New Information on NeoAniCon
Domain name officially registered, current progress.
BALTIMORE, MD - Thursday, February 11, 2010 -- After several years since the last press release from NeoAniCon, Inc., NeoAniCon, Inc.'s President and Con-Chair Kun Sun Sweeley is pleased to announce that an official domain name has been registered as of February 2, 2010 for 20 years. An official forum for NeoAniCon, Inc. has been created and is accepting new members currently at for members to chat about various topics and to keep up-to-date with the current progress of NeoAniCon and its parent organization, members can create their own blogs and even photo galleries as well thanks to the full-featured IP.Board Community Suite which was purchased for the organization by Mr. Sweeley.
Mr. Sweeley also has started the initial start-up phase of the organization by filing an application online to the United States Patent and Trademark office to officially register "NEOANICON" as a service mark for NeoAniCon, Inc., interested parties can view the current status of the application by going here:
Mr. Sweeley is also pleased to announce that Mr. Lewis Pearce, IV, a longtime friend has been officially appointed as the NeoAniCon Forum Maintainer and he will also assist in recruiting staff members in several departments for NeoAniCon.
Currently NeoAniCon itself is planned to focus on a demographic, which to the knowledge of the President and Con-Chair and to Mr. Pearce, is currently not being actively targeted by current conventions and the anime industry as a whole, the 40+ demographic. The idea came to the President and Con-Chair when he attended a large convention and noticed parents who brought their kids to the convention but seemed like they were clueless to why their children are so attracted to anime, manga and videogames so he wants to have a con that educates the parents on exactly why their kids are into anime, manga and videogaming. NeoAniCon will not only focus on just the 40+ demographic but will also target the new anime fans, new con goers and veteran con goers. NeoAniCon will be a one day con to be held at the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn as decided in 2003.
NeoAniCon Inc. hopes to start an ongoing partnership with Anime News Network to be NeoAniCon's official press representative so NeoAniCon Inc. can send future press releases to Anime News Network in hope that Anime News Network will post our press releases.
More details regarding NeoAniCon will be forthcoming in future press releases.
About NeoAniCon Inc.
NeoAniCon Inc. is to be a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Maryland. NeoAniCon Inc. will be the controlling organization for NeoAniCon, a new one-day convention dealing with educating parents on anime, Asian culture and videogaming and will also have events that will be for current anime fans that is to be held in the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn on 245 Shawan Road in Hunt Valley Maryland. NeoAniCon has been in planning with its president, Kun Sun Sweeley with personal friends since early January 2003. The dates for the convention is still currently unknown due to the convention still being in the planning stages.