Otaku Express Anime Convention Tour Group
Bullet Bikes and Anime LLC Announces
OTAKU Express Anime Convention Tour Group
OTAKU Express Anime Convention Tour Group
Bullet Bikes and Anime, a premier anime and comic book dealer located in Nutley, New Jersey, announces its new OTAKU Express Anime Convention Tour Group, a luxury bus service that includes the following for up to 55 convention-bound anime fans: round trip, first-class deluxe bus ride, hotel accommodations for 3 days & 2 nights, including breakfast & dinner, pre-registration for 3 day Convention membership, group-designed activities in & out the convention, and a picture & video "Tour Memoirs" collection on DVD. Tours are reasonably priced. Special rates are available for those who already have a hotel reserved or have previously pre-registered for membership badges on their own. Otakon 2006 is scheduled for August 4th-6th—call now for reservations!
For more information, go to http://www.bullet-bikes.com/otakuexpress.html
e-mail [email protected]
or call (973) 667-1521 1pm - 9pm EST Mon. thru Sat.