Metrocon 8: Florida's Largest Anime Convention - The Metrocon Challenge
The METROCON Challenge!
July 23-25, 2010
TAMPA BAY, FL, January 25, 2010 - At the 2009 Closing Ceremonies, METROCON offered you, the fans, a challenge. Do you think you can do it?
Your Challenge: Help METROCON reach 10,000 attendees.
Your Reward: METROCON will gain a fourth day.
Yes, you read that correctly, if METROCON gets 10,000 badges sold, then it will become a four-day convention! How do you do this? Talk to your friends. If everyone who attended METROCON in 2009 brings one new person to an upcoming METROCON, we will reach that goal. Whether or not we succeed relies on you. Not guests, not events, but all of YOU.
What happens if you reach this goal and we get a fourth day? More events. Existing events get bigger. Bigger guests. More panels. More time. For years, fans have said they did not want METROCON weekend to end, and this will make it last a bit longer!
So, talk to your friends. Get your friends to talk to their friends. Get them all to METROCON. Then, not only will METROCON be the largest anime convention in Florida, we will be the longest!
Now, get out there and get the word out!
METROCON is a weekend-long celebration of the numerous facets of Japanese popular entertainment - from anime (Japanese animation), manga (Japanese comics), J-pop and J-Rock (Japanese pop and rock music, performed by “idols”) to cosplay (costume design and performance) and video games.
Events at METROCON this year includes: - The “Anime Human Chess Match”- Year 7, “The Fantasy Masquerade” formal ballroom dance, “Anime Idol” J-Pop/J-Rock Competition; - A “gong show style” cosplay competition and a costume contest; dealers'/exhibition room; - Artists' Alley; “DDR Extreme” Tournaments; - An Anime Music Video contest; - Official convention screenings of new North American releases; - Panels with North American anime industry guests; - Live Celebrity Commentaries with the industry guests;- Dances and karaoke; - The METROCADE video game room; and finally, continuous hours of Japanese anime and related programming.
METROCON Year 8: 2010
July 23-25, 2010
Tampa Convention Center, Tampa FL
Tickets available now at!
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