Update: London Anime Con London's Anime and Gaming Convention June 30 - July 1
Pre-Pay Places are selling fast for London Anime Con this 30th June to 1 July, so make sure to register NOW! If you register and pay now then you can get Saturday for just £8 and Sunday for just £7. (On the day entry without pre-paying is £10 per day).
This promises to be our most action-packed event yet with too many highlights to state them all - with ever more events, guests and things to do. Make sure not to miss this one!
Register HERE
View Travel Info HERE
Full Website HERE
Get Involved and Join the LAC5 forums HERE
On BOTH days, there will be a Video Gaming Zone, a Retro Zone, an Artist Alley, Anime Screening Zone, Trading Card Zone, Panels/Workshops, a Fighting Game Zone, anime/gaming exhibitors, cosplay gardens, a cosplay photography zone and not one but TWO stages of continual entertainment and much more! With so much to do, you will need to plan your day carefully to do everything!
View the Saturday Timetable HERE
#1 Cosplay Auction: The Cosplay Auction is one of our big events and has everyone go up for bid, with the winner of each cosplayer getting that character for a two-hour period for the Saturday evening. 50% of the proceeds raised shall go to the convention charity. Go signup HERE.
#2 Pub Quiz: Various rounds on both anime and other more general subjects over five rounds. Get some friends together, make your own quiz team, and join in the fun. We guarantee a good time and much randomness!
#3 LAC5 Talent Show: Do you have a hidden talent - it could be anything from singing, to stand-up comedy to maybe even juggling! Come along and show off! There will be a £30 prize to the winner, so make sure to enter and show us your talent!
#4 Cosplay Experts Q&A: Ask the experts! Our panel of expert-cosplayers shall be holding a Q&A to answer your questions about anything and everything to do with cosplay! Lineup to be announced!
#5 Dub That Anime: The aim of this event for those who have never seen it before is to dub a 30 second clip of our choice live on stage. The funnier the better. In fact..think Abridging on a smaller scale. This can be done as an individual or group so if you think you have what it takes to be in the next Team Four Star then you can signup on the day (just come along).
#6 With Ether: - With unique musical influences from their native cities of Hong Kong and Bangkok, they create a brand of acoustic guitar music never heard before. From Instrumental and vocal originals to unique and creative cover arrangements, they have quickly gained a steady fan base on youtube, Striving to create music that is passionate, inspired and enjoyable to all, they are With Ether. Read more HERE.
#7 Yumizu: Coming all the way from Sweden, we have an exciting singer and alternate-model making her UK debut! Yumizu recently released her first album Wings, which includes a music video, and will be making live appearances in Sweden this year. We hope that UK anime fans will support this rapidly-emerging star! Yumizu is a model and models various alternate fashion styles such as gothic lolita, visual kei as well as fashions from Korea and Taiwan. She models for "Emilia costumized fashion" and various other modelling sites. She has also won various modelling contests over in Sweden.
#8 KimonoTime: KimonoTime is well known over youtube for dancing and singing to popular Japanese and Anime tunes. She very quickly received attention from Japan, England and the U.S.A and has gathered over 19,000 followers online. One of her videos has been showcased on the popular Japanese TV program 'Hanamaru Market', a primetime morning program. KimonoTime is happy to be performing at the London Anime Con, where she will be singing and dancing to Japanese songs; so look forward to her exciting, foot tapping performance! Read more at http://www.kimonotime.net
#9 Otaku Fashion Show: Show us your style! The Otaku Fashion Show is a chance for you to show everyone your own unique style and get to strut your stuff on stage with a presenter narrating what you are wearing and where you got it from. We are more than happy to add your website to the presentation if you make your own! Sponsored by Spirit Models, Alt-Fashion Magazine, Devolution Magazine and Rebelicious Magazine. Signup HERE
#10 J-Pop Go & WOTA London Party: For the first time ever, two of London's largest J-Pop nights ( http://www.wotalondon.co.uk and http://www.jpopgo.co.uk ) shall be coming together together to put on an epic Saturday night party!. As well as some of the top anime DJs we have renowned J-Pop artist Jakazid Djing for the J/K-Pop party with DotDot3and Djuhams as professional dancers and MCs. We will also be handing out free glowsticks and lollipops! (w00t!)
