saturday as well! Check out the provisional timetable HERE.
Free to Enter Tournaments: Sonic Racers Transformed (Wii U), Zombie U, Mario Kart Wii/7, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, DDR/Stepmania, Gears of War, Halo Reach, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Smash Bros, Pokémon, Mario Party 9, Let's Fish!, Metal Gear Rising
Stakes Tournaments (Big Prizes): SSFIV, Blazblue Extend, Marvel v CAPCOM 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, DDR/Stepmania, Super Smash Bros Brawl/Melee
Casual Play, over 100 Games: Too Many To List from modern to retro. Chillout with your friends!
Live-Music & Chiptunists- The most popular musicians from the Chiptunist scene including electronic-hit TEMPHUiBIS, 2 Hearts 1up AND MORE!
Gamers! Day Quiz - How hardcore are you? Sunday afternoon will see the Gamers!-quiz. Team up with your friends and prove your gaming knowledge to win cash prizes!
Gaming related Cosplay including the Cosplay Masquerade!
A Gaming-themed party bought to you by Gamerdisco, London's #1 gaming clubnight! As well as some of the best DJs, there will be live-music, dance performances and free glowsticks and lollipops up for grabs!
AND EVEN MORE FOR GAMERS! On BOTH Saturday and Sunday, there shall be -
Video Gaming Chillout – An entire zone where you can drop in, play your favourite games non-competitively and chill out with your friends! Come along, grab a drink and have a good time!
Handheld Gaming - Make sure to bring along your DS or PSP! There will be plenty of wireless gaming taking place, as well as hand-held tournaments planned including Pokémon hosted by Pokémon World!
Retro Zone – A wide variety of consoles from the 8-Bit/16-bit era right through to the original SNES, Megadrive, PlayStation and N64. Come enjoy your favourite classics! Gaming-Related Traders – The likes of Plug N Play shall be selling the rare and unusual that you would struggle to find on ebay, much less in the shops! Come along and check it out!
Massive DDR Tournament; Stay tuned for a big announcement to come with this one! We'll also have DDR Casual play as well as Rock Band and Guitar Hero.
Not a Gamer? Fear not, for the Sunday shall STILL have plenty of Anime, Cosplay, Manga, Talks, Workshops, Karaoke, TCGing and J-Culture present! Why not check out all that London Anime Con has to offer on its website HERE.
Opening Times: 11am to Midnight.
Pricing: Reduced price Sunday entry to just £7 if you pre-pay now. On the day entry is £10 for Sunday London Anime Con
View Event Timetable: HERE
Tournament Information: HERE
Link To Pre-Pay: Here
Join the forums: HERE
Brought to you by the likes of Namco-Bandai, Arc-Systems, NeoEmpire and Konami the Sunday of London Anime Con on 10th February shall be a special-gaming themed-day! They will be running an entire days worth of gaming tournaments with big-cash prizes at stake. But that's not all, for there is also a lot of gaming going on for the Saturday as well! Check out the provisional timetable HERE.
Free to Enter Tournaments: Sonic Racers Transformed (Wii U), Zombie U, Mario Kart Wii/7, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, DDR/Stepmania, Gears of War, Halo Reach, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Smash Bros, Pokémon, Mario Party 9, Let's Fish!, Metal Gear Rising
Stakes Tournaments (Big Prizes): SSFIV, Blazblue Extend, Marvel v CAPCOM 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, DDR/Stepmania, Super Smash Bros Brawl/Melee
Casual Play, over 100 Games: Too Many To List from modern to retro. Chillout with your friends!
Live-Music & Chiptunists- The most popular musicians from the Chiptunist scene including electronic-hit TEMPHUiBIS, 2 Hearts 1up AND MORE!
Gamers! Day Quiz - How hardcore are you? Sunday afternoon will see the Gamers!-quiz. Team up with your friends and prove your gaming knowledge to win cash prizes!
Gaming related Cosplay including the Cosplay Masquerade!
A Gaming-themed party bought to you by Gamerdisco, London's #1 gaming clubnight! As well as some of the best DJs, there will be live-music, dance performances and free glowsticks and lollipops up for grabs!
AND EVEN MORE FOR GAMERS! On BOTH Saturday and Sunday, there shall be -
Video Gaming Chillout – An entire zone where you can drop in, play your favourite games non-competitively and chill out with your friends! Come along, grab a drink and have a good time!
Handheld Gaming - Make sure to bring along your DS or PSP! There will be plenty of wireless gaming taking place, as well as hand-held tournaments planned including Pokémon hosted by Pokémon World!
Retro Zone – A wide variety of consoles from the 8-Bit/16-bit era right through to the original SNES, Megadrive, PlayStation and N64. Come enjoy your favourite classics! Gaming-Related Traders – The likes of Plug N Play shall be selling the rare and unusual that you would struggle to find on ebay, much less in the shops! Come along and check it out!
Massive DDR Tournament; Stay tuned for a big announcement to come with this one! We'll also have DDR Casual play as well as Rock Band and Guitar Hero.
Not a Gamer? Fear not, for the Sunday shall STILL have plenty of Anime, Cosplay, Manga, Talks, Workshops, Karaoke, TCGing and J-Culture present! Why not check out all that London Anime Con has to offer on its website HERE.
Opening Times: 11am to Midnight.
Pricing: Reduced price Sunday entry to just £7 if you pre-pay now. On the day entry is £10 for Sunday London Anime Con
View Event Timetable: HERE
Tournament Information: HERE
Link To Pre-Pay: Here
Join the forums: HERE