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Crunchyroll to Launch Xbox Live App Experience

Leader in streaming Asian content to launch app on the Xbox Live Entertainment Platform

San Francisco, Calif. (September 27, 2012)Crunchyroll, Inc., the leading Anime and Asian drama streaming service announces the upcoming release of its own branded application on the Xbox 360® console. More information can be found at www.crunchyroll.com.

The Crunchyroll application will be available on XBox Live® in English in more than 30 territories, across all six continents.

Crunchyroll premium members will be able to enjoy the latest Anime shows with English subtitles within hours of Japanese TV broadcast, including hits like NARUTO SHIPPUDEN, Hunter x Hunter, SPACE BROTHERS, and SWORD ART ONLINE, as well as their favorites from the massive Crunchyroll catalog, without advertisements.

Crunchyroll's CEO Kun Gao said, “We are really excited to bring Crunchyroll onto XBox Live. With a significant percentage of our users already owning an Xbox 360, we are pleased to give them yet another great way to watch their favorite Crunchyroll titles. With a wide variety of content, we hope anime and Asian drama fans who are new to our platform will sign up for a free trial through our website and find titles to enjoy.”

Current Crunchyroll titles can be accessed from Crunchyroll.com, the free iPad and iPhone application, the Android application, the Windows® Phone application, PS3™, Google TV, Samsung TV, Roku, Boxee, Vizio VIA, WD TV Live and additional set-top channels, and affiliate partners.

Crunchyroll premium members have access to the largest anime selection, same-day access for simulcasted titles, no advertisements, can be viewed in 480p-to-1080p quality on selected titles. More information about the Crunchyroll membership plan can be found at: http://www.crunchyroll.com/freetrial.

About Crunchyroll, Inc.

Crunchyroll is a leading global video network and developer of social media applications for Japanese anime and Asian media. Through applications like Crunchyroll for iPhone, iPad, Android, TV set-top boxes, affiliate websites and its own streaming website, Crunchyroll delivers officially-licensed content from leading Asian media producers directly to consumers.

Crunchyroll has offices in San Francisco, Calif. and Tokyo, Japan, and is a member of the Association of Japanese Animations (AJA) and Licensing International Merchandisers' Association (LIMA). Founded in 2006, Crunchyroll is funded by leading venture capital firm, Venrock, Japanese entertainment giant TV TOKYO, digital publishing leader Bitway and a group of angel investors representing some of the brightest and most successful entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. More information can be found at http://www.crunchyroll.com.

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