View the Sunday Timetable HERE
#1 Sunday Gamers! Day: Make sure to come along and take part in the Gamers! Day bought to you by the likes of Neo-Empire, DS:London, Namco-Bandai and Arc-Systems. We will have a wide selection of tournaments to take part in, as well as gaming inspired live music and partying! There'll also be a Gamers! Day quiz, a remix chillout afternoon and more! Read more HERE
#2 Cosplay Masquerade: Would you like to show off your cosplay to masses? Perhaps perform a comedy sketch of some anime-based humor. Strut your stuff and have a great time at one of the greatest traditions of the anime world! Want to enter? Go signup at registrations/ops! There will be a £30 cash prize for the best entry as determined by our panel of judges, and a pick from the goodie-box for the best two runners-up. Signup for it at HERE
#3 Obaka No Gameshow: Japanese Gameshow Madness! Events will include Wasabi eating, picking up peas with chopsticks, writing hiragana with a twist...and other randomness...with forfeits being handed out to the losers of each round. Signup for that at HERE
#4 Zonic Live-Performance: Zonic shall be returning to LAC5 to give a live-performance of her latest music, some of it based on retro video-gaming, such as the Sonic and Lemmings games on the Sunday evening of London Anime Con. Read more http://www.zonicmusic.com
#5 Akemi Solloway J-Culture Talks: Japanese Culture expert, Akemi Solloway, the daughter of an old samurai family and learned in the traditional arts and culture of Japan will give talks on Japanese Culture. Make sure not to miss these! http://www.akemisolloway.com
#6 Method Cell: UK based industrial synthcore unit Method Cell have quickly gained a reputation as one of the most exciting, innovative electronic acts to emerge out of the UK underground scene in recent times. Combining high energy harmonics and acerbic lyrics with searing bass and beats, Method Cell prove there.s more to a club hit than swearing by numbers, and industrial doesn.t have to mean monotone. Read more at http://www.methodcell.com/
#7 TEMPHUiBIS: Is an electronic music composer and animator from East London in england. Being inspired from most videos games and various electronic artists, He makes music using old video game consoles and new age synths. Read more at http://www.temphuibis.co.uk
#8 DDR Olympics: Show us your moves for the DDR Olympics!Five rounds, each round different and designed to test you to the max - the Olympics of DDR! And for the first time ever, the event will take place on a REAL, arcade style machine! WOOOO!
#9 Area 11: Area 11 combine Western rock guitar traditions with Eastern culture to establish a new genre - Gaijin Rock! With a powerful and dramatic stage show, Area 11 are not to be missed! Check them out at http://www.area-11.co.uk!
#10 Nintendisco: The UK's #1 gaming clubnight, Nintendisco shall be rolling into London Gaming Con to host the Sunday-Night Party! Nintendisco was created by Dave and Nicky in September 2010. Well known names on the London music scene for many years, they have both been involved with music successfully from touring around the world, releasing records and living the rock .n roll dream. They decided to combine their knowledge and great experience with the gaming and party worlds to create a unique gaming/clubbing experience.
Opening Times: 11am to 1am.
Pricing: Reduced price entry if you pre-pay now. On the day entry is £10 per day. £5 Evening Entry after 6pm.
London Anime Con Website: http://www.londonanimecon.com
Guests & Performers List: http://www.londonanimecon.com/guests.php
Link To Pre-Pay: http://www.londonanimecon.com/register.php
This promises to be our most action-packed event yet with too many highlights to state them all - with ever more events, guests and things to do. Make sure not to miss this one!
Register HERE
View Travel Info HERE
Full Website HERE
Get Involved and Join the LAC5 forums HERE
On BOTH days, there will be a Video Gaming Zone, a Retro Zone, an Artist Alley, Anime Screening Zone, Trading Card Zone, Panels/Workshops, a Fighting Game Zone, anime/gaming exhibitors, cosplay gardens, a cosplay photography zone and not one but TWO stages of continual entertainment and much more! With so much to do, you will need to plan your day carefully to do everything!
View the Saturday Timetable HERE
#1 Cosplay Auction: The Cosplay Auction is one of our big events and has everyone go up for bid, with the winner of each cosplayer getting that character for a two-hour period for the Saturday evening. 50% of the proceeds raised shall go to the convention charity. Go signup HERE.
#2 Pub Quiz: Various rounds on both anime and other more general subjects over five rounds. Get some friends together, make your own quiz team, and join in the fun. We guarantee a good time and much randomness!
#3 LAC5 Talent Show: Do you have a hidden talent - it could be anything from singing, to stand-up comedy to maybe even juggling! Come along and show off! There will be a £30 prize to the winner, so make sure to enter and show us your talent!
#4 Cosplay Experts Q&A: Ask the experts! Our panel of expert-cosplayers shall be holding a Q&A to answer your questions about anything and everything to do with cosplay! Lineup to be announced!
#5 Dub That Anime: The aim of this event for those who have never seen it before is to dub a 30 second clip of our choice live on stage. The funnier the better. In fact..think Abridging on a smaller scale. This can be done as an individual or group so if you think you have what it takes to be in the next Team Four Star then you can signup on the day (just come along).
#6 With Ether: - With unique musical influences from their native cities of Hong Kong and Bangkok, they create a brand of acoustic guitar music never heard before. From Instrumental and vocal originals to unique and creative cover arrangements, they have quickly gained a steady fan base on youtube, Striving to create music that is passionate, inspired and enjoyable to all, they are With Ether. Read more HERE.
