Eirtakon 2010 Sails Past 1200 Attendees
DUBLIN, IRELAND – October 18th , 2010 – With Eirtakon done and dusted for another year, the committee is proud to announce that the final attendee count is in excess of 1200 dedicated anime fanatics!
Fans from all over the world turned up to The Helix venue to take part in the widest variety of events, panels, competitions and talks ever seen at an anime convention in Ireland. Eirtakon 2010's guest of honour Spike Spencer showed once again his amazing talent in three unique talks that packed out the panel rooms and delighted everyone in attendance.
Eirtakon 2010 saw more cosplayers and a bigger variety of amazing costumes than ever before, lending a unique air of celebration and electricity to the venue.
Three screening rooms were filled throughout the weekend, showing an eclectic variety of old classics and new trendsetters from 10am every day. The expanded AMV competition again drew some amazing quality submissions, and the winning AMVs will be put online in the coming weeks.
In total a dozen panels took place over the weekend spread across three different panel rooms, with subjects ranging from Anna Fitzpatrick's two manga workshops, Caroline Egan's Japanese Horror panel and our Con Director Stephen Fox's History of Mecha talk. This year's variety of panels was the biggest ever and the smiles on attendees' faces leaving the panel rooms said it all!
In the main hall of Eirtakon, our traders area saw the biggest turnout yet - whether it was anime DVDs from United Publications, t-shirts from Genki Gear, mecha kits from Gundam Nation, artists materials from O'Sullivans, plushies from Cartoon Passion collectables from Neon Martin or the latest console games from Ireland's online games retailer gamesnash.ie, everything was covered this weekend only in Dublin and only at Eirtakon!
And who can forget the dedicated gaming room at the top of The Helix? Gamers! packed out the whole 2nd floor and displayed some serious skills in numerous tournaments and competitions, with Super Street Fighter IV and our mystery retro game Bomberman drawing huge crowds.
Over the next few days, expect the Eirtakon website to be filled up with pictures by our two talented photographers, along with videos and reports from the convention!
We would also like so say a very special thank you to everyone who entered all the competitions and congratulations to the well deserved winners! And also of course to our fantastic staff, committee and guest of honour, without whom the weekend would have never happened. A big thank you to you all and we'll be back again in November 2011!
About Eirtakon
Eirtakon, now moving into its 7th year, is Ireland's number one anime event and the biggest convention of its kind in the country. Following from the massive celebration that was Eirtakon 2010, the committee is now refocusing to 2011 and the job of making a bigger and better convention for the anime and gaming fans of Ireland. Remember, there is only one Eirtakon, accept no substitutes!
Check back regularly at www.eirtakon.com for the latest convention news, gossip and discussions.
Fans from all over the world turned up to The Helix venue to take part in the widest variety of events, panels, competitions and talks ever seen at an anime convention in Ireland. Eirtakon 2010's guest of honour Spike Spencer showed once again his amazing talent in three unique talks that packed out the panel rooms and delighted everyone in attendance.
Eirtakon 2010 saw more cosplayers and a bigger variety of amazing costumes than ever before, lending a unique air of celebration and electricity to the venue.
Three screening rooms were filled throughout the weekend, showing an eclectic variety of old classics and new trendsetters from 10am every day. The expanded AMV competition again drew some amazing quality submissions, and the winning AMVs will be put online in the coming weeks.
In total a dozen panels took place over the weekend spread across three different panel rooms, with subjects ranging from Anna Fitzpatrick's two manga workshops, Caroline Egan's Japanese Horror panel and our Con Director Stephen Fox's History of Mecha talk. This year's variety of panels was the biggest ever and the smiles on attendees' faces leaving the panel rooms said it all!
In the main hall of Eirtakon, our traders area saw the biggest turnout yet - whether it was anime DVDs from United Publications, t-shirts from Genki Gear, mecha kits from Gundam Nation, artists materials from O'Sullivans, plushies from Cartoon Passion collectables from Neon Martin or the latest console games from Ireland's online games retailer gamesnash.ie, everything was covered this weekend only in Dublin and only at Eirtakon!
And who can forget the dedicated gaming room at the top of The Helix? Gamers! packed out the whole 2nd floor and displayed some serious skills in numerous tournaments and competitions, with Super Street Fighter IV and our mystery retro game Bomberman drawing huge crowds.
Over the next few days, expect the Eirtakon website to be filled up with pictures by our two talented photographers, along with videos and reports from the convention!
We would also like so say a very special thank you to everyone who entered all the competitions and congratulations to the well deserved winners! And also of course to our fantastic staff, committee and guest of honour, without whom the weekend would have never happened. A big thank you to you all and we'll be back again in November 2011!
About Eirtakon
Eirtakon, now moving into its 7th year, is Ireland's number one anime event and the biggest convention of its kind in the country. Following from the massive celebration that was Eirtakon 2010, the committee is now refocusing to 2011 and the job of making a bigger and better convention for the anime and gaming fans of Ireland. Remember, there is only one Eirtakon, accept no substitutes!
Check back regularly at www.eirtakon.com for the latest convention news, gossip and discussions.