Right Stuf's ANIME TODAY: Exclusive Interview with Bandai Visual USA President Mr. Tatsunori Konno
Exclusive interview, Anime & Gamers!' Guide, contests & reviews in Episode 39
GRIMES, IA, April 27, 2007 – Anime producer and mega-online anime retailer The Right Stuf International is pleased to welcome Mr. Tatsunori Konno, the president of Bandai Visual USA, to episode 39 of ANIME TODAY.
In this exclusive, in-depth interview, Mr. Konno discusses Bandai Visual USA's upcoming release plans and long-term marketing strategy (including pricing and production details), next-generation video formats and how fans can give them feedback on their releases.
Also in Episode 39 of ANIME TODAY:
• Chad tells listeners “What's Hot” in the world of anime and manga.
• Kris and Judy talk about Japan's rainy season – and new high-tech options for umbrellas – in this installment of the “Anime and Gamers!' Guide.”
• Shawne lets listeners know about the last days of the ADV “Set Your Sights on Savings” Sale and drops some hints about more current (and future) opportunities to save.
• Marie previews the manga Apothecarius Argentum, which debuts in May 2007.
• Judy-sensei presents a mini-Japanese 101 lesson about rainy days.
• Rich and Nick announce the winners of the Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars contest and kick-off the Fukubukuro Fun contest.
• And finally, ANIME TODAY highlights some of the newest fan reviews from Right Stuf.com visitors.
Have questions about anime, manga or Japan? Call the Anime Today “Q and A” Hotline at 1-800-338-6827, ext. 7424. (Fans whose questions are featured on the podcast will receive a $10 Right Stuf gift certificate.)
Visit www.Right Stuf.com for this episode, as well as an archive of all ANIME TODAY episodes and extended liner notes. Listeners can also download and subscribe to ANIME TODAY via the Apple iTunes Music Store.
Meet other ANIME TODAY listeners, submit your suggestions for future episodes and more at the official ANIME TODAY forums at AnimeOnDVD.com: (http://www.animeondvd.com/forum/showforum.php?fid/57/).
Released every other week, ANIME TODAY is the first commercially-produced podcast aimed at enthusiasts of Japanese animation and comics (“anime” and “manga”). Each episode features fresh content and gives listeners a glimpse into what's new and what's hot in the world of anime and manga. Segments include reviews of titles from all major anime studios, insights into the industry from anime producers, tips on traveling to and around Japan, interaction with listeners, contests, prizes and more.
“If you're into anime and what's happening in the anime market then this is the podcast for you!”
- User review on iTunes
Founded in 1987, The Right Stuf International was one of the first players in the U.S. Japanese Animation ("anime") industry, as both an anime producer/distributor and a retailer. Right Stuf works to promote knowledge of its own products, as well as the anime and manga industry, in general, through its online storefront at Right Stuf.com and a variety of media including podcasts and special publications.
Nozomi Entertainment, Right Stuf's production division, is dedicated to the highest quality releases. True to the Japanese word that inspired its name, Nozomi's focus is on “what fans want.” By focusing on a limited number of anime properties each year, the Nozomi production team ensures each release receives the care and attention to detail it deserves.
From anime classics like Astro Boy, Kimba and Gigantor to modern comedies, dramas and favorites such as The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, His and Her Circumstances, Gravitation, Comic Party, Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars, Ninja Nonsense, To Heart and The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye, Right Stuf and Nozomi Entertainment produce quality programming for fans of all ages and interests. For more information, visit www.Right Stuf.com and www.nozomient.com.