#7 Yumizu: Coming all the way from Sweden, we have an exciting singer and alternate-model making her UK debut! Yumizu recently released her first album Wings, which includes a music video, and will be making live appearances in Sweden this year. We hope that UK anime fans will support this rapidly-emerging star! Yumizu is a model and models various alternate fashion styles such as gothic lolita, visual kei as well as fashions from Korea and Taiwan. She models for "Emilia costumized fashion" and various other modelling sites. She has also won various modelling contests over in Sweden.
#8 KimonoTime: KimonoTime is well known over youtube for dancing and singing to popular Japanese and Anime tunes. She very quickly received attention from Japan, England and the U.S.A and has gathered over 19,000 followers online. One of her videos has been showcased on the popular Japanese TV program 'Hanamaru Market', a primetime morning program. KimonoTime is happy to be performing at the London Anime Con, where she will be singing and dancing to Japanese songs; so look forward to her exciting, foot tapping performance! Read more at http://www.kimonotime.net
#9 Otaku Fashion Show: Show us your style! The Otaku Fashion Show is a chance for you to show everyone your own unique style and get to strut your stuff on stage with a presenter narrating what you are wearing and where you got it from. We are more than happy to add your website to the presentation if you make your own! Sponsored by Spirit Models, Alt-Fashion Magazine, Devolution Magazine and Rebelicious Magazine. Signup HERE
#10 J-Pop Go & WOTA London Party: For the first time ever, two of London's largest J-Pop nights ( http://www.wotalondon.co.uk and http://www.jpopgo.co.uk ) shall be coming together together to put on an epic Saturday night party!. As well as some of the top anime DJs we have renowned J-Pop artist Jakazid Djing for the J/K-Pop party with DotDot3and Djuhams as professional dancers and MCs. We will also be handing out free glowsticks and lollipops! (w00t!)
View the Sunday Timetable HERE
#1 Sunday Gamers! Day: Make sure to come along and take part in the Gamers! Day bought to you by the likes of Neo-Empire, DS:London, Namco-Bandai and Arc-Systems. We will have a wide selection of tournaments to take part in, as well as gaming inspired live music and partying! There'll also be a Gamers! Day quiz, a remix chillout afternoon and more! Read more HERE
#2 Cosplay Masquerade: Would you like to show off your cosplay to masses? Perhaps perform a comedy sketch of some anime-based humor. Strut your stuff and have a great time at one of the greatest traditions of the anime world! Want to enter? Go signup at registrations/ops! There will be a £30 cash prize for the best entry as determined by our panel of judges, and a pick from the goodie-box for the best two runners-up. Signup for it at HERE
#3 Obaka No Gameshow: Japanese Gameshow Madness! Events will include Wasabi eating, picking up peas with chopsticks, writing hiragana with a twist...and other randomness...with forfeits being handed out to the losers of each round. Signup for that at HERE
#4 Zonic Live-Performance: Zonic shall be returning to LAC5 to give a live-performance of her latest music, some of it based on retro video-gaming, such as the Sonic and Lemmings games on the Sunday evening of London Anime Con. Read more http://www.zonicmusic.com
#5 Akemi Solloway J-Culture Talks: Japanese Culture expert, Akemi Solloway, the daughter of an old samurai family and learned in the traditional arts and culture of Japan will give talks on Japanese Culture. Make sure not to miss these! http://www.akemisolloway.com
#6 Method Cell: UK based industrial synthcore unit Method Cell have quickly gained a reputation as one of the most exciting, innovative electronic acts to emerge out of the UK underground scene in recent times. Combining high energy harmonics and acerbic lyrics with searing bass and beats, Method Cell prove there.s more to a club hit than swearing by numbers, and industrial doesn.t have to mean monotone. Read more at http://www.methodcell.com/
#7 TEMPHUiBIS: Is an electronic music composer and animator from East London in england. Being inspired from most videos games and various electronic artists, He makes music using old video game consoles and new age synths. Read more at http://www.temphuibis.co.uk
#8 DDR Olympics: Show us your moves for the DDR Olympics!Five rounds, each round different and designed to test you to the max - the Olympics of DDR! And for the first time ever, the event will take place on a REAL, arcade style machine! WOOOO!
#9 Area 11: Area 11 combine Western rock guitar traditions with Eastern culture to establish a new genre - Gaijin Rock! With a powerful and dramatic stage show, Area 11 are not to be missed! Check them out at http://www.area-11.co.uk!
#10 Nintendisco: The UK's #1 gaming clubnight, Nintendisco shall be rolling into London Gaming Con to host the Sunday-Night Party! Nintendisco was created by Dave and Nicky in September 2010. Well known names on the London music scene for many years, they have both been involved with music successfully from touring around the world, releasing records and living the rock .n roll dream. They decided to combine their knowledge and great experience with the gaming and party worlds to create a unique gaming/clubbing experience.
Opening Times: 11am to 1am.
Pricing: Reduced price entry if you pre-pay now. On the day entry is £10 per day. £5 Evening Entry after 6pm.
London Anime Con Website: http://www.londonanimecon.com
Guests & Performers List: http://www.londonanimecon.com/guests.php
Link To Pre-Pay: http://www.londonanimecon.com/register.php