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Nan Desu Kan Raises $13,440 for Japan, Announces First Round of Guests

Nan Desu Kan raises $13,440 for Japan, announces first round of guests
Hotel Already Sold Out For NDK 2011, Sept. 9-11

DENVER (May 3, 2011) — Nan Desu Kan (NDK) is proud to announce the success of NDK's Rave2Save, a one-night-only fundraiser to benefit the Japanese Red Cross. The event raised a total of $13,440, which includes the dollar-for-dollar match by the Rocky Mountain Anime Association (RMAA), the parent nonprofit organization of NDK.

The 15th NDK is Sept. 9-11, 2011 at the sold-out Denver Marriott Tech Center. NDK will welcome back voice actors and fan favorites Todd Haberkorn, Patrick Seitz and Chris Cason, as well as Kevin McKeever, Steve Yun and Tommy Yune with the Robotech Convention Tour. “In 15 years, we've grown from a small festival held in a student union to becoming Colorado's largest convention,” said Amanda Liebermann, executive director. “The first round of people we're announcing this year have become part of NDK's heart and our family.”

Voice actor/director Todd Haberkorn returns to NDK by popular demand. His most recent roles include Otto in the Syfy live-action film Scream of the Banshee, as well as anime roles with Ling Yao in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Italy in Hetalia - Axis Powers. His other prominent roles include Allen Walker in D.Gray Man, Soul Eater as Death the Kid, Keroro in Sgt. Frog, Yamato in Suzuka, Naru in Ghost Hunt and Raki in Claymore.

Voice actor/screenwriter/ADR Director Patrick Seitz recently scripted Summer Wars for FUNimation. His current voice acting roles include Germany in Hetalia - Axis Powers, Simon in Durarara!! and Sloth in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, as well as Kaptin Bluddflagg and Abbadon the Despoiler in the video game Dawn of War II: Retribution. He is also known for Luke Valentine in Hellsing. His other video work includes Arthas Menethil and Garrosh Hellscream in World of Warcraft and Ragna the Bloodedge in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift and Calamity Trigger.

Voice actor/screenwriter/ADR Director Chris Cason was most recently heard in Summer Wars. His other roles include the Holy Roman Empire in Hetalia - Axis Powers, Gluttony in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Mr. Popo in Dragon Ball Z Kai. Some of his work has been featured on Spike TV, The Independent Film Channel (IFC), Nicktoons, The Cartoon Network, and The CW. In addition, he was a contributing guitarist in Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock.

The Robotech Convention Tour will make its annual stop in Denver with Creative Director Tommy Yune, Webmaster Steve Yun and Marketing Coordinator Kevin McKeever. Additional guest news, including Japanese guests, is forthcoming. NDK's venue, The Denver Marriott Tech Center, is already sold out for 2011. To help ensure the comfort of NDK attendees and the quality of the convention, NDK will be enforcing an attendance cap of 7,500 per day.

“This will be our first year with an attendance cap,” said Liebermann.

“This decision was not made lightly, but we are determined to keep our small-convention feel despite our growth. An attendance cap will ensure NDK's quality for years to come.”

Information on the attendance cap and overflow hotels is available on http://ndkdenver.org.

ABOUT NAN DESU KAN: Nan Desu Kan (NDK), the largest anime convention in the Rocky Mountain region, provides a diverse mix of numerous cultural panels, musical guests, games, dances, workshops, art showings and auctions, as well as screenings of new and classic anime. Nan Desu Kan is sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Anime Association. NDK 2011 is Sept. 9-11 at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, 4900 S. Syracuse, Denver, CO 80237. Weekend passes are available online or at the door for $50. Beginning in 2011, Nan Desu Kan will institute an attendance cap. For the latest news, visit http://ndkdenver.org.

ABOUT ROCKY MOUNTAIN ANIME ASSOCIATION: The Rocky Mountain Anime Association (RMAA) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Japanese culture in Colorado. The RMAA sponsors Nan Desu Kan at the Marriott Denver Tech Center and NDK NYE, the New Year's Eve costume ball, at the Denver Renaissance Hotel.

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