Toon Radio opens the Anime Gate
January 31, 2009 - Buffalo, New York - Toon Radio premieres the new anime talk show Anime Gate.
Hosted by Anime-4-Life, Stoopid_Oni, toastyotaku42, and Caboose, Anime Gate is a brand new podcast that features a roundtable discussion of various anime related topics including new series, fandom, and the anime industry as a whole. The production team plans to have guest hosts and interviews with people such as voice actors Kevin M. Connolly and Kyle Herbert .
"The Anime Gate crew has the drive and ambition to make it in the world of internet broadcasting. We at Toon Radio are proud to have them on our stream, and to be able to offer their brand of entertainment to our listeners," - Robert Stukowski, Toon Radio's owner and CEO.
Anime Gate joins Toon Radio's line up which includes Anime Nation News, Anime Genesis and Geeknights, and others, and is scheduled to run Sunday nights after Anime Genesis.
For more information on Anime Gate, check out their website at
For more information on Toon Radio and Anime Gate's airtimes, check out their website at
About Toon Radio: Toon Radio ( is an Internet radio station that specializes in animation soundtracks from around the world.
Toon Radio broadcasts from its website at, and is a member of the Audiorealm Radio Network ( Toon Radio operates out of Buffalo, New York