Mechademia 2: Networks of Desire

Frenchy Lunning, editor
University of Minnesota Press | 316 pages | 2007
ISBN 978-0-8166-5266-2 | paperback | $19.95
Networks of Desire—the second volume in the Mechademia series, an annual forum devoted to critical and creative work on Japanese anime, manga, and the fan cultures that have coalesced around them—explores the varieties of desire that structure and influence much of contemporary anime and manga in manifestations that range from the explicitly sexual to more sublimated text and imagery.
"Japan's pop culture, once believed unexportable, is now hitting the shores of other nations like a tsunami. In North America, young fans consume vast amounts of manga and anime, while academics increasingly study the entire J-pop phenomenon to understand it. One community has passion while the other has discipline, and what has been lacking is a bridge between the two. Mechademia is the bridge, and with a name like that, how can you go wrong? So why wait? Hop in your giant mobile suit and stomp down to the local real or virtual bookstore to purchase a copy right now!" —Frederik L. Schodt
Contributors: Brent Allison, Meredith Suzanne Hahn Aquila, Hiroki Azuma, William L. Benzon, Christopher Bolton, Martha Cornog, Patrick Drazen, Marc Hairston, Mari Kotani, Shu Kuge, Margherita Long, Daisuke Miyao, Hiromi Mizuno, Mariana Ortega, Timothy Perper, Eron Rauch, Trina Robbins, Brian Ruh, Deborah Shamoon, Masami Toku, Keith Vincent.
For more information, including the table of contents, visit the book's webpage:
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