Tokyo Kawaii Magazine Volume 5 Now on Sale
The wait is finally over! Today, Nov 30 the world's first iPhone exclusive magazine “Tokyo Kawaii Magazine” vol.5 (English text version/ is available on the App store ($1.99 US/includes the viewer application and first issue vol.1).
Tokyo Kawaii Magazine aims to provide you not only exciting general information on Japanese POP culture, but also a variety of the latest news and specific features on Japanese animation, manga, game, figure, fashion, costume play, Japanese foods and other popular items from Tokyo, the capital of the Kawaii world.
・ Feature story
Harajuku Girls Style
#01 Introducing 4 of Japan's Latest Harajuku Styles
Introducing the latest Harajuku Girl's fashions. We'll show you some Kawaii items and
special movies from each shop on the style tour.
First off is Fairy style which recently is rocketing in popularity. This report, from model Yu
Kimura, shows how to wear these items in the most Kawaii & cheerful way.
#03 ROCK
Next is Rock style, introduced by singer and model AKIRA-chan who out-cools the coolest
boys. She shows you how to look both tough & cute.
Third is Lolita style, one of the classic Harajuku fashion styles. The world famous fashion
model Misako Aoki shows off the latest for you.
Finally is Mori-Girl style, which we first introduced in TKM Vol, 001. Illustrator Saki Murata is
as a model who shows you the latest in this new Kawaii trend.
・Tokyo Kawaii News
〔Anime〕 Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Introducing the TV anime "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt" a new hit about a group of
angles kicked out of heaven for bad behavior. Not a typical Moe show, but a pop style
〔Fashion〕 DelilaH
DelilaH is a popular fashion shop in Shibuya. Here you'll find many items in girly, sexy, and
party styles! They also have cute shop staff to greet you!
Here we introduce you to the crazy popular love adventure game for the PS2, HAKUOUKI.
The story is set in the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate where Japanese ladies enjoy
falling in love with members of the Shinsen-gumi.
Figure dolls from the very popular SF Robot anime CODE GEASS are put on view for you.
These characters, designed by CLAMP, are remarkable works you will love to see.
〔Serial〕 Culture Tokyo is the portal site that sends Japanese sub-culture out all over the world.
this issue the world's number one Otaku introduces the figures from Black Rock Shooter.
Recipe for Ben-To
'Character Bentos' are becoming popular, and not only in Japan. Here's an easy explanation
for how to make some tasty and Kawaii Kyara-Ben.
Funi Funi Diary
Lovely goods lover and female editor Izumi Aikawa writes about her daily life with her
fabulous belongings. She always surrounds herself with the most Kawaii stuff.
〔Ranking〕 Manga, Game,
Introducing the most popular Manga, Games and Anime DVDs on the charts. Here, you can
learn about the cutting edge of Kawaii culture.