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Setsucon Announces Dates for 2010 Convention


Setsucon Announces Dates for 2010 Convention

STATE COLLEGE, PA - March 19, 2009 - Setsucon, State College's annual anime convention, is pleased to announce that it will be returning for its fourth year on the 16th and 17th of January 2010! We would like to thank the Day's INN in downtown State College for hosting us once again in the coming year.

Setsucon will be back and better than ever in 2010 with two full days of programming including: anime viewings, gaming, live events, demonstrations, panels, and of course, our signature events the charity Host Club Auction and Iron Cosplay, where guests compete to make the best costume from a mystery “ingredient.” Past guests include: Kyle Hebert, Chris Malone, Dave Lister, Robert Axelrod, This Place is Haunted, Yuko Ota, and Apple Geeks. Keep an eye out to see what great new guests will be coming to Setsucon next year, and look for 2010 pre-registration to be available on our website, www.setsucon.com, beginning in May.

Hope to see you in January!

Información disponible en español. Mandar un mensaje a mcd933 a psu punto edu.

ABOUT SETSUCON: Located at the State College Days INN, in State College, PA, Setsucon is within walking distance of the University Park Campus (Main Campus) of Penn State University.
Setsucon is hosted by the Penn State Anime Organization (PSAO). Since September 2001, the PSAO has been bringing anime, manga and Japanese pop culture to the University Park campus. Working to provide both weekly screenings and a social environment for Penn State's anime/manga fan base, the PSAO is continually broadening its horizons. The PSAO meetings serve multiple functions, including our free weekly anime screenings. We also arrange trips to conventions, have club social events, facilitate DDR events on campus, and much, much more!

Setsucon Anime Convention
Days INN Penn State
State College, PA
January 17-18, 2010

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