Baltimore Comic-Con Thanks Fans and Announces 2011 Dates and Guests

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - November 12, 2010 - They had started lining up before dawn. By the time the doors opened at 10:00 AM (and the oppressive August heat had already taken hold), the line was wrapped around the side of the Baltimore Convention Center and snaked across the street. These fans knew something big was happening, and they wanted to be among the first in the door. Soon, they'd be face to face with some of the biggest names in the comic book industry - as well as plenty of promising talent.
It was the 11th annual Baltimore Comic-Con, and the weekend ended up being a phenomenal success.
Of course, the success wouldn't be possible without the hard work of a lot of people - and it's time to say a big "Thank You!" to everyone involved. Special thanks go to SPAWN creator Todd McFarlane, who joined us on Saturday August 28 and was, as expected, a major hit with the fans. And to our guests, exhibitors, retailers, partners, and especially the fans who continue to join us each year - THANK YOU. Without you, Baltimore Comic-Con simply wouldn't happen.
With the 11th annual Comic-Con a great success, the team is already thinking of ways to make 2011 an even bigger year for comics fans. On the calendar for August 20-21, 2011, next year's Comic-Con will feature guests you won't want to miss - we've already lined up Frank Cho (New Ultimates), David Finch (Batman: The Dark Knight), Barry Kitson(Iron Man 2.0), David Petersen (Mouse Guard), Brandon Peterson (Ultimate Extinction), and Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo).
Comic-Con promoter Marc Nathan couldn't be happier with 2010's Comic-Con, but he knows the only way from here is up. "We were thrilled with the show in 2010. My team and I had a great time putting on the show, and the feedback from our partners, guests, and, most notably, the fans that came to the show has been great. Each year, we find new ways to make Comic-Con bigger and more exciting," Marc said. "2011 is going to be a very big year."
That's an exciting prospect, because this year's convention was bigger than it's ever been. Attendance was up 20% from last year, the costume contest (in its second year) was so big we had to knock down a wall to make room (where's the Hulk when you need him?), and aspiring artists packed the room for a highly successful Artists' Workshop led by comic book legends Klaus Janson and Howard Chaykin. For our fifth year running, we hosted the Harvey Awards, and we're already looking forward to our sixth year!
We can only imagine what's in store for next year, so mark your calendars now! Details on guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming leading up to the show can always be found at our website, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and ComicSpace pages.