Anime Kasei: Uprising Anime Community
Anime Kasei is starting the '08 with a bang, launching with a plethora of new features that have been under development for quite some time now. The site now features an audio system designed for users to upload their own music or DRM-free music. The site is also now sporting a chic new design and is currently constructing additional designs made switchable by user preference. Also, plans are in the development stage to add in a producers' blog which will feature the makers of Anime Kasei writing about upcoming events, site changes, and other related information.
Anime Kasei is a social networking site devoted to serving the anime community. What sets Anime Kasei apart from other small anime networking sites is it started off as a small summer project, for one high school student to play around with some server-side script. Shortly thereafter, on August 1st, the site became functional and opened its doors to the public. It took off at an unprecedented rate and the member count quickly rose to some 50+ members. Unfortunately, Anime Kasei was not quite equipped to handle such a high volume of visitors and members. The script had many problems and the site crashed three times; the third time was the worst, occurring around Thanksgiving and not getting back up until December 17th. The project spawned a small group of high school students to team up and tackle some of the problems with the code. They got site got patched up and it now currently supports a wide variety of browsers. As soon as the re-launch was announced, some of the returning members quickly joined back because, unfortunately, all member profile data was lost with the server failure. The community is slowly regaining its former momentum and hopes for future success as it takes on the New Year. to see it live!
Anime Kasei is a social networking site devoted to serving the anime community. What sets Anime Kasei apart from other small anime networking sites is it started off as a small summer project, for one high school student to play around with some server-side script. Shortly thereafter, on August 1st, the site became functional and opened its doors to the public. It took off at an unprecedented rate and the member count quickly rose to some 50+ members. Unfortunately, Anime Kasei was not quite equipped to handle such a high volume of visitors and members. The script had many problems and the site crashed three times; the third time was the worst, occurring around Thanksgiving and not getting back up until December 17th. The project spawned a small group of high school students to team up and tackle some of the problems with the code. They got site got patched up and it now currently supports a wide variety of browsers. As soon as the re-launch was announced, some of the returning members quickly joined back because, unfortunately, all member profile data was lost with the server failure. The community is slowly regaining its former momentum and hopes for future success as it takes on the New Year. to see it live!