Capcom X Namco presents... Christmas Fight Club!
At Namco Station, from 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm on 3rd December 2011, Fight Club is back! But not as we know it. For one day only, over two action packed sessions, CAPCOM X Namco are throwing their differences aside to bring to you; the UK fighting game enthusiasts, the biggest most illustrious fighting game event of the year: Christmas Fight Club!
You're probably asking yourself what makes this event so special? It's just another Fight Club, right? Another chance for you to show your peers that you're the best at Street Fighter X Tekken, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Tekken 6, Ultimate Marvel Vs CAPCOM 3, SoulCalibur V and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike? Well yes it is, we've got all that and more but we've also got a very...special...guest:
HARADA-SAN! – Producer of the Tekken series
He'll be there to witness your superiority, your infallible technique and your unerring desire to be the best. We'll have an eight person, single-elimination tournament running in each session for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Arcade and SoulCalibur V, of which selected matches will be streamed live with prizes for the tournament winners. In addition to this there will be numerous exhibition matches where the UK's top players will face off in live streaming matches. This is your opportunity to meet the creator of Tekken and witness the cream of the UK fighting game community go head to head!
On top of all that, there will be free bowling, free pool and refreshments, a DJ, break-dancers and all manner of free-play arcade machines just in case you wimp out of the tournament early.
How do you get involved? All you need to do is turn up on the day, entrance is free, and we have room for 300 people in each session (first come first served). Upon entry you'll be issued with a wristband and asked to leave at the end of the session. You're welcome to join the back of the queue to gain entry to the second session, but we can't guarantee we'll be able to accommodate everyone.
For further information please visit:
Full address of Namco Station: Namco Station Westminster London SE1 7PB
See you there,